Mother And Daughter essay topics

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  • Mother Believes
    1,252 words
    Scott Berman 9/12/99 Advanced Writing Ms. Adams Children and Families A mother's love for her children is supposed to be something that never dies. The problem is, this "love" can be expressed in many ways. Sometimes, the love is shown in such a way that there is no doubt that this woman would do anything for her offspring. Sometime, this love can be viewed, as a way that that the mother is trying to mold her daughter into what she believes is the "right" way to behave. Other times, the mother i...
  • Mother Daughter Relationships
    1,764 words
    A Motherly Role A reoccurring theme in Amy Tan's novels is mother-daughter relationships. In each of her three novels she represents different roles of the mother and the effects of each; The Joy Luck Club depicts mothers living through daughters, The Kitchen God's Wife portrays mother teaching daughter through past experience, and finally The Hundred Secret Senses displays non-existence of the mother in the relationship. This excerpt from The Joy Luck Club shows what kinds of things, from real ...
  • Available On Mother Daughter Relationships
    1,534 words
    Mothers and daughters have been written about, criticized, publicized, condemned, and praised for a long time. As more and more material becomes available on mother-daughter relationships, it becomes apparent that being a mother and being a daughter means different things to different people depending on race, economics, social status and blood type. This paper will explore the meaning of being a mother and being a daughter by combining all of these independent variables. A definition of motherh...
  • Daughters Admiration For Her Mother
    545 words
    How is your relationship with you mother A mother to daughter relationship is very important. In both passages the daughter admires their mother, but they don't want to become them. In passage A prose-poem by June Jordan and passage B an essay by Carol Saline, both daughter discuss their admiration for their mother, but do not want to becomes their mothers. In a prose-poem by June Jordan, a daughter tells how her mother's dream is to be an artist, but she becomes a nurse. The daughter is then af...
  • Mother Daughter Tradition
    444 words
    The joy luck club... Mother daughter relationship in The Joy Luck Club is a representation of the persistent tensions and powerful bonds between mother and daughter in a Chinese- American society. The book illustrates the hardships both the mother and daughters go through in order to please the other. Also, it shows the troubles the daughters face when growing up in two cultures. This book reveals that most of the time mothers really do know best. In "Rules of the Game" we see a mother daughter ...
  • Ideal Mother Daughter Relationship
    699 words
    "I Stand Here Ironing", by Tillie Olsen is a short story portraying the life and regret of a young mother struggling to raise her oldest daughter. The mother- daughter relationship is the major part of the story and the attitude of the mother toward her daughter, Emily, and the actual character of the mother are two very important elements. The character of the mother can be said to be strong and persevering, and along with her age and experience came her wisdom. At first her attitude toward her...
  • Jing Mei And Her Mother
    1,391 words
    "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan In the short story "Two Kinds", Amy Tan explores the clash of cultures between a first-generation Chinese-American daughter, Jing-mei, and her mother, Suyan, a Chinese immigrant. Suyan is certain that Jing-mei can become a prodigy if she only tries hard enough. At first Jing-mei is eager to try, but she always falls short of her mother's expectations. She decides that the prodigy in her is the girl who would steadfastly refuse to be what she is not. While the mother and da...
  • Mothers And The Daughters Jing
    391 words
    The Joy Luck Club The Joy luck club was a book written by Amy Tan. The story is set here in America and in China and is set in the 1940's and also takes place now. The book is about four Asian women who fled china and their Americanized daughters. There are eight main characters four of which were mothers and four of which were daughters. They were Su yuan Woo, Ying-yang St. Clair, An-me Hsu, and Lindo Jong, who were the mothers, and the daughters Jing-me Woo, Rose Hsu Jordan, Waverly Jong, Lena...
  • End The Life Of The Daughter
    610 words
    The poem "The Ballad of Birmingham, by Dudley Randall, is based on the historical event of the bombing in 1963 of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s church by white terrorists. It is a poem in which a daughter expresses her interest in attending a civil rights rally and the mother fearful for her daughter's safety refuses to let her go. In the poem the daughter in fighting for the course of th people of her time / generation instead of going out to play. She is concerned with securing the freedom of her ...
  • Mother Daughter Relationship
    2,334 words
    The relationship between parents and their children is one of the most basic human interactions. Mothers and daughters provide both physical and emotional care for their young sons and daughters. In the process, parents will instill children with family values and goals, while teaching them the accepted norms and values of society. This is done in hope that parents will one day see their own children become mature adults, with their own goals and purposes in life. Mother-daughter relationships c...
  • Central Conflict Between The Mother And Daughter
    606 words
    Erica Tam November 5, 2000 Final Draft In Amy Tans Two Kinds, Tan uses the central conflict and symbolism to emphasize the idea that achieving the American Dream is a struggle and can lead to disappointment. The central conflict of the story is about the mother wanting her daughter to become a child prodigy, but her daughter cannot fulfill her mothers dream. And, Tan uses the piano symbolizes hope, but also failure for the daughter and mother to accentuate the idea of dreams can be defeated. Tan...
  • Jing Mei And Her Mother Character Analysis
    597 words
    "Two Kinds", by Amy Tan is a story in which a Chinese mother believes that her daughter can do anything in the United States as long as she puts her mind to it and decides to push her daughter, Jing-Mei, into being a prodigy. Unfortuantely, Jing-Mei and her mother do not share the same views on things. Jing-Mei wants to establish her own identity apart from her mother and feels that she can be successful through her own efforts and determination. Jing-Mei's desire to be an independent person lea...
  • Mother In The Joy Luck Club
    1,017 words
    Tradition Lives On The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan, is a book that compiles stories of the lives of Chinese women that were raised in China and became American citizens. These women formed the "Joy Luck Club", which was a small group that discussed their homeland and troubles, but still enjoying the treasures of food and each other's company. Each section of the book is written from the point of view of the character. The book continues on with the stories of these women's daughters, telling stori...
  • Their Dead Mother
    480 words
    A Woman Mourned By Daughters: An Analysis "A Woman Mourned by Daughters", by Adrienne Rich, is a very descriptive poem in which two women are speaking to their dead mother. There are several parts to this poem starting from the when the mother dies, and moving gradually backward to when the daughters were young girls. It begins with the daughters sitting in their mothers kitchen, "mourning " over their mothers death, only they aren't upset or crying (Lines 1-3). They are " spent" (drained and ti...
  • Lena's Life Her Mother
    365 words
    The Joy Luck Club successfully intertwines culture and mends generation gaps. By using different methods of uniting the characters in the book, Amy Tan shows the characteristics of relationships between mothers and daughters. Through life and death, Suyuan Woo and Jing-mei Woo learn to understand each other. In life they learn the differences about each other. When Suyuan dies, Jing-mei is forced to finally understand where her mother came from and why she saw things differently. Jing-mei finall...
  • Cooperative Mother Daughter Relationship
    2,172 words
    Catherine Ward-Griffin, RN, PhD, Abram Oudtshoorn, RN, BScN, Kristie Clark, RN, MScN, Nancy Bol, RN, MScN, University of Western Ontario Back to Main Page This article is a shortened version of a paper published in the Journal of Family Nursing (2007), 13, 13-32. The authors gratefully acknowledge support from the Marian and Chester Fish Research Grant from the Alzheimer's Society of London and Middlesex, Ontario, Canada. Background and Significance Caregiving is relational, and cannot be separa...
  • Relationships Between Mother And Daughter
    587 words
    The relationships between mother and daughter brought up in the film, "The Joy Luck Club" are very conflictive. They reflect a great deal of the way in which mothers act towards their daughters and vice versa. The film shows a very realistic view of the mother and daughter relationships in our modern world; which are very traditional in many ways. All mothers would like their daughters to get the best out of life. Su yuan, Lindo, Ying Ying and An Mei wanted the best for their daughters. They tri...
  • Mothers Spirit
    978 words
    In the novel The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, four of the main characters have a secret in their past that haunt them constantly. Suyuan Woo, An-mei Hsu, Lindo Jong, and Ying-ying St. Clair all have terribly bad experiences in China. These women try to escape their past by moving to America, but their memories still disturb them. Not only does it plague their own minds, but it also affected their daughters lives and the way they were raised. Each of these women experienced terrible events in their ...
  • Relationship Between Mother And Daughter
    510 words
    "I hate you! I hope you die!" were the words that escaped my mouth at the age of sixteen; words which concluded the argument I was having with my mother for the previous 2 hours about why I wasn't allowed to go out like other "normal" teenagers. The relationship between a mother (especially a traditional mother) and a daughter (especially an American-born, teenage daughter) can be at times complex, volatile and unconditional. Amy Tan's "Two Kinds" [Interactions] and Joyce Maynard's "Generations"...
  • Association Of Mothers With Their Daughters
    386 words
    The Joy Luck Club is a novel written by Amy Tan, follows four women from different regions in China, and the differences with their "Americanized" daughters. At a time when children believe that they have many differences from their parents, this story shows how the situations that occur are closely related to each other. Each of the different families is related in a way. The Joy Luck Club relates to the Chinese game, Mahjong. This game was begun by one mother who with neighbors play together w...

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