Most Common Form essay topics

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  • Susceptible To Group B Strep Infection
    1,804 words
    Streptococci In a healthy human, the internal tissues such as blood, brain, and muscle are generally free of microorganisms. On the other hand, the surface tissues, such as skin, all of the mucous membrane in the mouth, nasal cavity and intestinal tract can easily and readily become available for microorganism to colonize and grow. Depending on the location in the human body, different bacteria choose to grow on a specific location that provides the nutrition it needs, with optimum condition suc...
  • Ritalin And The Other Drugs
    1,758 words
    'Why didn't the ADHD boy introduce his girlfriend to any of his friends? A) He can't remember her name; or better yet, How would they diagnose ADD in a chicken? A) It never gets all the way across the road because of all the distractions. You could say growing up was hard; everyday I had to endure cruel teeny bopping teenagers who didn't understand my condition. What really made it hard was that I didn't even understand my condition. Seven years ago I was diagnosed with ADHD or Attention Deficit...
  • Vhl In The Kidney And Pancreas
    874 words
    Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome is one of over 7000 known inherited diseases. It is an dominant disease that affects about 10% of the population. 1 The history of VHL reaches back to 1864 when scattered reports of knots of blood vessels known as on the retina surfaced and were written up by. Eugene Von Hippel, a German is credited with discovering the familial nature of the disease, however Swedish pathologist Arid Lindau was the one who suggested that these are part of a larger 'angiomatous [involvi...
  • Intra Cloud Lightning
    1,790 words
    WEATHER There are many different forms of weather on planet Earth. Some that ac cur day-to-day and others tax ac cur on a more rare basis. Weather is a very broad topic but can be broken down. In my composition, I will explain three types of weather: Lightning, Ice Storms, and Hurricanes. The res on I chose these three topics is to inform people about the different types of weather. Some of it we may already know. But there are others that we know nothing about. Lightning has been feared as an a...
  • Majority Of Reported Child Abuse Cases
    2,095 words
    Saving the Children Throughout history children have been deliberately killed, abused, and neglected by rulers, society or parents. Child abuse is an injury or pattern of injuries to a child that is not accidental. According to the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, in 1995 about 2.9 million children in the United States were reported as abused or neglected to government agencies that investigate child abuse. Child abuse can be hard to recognize sometimes because it is often under the n...
  • Spine With Scoliosis
    346 words
    Scoliosis Everyone's spine has curves. These curves produce the normal rounding of the shoulder and the sway of the lower back. A spine with scoliosis has abnormal curves with a rotational deformity. This means that the spine turns on its axis like a corkscrew. Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine which may have its onset in infancy but is most frequently discovered in adolescence. It is more common in females by a 2: 1 ratio. However, when curves in excess of 30 degrees a reevaluated, females ...
  • Ritalin And The Other Drugs
    1,466 words
    Ritalin is Good, Ritalin is Easy Seven years ago I was diagnosed with ADHD or Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder. In other words, I had a chronic problem paying attention. As a form of treatment for ADHD, I was put on a controversial drug called Ritalin. Now being at the age of sixteen, it was not really my choice whether I wanted to take a doctor's prescription or not. Now that I have grown up a bit and understand things better, I am questioning the benefits of prescribing Ritalin to tr...
  • Most Common Form Of Child Abuse
    1,555 words
    Any type of Child Abuse, carried out for a long period of time, may cause long-term mental damage. In this paper I intend to explain child abuse in intimate detail. I hope to inform you of the exact definition of abuse and its various types. I hope to enlighten you on pertinent facts and information on the causes and effects of this cruel act. I will also show you statistical information showing that continued abuse against a child may cause long-term mental damage. I will also show improvements...
  • Most Common Forms Of Metallic Corrosion
    568 words
    Corrosion and Rusting Corrosion and Rusting Introduction Some people may be annoyed by their car wearing out. Kids may have trouble with rust forming on their bicycles. One may think how to prevent rusting, but do one knows what is happening when a metal corrode Corrosion is defined as the involuntary destruction of substances such as metals and mineral building material by surrounding media, which are usually liquid (i.e. corrosive agents). Most metals corrode. During corrosion, they change int...
  • Physical And Sexual Abuse
    1,018 words
    Child Abuse Each day in the United States more than three children die as a result of child abuse. There are over five million cases of child abuse made to the child protection agencies each year, and it is estimates that there is three times this many incidents of abuse happening and not being reported. Child abuse doesn't nessarsarlly have to be physical. There are four main types of child abuse: neglect, physical, sexual and emotional. Neglect is defined as a type of abuse that refers to the ...
  • Most Common Form Of Treatment For Adhd
    1,646 words
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is "a condition that is usually found in children characterized by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness". Affecting about 35% of the children in the US, this disorder is most often found in adolescences showing signs of aggression, disruptive ness, and the inability to control themselves; symptoms like these can be shown as early as the age of five. Although several treatments are available for ADHD, the three main types people rely on are ...

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