Most Home essay topics

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  • Most Important Thing About Home
    416 words
    Home is more than just a word in the dictionary. First, and most basic, a house is a roof over people's heads. Second, a residence is a place to go and truly relax. Third, and most important, a household is a place to laugh and cry with loved ones. A home's most basic trait is its ability to provide shelter from weather. Rain or snow, a house will always be there. In the cold times of the year, the heater will be there to warm the house. The heat of the summer is no problem fora good home. The i...
  • Most Home
    456 words
    Your paycheck is buying less for several reasons. For starters, if you plan on going to the gas station these days you better bring along the checkbook. Gas prices have been on the rise since it bottomed out back in May of last year when we were only paying $0.64 a gallon compared to today's $1.54. 9 per gallon. So that raise you received, just throw it right out the window because it is not doing anything for you now. Not only can you not drive anywhere, but flying is more expensive these days ...
  • Athenian Lysistrata And The Women Of Athens
    1,274 words
    Aristophanes was a 'craft' comedy poet in the fourth century B.C. during the time of the Peloponnesian War. Aristophanes' usual style was to be too satirical, and suggesting the outlandish. He shows little mercy when mocking Socrates and his 'new-fangled ideas' which were most likely designed to destroy the cohesiveness of society and lead to anarchy, in his play The Clouds. The most absurd and humorous of Aristophanes' comedies are those in which the main characters, the heroes of the story, ar...
  • Home After Work In 25 Years
    1,325 words
    by: Woo Tai Kwan (First prize winner in the STAR 25th anniversary essay competition (Category C - adults) Should a fairy godmother suddenly appear before me with a crystal ball, a magic wand and a world atlas, and give me the liberty to select the country I'd like to live in 25 years from now, without a second's hesitation, I would point to that small nondescript, elongated peninsula straddling the equator called Malaysia. The reason is very simple. I firmly feel that 25 years hence, Malaysia wo...
  • Boarding School
    632 words
    A Reader's Guide to The Catcher in the Rye Though J.D. Salinger's book, The Catcher in the Rye, has served as a major controversial element of fiction within our reading society, it does, in fact, contain another side to the story. Holden Caulfield, who is sixteen, has just flunked out of another boarding school that his parents have sent him to. It seems that he has become very experienced in failing courses. The only classes that he manages to pass are the ones that repeat the same teaching ma...
  • Your Work At Home
    627 words
    A typical day for most people in today's world starts out with an early commute to work. People working in the city know what a hassle it is to deal with the many thousands of other trying to make their way to work. Dealing with long commutes and traffic congestion is a commonplace in today's fast-paced society. What if you had a chance to do most of your work at home? Would it be beneficial to you and your company? That is a common question one, which more and more companies are finding out is ...
  • Lou Barlow
    493 words
    Arguably the most productive songwriter of his generation, Lou Barlow is also the one of the most influential; thanks to his low-fidelity legacy, any geek with a guitar, a four-track machine and an unrequited crush on a girl could become an underground pop star. Although born in Dayton, Ohio on July 17, 1966, Barlow was raised primarily in Amherst, Massachusetts, where during high school he joined forces with fellow introverted outsider J Mascis in the hardcore band Deep Wound. After the group's...
  • Log Cabins
    898 words
    The colonists that came to America many years ago had to build their own homes. Some of the earliest settlers' had built several types of homes for survival. The most common home came to be the log cabin. Most Americans today live in houses or apartments with running water and indoor bathrooms. The pioneers in the 1700's certainly had a much harder life and lived differently from the way we live today in the Twentieth Century. However, they also had the need for shelter, transportation and commu...
  • Married Women With Jobs
    992 words
    Stay at Home Moms: Mothers were urged to stay at home. Married women with jobs were frowned upon because there husbands were not supporting them. Eight percent of men did not want their wives to work. Unless a woman was single or self-sufficient, she was supposed to be thrifty and resourceful homemaker. Most moms devoted on average more than 60 hours a week to make their homes as comfortable as possible. But still many wives got part-time jobs. One in ten mothers worked outside the household. Ma...

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