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  • Huck's Dilemma
    914 words
    complex meaning. The above quote was taken from Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in the thirty-first chapter. Huck's words in this quote illustrate and directly relate with how modern man copes with what Mark Twain termed the inescapable dilemma of Democracy. In the novel, Huck is faced with the dilemma of whether or not to return Jim, the runaway slave, back to Jims owner. He, at an early age, is faced with the decision that has plagued man for ages: choosing what is morally right...
  • Once Young And Innocent Jim Morrison
    1,834 words
    Jim Morrison " The Doors. There's the known, and there's the unknown. And what separates the two is the door, and that's what I want to be. Ahh I wanna be th " door... ". - Jim Morrison Jim Morrison is often thought of as a drunken musician and, an addict and, to many, another 'doped up' rock star. These negative opinions project a large shadow on the many positive aspects of this great poet. Jim's music was influenced heavily by many famous authors. One must cast aside their ignorance, look beh...
  • Of The Band Members
    318 words
    Ray Mansarek and Jim Morrison are responsible for putting the Doors together. After going through many changes, it was finalised that John Densmore would play drums and Robby Krieger would play guitar. Ray playing the keyboard gave the band a very original sound. Their first gigs were at the club Whiskey-a-Go-Go. Jim was shy for the first shows and would only face the band members while singing. Jim's father was a high-ranking officer in the army. He was in Vietnam in the very beginning of the w...
  • Sixties And Jim Morrison
    2,446 words
    Jim Morrison's life is full of twists and turns. Yet, despite this he still managed to keep control of himself to create well-organized works of music as well as his poems. His social life started out to be the safe variable and when he was on stage he let loose giving crazy shows for the audience. As his life went on his two lives began to blend into one big blunder where you could only see tiny specs of so-called order. As well as Jim's life, the time he lived in behaved the same way. Order in...
  • Jim Morrison Friends
    1,911 words
    Jim Morrison 'Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself- and especially to feel. Or not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to- letting a person be what he really is... Most people love you for who you pretend to be... To keep their love, you keep pretending- performing. You get to love your pretense... It's true, we " re locked in an image, an act- and the sad thing is, ...
  • Once Young And Innocent Jim Morrison
    1,545 words
    Jim Morrison; From Boy to Legend " hope is just a word when you think in Table Cloths Laughter will not end her funny feeling or assuage our strange desire Children will be born' Jim Morrison Jim Morrison is often thought of as a drunk musician. He is also portrayed to many as an addict and another 'doped up' rock star. These negative opinions project a large shadow on the many positive aspects of this great poet. Jim's music was influenced heavily by many famous authors. You must cast aside you...

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