Most Species essay topics

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  • Middle Shore Several Species
    4,791 words
    The seashore is a habitat that contains a wide range of micro habitats and ecological niches for different creatures. This is mainly due to the effects of the tides, that rise and fall twice each day. Tides are the vertical movement of water in a periodical oscillation of the sea, due to the gravitational pull of the sun and moon. The tides are on a semi-diurnal cycle, so there are two high tides and two low tides each day. Due to the orbit of the moon, the tides also have a monthly cycle. This ...
  • Starfish Lives
    571 words
    The asteroid, more commonly known as the starfish, or sea star, is an invertebrate that lives mainly in an oceanic environment. These unique and unusual creatures have a number of arms that protrude away from their spiny skinned bodies. The exact number of arms depends on the species; some have only three, and the most is 42. Most people commonly associate the starfish with haveing five arms. However, there are many species of starfish that have 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 arms. Each arm that extends out ...
  • Available Habitats In Southern California Niche
    1,615 words
    BRITTLE STAR PHYLUM: Echinodermata SPECIES: Ophioderma panamense GEOGRAPHIC RANGE: From Peru and through Southern California HABITAT: They have been observed in the mid and low tide zones, abundant on the sea floor underneath rocks and in crevices and moving about tide pools and in available habitats in southern California NICHE: Omnivore and filter feeder ADDITIONAL NOTES: Sometimes often called serpent starts due to their snake like movements. The mouth is located on the underside of the centr...
  • Giant Clam
    472 words
    The giant clam is known as a reef dwelling mollusk. The domestication factor has become of large importance to the Indo-Pacific peoples. Mainly in the area of their diet. These huge clams are huge targets for fishermen and can be found easily. With the crystal water complection of the reef waters they live in makes them even easier to be spotted by the fishermen an by poachers. The people of this region eat every part of the flesh of the animal. They either dry, cook, or eat them raw. In Taiwan ...
  • Environments Rich In Biodiversity
    529 words
    'BIODIVERSITY' Biodiversity, as defined by E.O. Wilson, 'is meant to be all inclusive-it's the genetic based variation of living organisms at all levels, from the variety of genes in populations of single species, through species, on up to the array of natural ecosystems. ' This includes plants, animals, insects, fungi, bacteria, and all microorganisms. All of these things create what is known as a web. These things interact with each other in some way there for they depend on one another throug...
  • Male Fish
    1,016 words
    For some time she had watched his movements, appearing coyly in his haunts. And now, had it paid off? Doubtless, he was in love. His muscles were taut; he swooped through the air more like an eagle than a Greylag gander. The only problem was, it was not for her that he then landed in a flurry of quacks and wing beats, or for her that he dashed off surprise attacks on his fellows. It was, rather, for another - for her preening rival across the Bavarian lake. Poor goose. Will she mate with the gan...
  • Polyp And Medusa Forms
    1,040 words
    Cnidaria is a large phylum composed of some of the most beautiful of all the salt and freshwater organisms: the true jellyfish, box jellyfish, coral and sea anemones, and hydra. Although Cnidaria is an incredibly diverse group of animals, there are several traits that link them together. Most cnidarians are diploblastic, which means that they are composed of only two layers of cells. The outer layer is known as the ectoderm or epidermis, and the inner layer is known as the endoderm or gastro der...
  • Examples Of Species
    1,182 words
    Biodiversity is the measure of variety of the Earth's animal, plant and microbial species; of genetic differences within species and of the ecosystems that support those species. The term first came to public attention in 1992 at the Rio Earth Summit at which a convention for the preservation for the maintenance of biodiversity was signed by over 100 world leaders [excluding the USA as they feared it would undermine the patents and licences of US biotechnology companies] The maintenance of biodi...
  • Habits Of The Octopus Octopuses
    1,533 words
    Life of Octopus Dofleini Introduction This is a research report on octopuses in general, however will focus in on a particular species of octopus, the North Pacific Giant or octopus, which is a bottom dwelling octopus that lives on coasts of the pacific ocean, from California to north Japan. This report will cover the habitat, and lifestyle of this amazing mollusk, that is so often misunderstood. The octopus is a very intelligent, and resourceful invertebrate whose natural abilities should make ...
  • Mullet Hair Style
    1,429 words
    The Mullet Species The mullet is no longer just a hair-cut, it has spawned into a species that fits in the lower hierarchy of society. A mullet, by definition, is actually Any of various stout-bodied, edible fishes of the family Mugilidae, found worldwide in tropical and temperate coastal waters and some freshwater streams. What kind of lifestyles do the mullets live and what kind of stereotype do they develop from it? There's more to a mullet than just a definition. The traditional hair style o...
  • Initial Asian Longhorn Beetle Infestations
    1,403 words
    If you spot a glossy black beetle with long black-and-white antennae, catch it. It just might be an Asian Longhorn Beetle. A major hardwood pest, this beetle was first discovered in the United State in 1996, in Brooklyn, New York. Chicago suffered a serious infestation in the summer of 1998, and scientists are worried that we may be on the brink of a potential ecological disaster. After all the beetle has seemed to spread over the entire nation quite rapidly, now present here in Ontario. While t...

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