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  • Fukuyama's Counter Argument In A Section
    1,009 words
    A penny for his thoughts Our Posthuman Future Francis Fukuyama Profile 17.99, pp 400 A little, for Francis Fukuyama, has gone a long way. In 1989 he made himself famous by opining that, with the breaching of the Berlin Wall, history had ended. His pronouncement hardly qualified as an idea; it was a slogan, crassly bolstering American triumphalism. At the time he was a middling policy wonk in the federal government, so he was merely doing his job by dressing up propaganda as philosophy. History s...
  • Key Issue
    862 words
    Abortion There are few more decisive issues in this country today than abortion. Combine a society that is partially governed by religion with a scientifically uneducated community and the fever of catchy slogans on both sides and this derisiveness is almost expec table. Given the current advances in science, this is only likely to get worse. All of the rhetoric around abortion has confused the real issue. In essence, abortion is a medical procedure with ethical implications. Any argument on the...
  • Similar Social Situations
    467 words
    To consider that we as humans are born with genetic directions determining who we become in my opinion are only part of the explanation. According to the article by Tom Wolf, Edward O Wilson believed that we as humans are born with genetic instruction that requires development in order to reach a predetermined mental destiny. If this were true, this would give, if anything, an excuse to those in society, who are thought to be inferior to other races as is. This idea would basically support the n...
  • Epic Of Gilgamesh
    1,120 words
    Some people strive to make a name in this world for themselves. Most, who actually succeed, are forgotten about in a matter of years. However, some are remembered for tens, hundreds, and even thousands of years, because of their great intellectual achievement to feats of outstanding skill. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh achieves many feats of skill, which makes him famous, but that is not the reason it is an epic. The Epic of Gilgamesh fulfills the requirements of an epic by being consisten...
  • T 800's And Replicants
    2,141 words
    Technology Spontaneously Approaching Humanity with the Passage of Time By Avner Erez Tel Aviv University, Department of Film & Television Tools once helped early man increase his survivability, and they became more and more useful as means to achieve our goals. Today, innovations in technology have allowed us to fabricate tools of increasing complexity. As we recognize that the most effective tools have human characteristics, such as a computer capable of learning, we will give our tools these c...
  • Human Potential And Nature To Marx
    1,366 words
    Karl Marx (1818-1883) 1. The bourgeoisie produces the proletariat, and in producing and expanding that class, the capitalists are producing their own grave diggers As capitalism expands, the number of workers exploited, and the degree of exploitation, increases. The tendency for the level of exploitation to escalate leads to more and more resistance on the part of the proletariat. There begins to be more and more exploitation and oppression, which then leads to a confrontation between the two cl...
  • Final Fight Scene Between Roy And Deckard
    1,241 words
    "Blade Runner: Director's Cut" is a science-fiction film set in the not too distant future, 2019. It portrays a bleak future - a large, dark, impersonal world. It is within this place that the film raises the central question - What is it that makes us human? What is it that distinguishes us from machines or objects that surround us? These questions are relevant to today's world - increasingly dominated by computers, machines, advertising and entertainment. More people seem to be finding themsel...
  • Only Person In The Movie
    1,784 words
    There are aspects of a story that a movie is better suited to convey than a book, and vice versa. In movies we are able to see lush images without having to construct them ourselves, the characters and setting are there for us to observe without having to imagine anything. Movies utilize quick cuts between scenes and segments, and camera angles and shots that further depict the emotion of a scene. A chase scene in a book will rarely match one in a movie because of the visual nature of a chase. W...

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