Movie Audience essay topics

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  • Dramatic Performances
    556 words
    Here is the essay I think the uploader strung the sentences together so the paragraphs are in one long line: As the world's technological capabilities reach increasingly impressive new heights, we are faced with new problems caused by these new technological capabilities. Along with these newfound problems, such as the now infamous Y 2 K, come the latest futuristic prophecies about the world's damnation due to the new technologies. Thus is the need for, and theory behind the movie Matrix. The Ma...
  • Movie Al And Imogen
    786 words
    Down To Who? Does the magic of young love ever stand a chance? Down to You tells the story of two college students who fall madly in love with one another after meeting in a crowded, college bar. Throughout their relationship, there are the usual ups and downs of first love. Trust, loyalty, and friendship are all big factors between Al (Freddie Prinze, Jr.) and Imogen (Julia Stiles). Their relationship matures over the years and their love is tested by time and temptation. Al plays an unbelievab...
  • Various Lines From The Movie
    939 words
    It was a cool, crisp November evening, while five teenagers were hustling and bustling around my house excitedly getting ready for their very first showing of the live version of their all time favorite movie. They knew it would be the best night of their lives. The night of my 15th birthday party, my friends and I all piled into my parents car around 11: 00 PM and headed off down the road to the Heights Theater. The movie we are about to see is an all time classic. The Rocky Horror Picture Show...
  • Battle Themes In The Phantom Menace
    955 words
    People saw the news on the TV, hundreds of Star Wars fans lined up out side of movie ticket box office when Star Wars: Episode I- the Phantom Menace just starts showing in theaters. Star War fans waited hours in the line, just to get the movie tickets so they can watch this latest Sci-fi movie. The sneak previews of the Phantom Menace showed many spectacular computer generated scenes, graphics, and characters that gave me an impression that the movie was going to be a very good. Sadly, I was qui...
  • Great Movie Sleepless In Seattle
    320 words
    Sleepless in Seattle It is difficult to say at times, what exactly makes a movie great. I have found that the good movies are felt as you are leaving the theater. The audience should be able to feel and be live, to some degree. When exiting a movie, I hope that I feel this way. Today, paying large sums of money for each visit to the theater is tough to keep up. The audience expects an extra special performance each and every visit. I want to feel good as I leave. This satisfies my willingness to...
  • Mr Leo
    771 words
    Misconceive'o by John Leo John Leo is a columnist and contributing editor that has been writing for U.S. News & World Report since 1988. Prior to that he worked for Time magazine and The New York Times covering topics such as social sciences and popular culture. The thesis of John Leo's latest U.S. News & World Report article, "Fu Manchu on Naboo", does not leave the reader any room to guess what his discussion is going to be about. He drives the point home from the beginning of the article. The...
  • Screen For Contemporary Movie
    776 words
    Romeo + Juliet: An E Ticket Ride 11/21/96 The new release of Romeo and Juliet is fun, fast and exciting to watch. It is a slick cinematic rendition of Shakespeare's work brought to the screen for contemporary movie-goers. There is something for everyone in this movie. A timeless story, a dynamic cast, a hip soundtrack, great sets and costumes and plenty of action. From the beginning the audience is told,' buckle up, this Romeo and Juliet ride is going to be like no other Shakespeare you " ve eve...
  • Great Movies
    383 words
    Great movies do not always have to be something that immediately strikes a viewer's interest. They can be based on a subject you have always disliked, or have not previously watched because the sheer filming and cinematography could become of great intrigue. Special effects, which play on people's imagination, a noteworthy soundtrack, scenery, and camera angles, can make a movie spectacular. Movies that relate to real life events and touch the audience's hearts through strong emotional appeal al...
  • Job Of A Movie Director
    917 words
    Reliability of the Media Growing up in America today means being exposed to numerous half truths. These are readily found on the television, newspapers, radio, and movies. The truth is hardly ever told in its complete form. Take for instance the local news broadcast, we watch it and take it for truth. We tend to give credibility to these newscasters based on the fact that they are representing major broadcast stations. These stations are supposed to be reliable and credible sources of informatio...
  • Great Movie About The Alamo
    617 words
    A well made movie about the Alamo is well overdue. In the past there have been many movies that have tried to recreate the events of those unforgettable thirteen days. However, they have all ceased to hit the nail on the head. I have lived in San Antonio my whole life and it wasn't until recently that Have come to a better understanding of the story that is the Alamo. There are many things to consider when making a movie about the Alamo. Issues concerning racism, authenticity, and historical fac...
  • Movie Producers
    539 words
    Even though a vast majority of us wish that it was possible to turn back the hands of time and change or rewrite history. However, the truth of the matter is that we simply cannot. Everything happens for a reason, and we should learn to accept it. Accept it for what it is, rather than what we would like it to be. However, to often in Hollywood the city of glamour and glitz, fortune and fame, movie producers have a tendency and even feel at liberty to rewrite American history. In my opinion this ...
  • Last Minutes Of The Movie
    800 words
    1942, the year of the creation of one of the most historical movies known to date. That movie, Casablanca, based on the play "Everybody Wants to go to Rick's", still captivates audiences around the world. The setting of the movie is Casablanca, Morocco during the second world war. Casablanca is the jump off point to get to Spain and then to America, but refugees must obtain a fairly costly exit Visa to get onto the plane. In the middle of all this is Rick's cafe. Rick's former love Ilsa comes to...
  • Memento A Unique Movie
    913 words
    Memento Memento is a movie directed by Chris Nolan. It was released in 2000. The leading actor is Guy Pearce. Carrie Anne Moss and Joe Pantoliano are also in this movie. Memento is a perplexed thriller. Leonard, the main character, is excellently played by Guy Pierce. He is constantly confused, yet still acts in a nonchalant way. Teddy (Pantoliano) and Natalie (Carrie Anne Moss) play puzzling characters, throughout the whole movie the viewer questions, whether they may or may not be Leonard's fr...
  • Jackie Chan Movie
    1,232 words
    The City Hunter is an action comedy movie starring international superstar Jackie Chan. This movie was made in Hong Kong in the early 90's. In this movie Jackie Chan played Hunter, a private detective with a good sense of humor and deadly kung fu skills. The story started out with a badly acted sketch of Hunter's partner being gunned down by four men with automatic weapons. With his last moment on earth, Hunter's partner made Hunter promise to take care of his little sister Carrie, and also not ...
  • Mentally Stimulating Movie
    889 words
    Following the norm is just too hard. Movies do not allow audiences to create their own imaginary island with their own group of boys. In the novel Lord of the Flies, there are many things that lead to the obvious time developing characters, mentally stimulating and systematic dialogue that allow the reader to interpret the book to their liking. This puts Lord of the Flies book superior to its 1990 motion picture. Noticing that a movie is subject to a very small bracket of time, it unfortunately ...
  • Movie The Lion King
    1,257 words
    Dana Forsythe Studies in Popular Culture Paul Morrison Willful Ignorance and The Lion King The subject of willful ignorance in the movie Philadelphia is obvious as the partners in Andys law firm pretend to not notice that he is sick with the deadly syndrome AIDS. This is a form of power on their point because they use it to justify firing Andy for fear of contamination. Willful ignorance is also a major part of The Lion King. The main difference in the two movies though is that in Philadelphia, ...
  • Most Intriguing Science Fiction Film
    5,530 words
    It seems strange to realize that in the 1990's - with Jurassic Park, the Star Wars trilogy, Terminator 2, and E.T. : The Extra-Terrestrial topping any list of the most popular and successful movies ever made, and a hit like Independence Day in 1996 - that science fiction was the bastard stepchild of the movie business for most of the twentieth century. Westerns might not have interested all viewers, but they usually stood up for traditional moral ideals on some level, and gangster movies normall...
  • Brick Top And The Manner
    2,075 words
    Theme: is that of rivalry and revenge. Rivalry between perpetrators seeking the same goals / motives. Revenge of evil against evil and good against evil. Key characters Turkish - the most important character of all, he is the narrator of the story. He is essentially a boxing promoter but also owns a gaming parlour to keep him occupied when there's no "action" in the ring. His absolute informal style of delivering the story helps the movie to connect to the audience to a great extent. One of the ...
  • Certain Kinds Of Genres
    286 words
    Media Studies Media genres are highly standardised and repetitive in form discuss this statement using examples of at least one genre of your choice Genres to a certain extent are vastly standardized and repetitive this is clearly because audiences can recognise a particular kind of movie. There are four main categories of genres, Science Fiction, Romance, Horror and Thriller. The use of repetitive images in the form of motifs helps audiences distinguish a particular type of movie, for example i...
  • Cronenberg's Movie Version
    652 words
    In class discussions much has been revealed about M. Butterfly: how it criticizes Western concept of the East, how Western women emasculated the men with their confidence et cetera. These issues are openly stated in the play instead of being implied which has been rather disturbing as it seems to underestimate the reader (and the audience) as being incapable of coming up with their own ideas about the play. Hwang leaves nothing to chance. He wants his message to be well understood. Unfortunately...

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