Mr Birling essay topics

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  • Play My Feelings For Eva
    1,290 words
    An Inspector Calls Although the play an "Inspector Calls" by J.B. Priestley, takes the form of a "Whodunit", it gradually becomes clear that there is an underlying serious issue. The play examines social responsibility, with the Birling family and Gerald Croft being questioned about the suicide of Eva Smith. When the inspector arrives at the Birling estate uninvited he suspects the family of being some way involved in the events leading up to the death of Eva Smith. The Inspector describes Eva S...
  • Wrong Mr Birling
    1,113 words
    "An Inspector calls" takes place in 1912, where there are great social divisions and distinctions. Written by JB Priestley in 1945 this allows for hindsight which eventually leads to dramatic irony. There are many examples of this, all of which are said by Mr Birling", Just because the Kaiser makes a speech or two, you " ll hear some people saying that war is inevitable. Well I say to that - fiddlesticks" This play was first published after the second world war and so the audience will know just...
  • Sheila And Mrs Birling
    1,612 words
    AT THE END OF MOST PLAY, SOME CHARACTERS HAVE CHANGED AND SOME HAVE NOT. DISCUSS TWO CHARACTERS: ONE WHO CHANGES, AND ONE WHO DOESN'T IN THE PLAY CALLED "AN INSPECTOR CALLS" - BY J.B. PRIESTLY The play 'An Inspector Calls" by J. B Priestly, is set on an April evening in 1912. The play concerns the Birling family and Gerald Croft quietly celebrating over Gerald and (Mr. Birling's daughter) Sheila Birling's engagement, when an Inspector arrives unexpectedly amidst their family celebration to enqui...
  • Inspector's Last Speech In Act 3
    2,602 words
    Can a simple inspection turn people's minds around? Well, Inspector Goole certainly turned the Birling's mind around, by inspecting them one by one. During his inspection we see the effect he has on the play. He represents Priestley's central themes, and sends a message to the audience, stating that everything we do or say can affect other people's lives. And by his mysterious appearance we are able to see that he plays an important role in the play. The Inspector helps moves the story forward. ...
  • Class People Like Eva Smith
    1,168 words
    'An Inspector Calls': Issues and Priestly's Viewpoint 22nd March 1997 Martin Howitt 11 W Discuss some of the issues raised in 'An Inspector Calls' and show how Priestly expresses his own viewpoint in the play. The play is set in the 1912 on an English street scene in the evening. The plot of 'An Inspector Calls' is about a police inspector who interrupts an elegant engagement dinner party to question the family and their guests about an unsuspected suicide of a young working-class girl called Ev...
  • Play The Inspector And Mr Birling
    2,741 words
    Introduction In this essay I will be talking about an Inspector calls. A well-written play by J. B priestly in 1945. I will compare and contrast Inspector Goole and Authur Birling, to do this I will talk about the characters in the play, the use of dramatic irony which priestly uses within the play to maintain the audiences interests, how priestly builds up suspense where the play is set, and how the play effects the audience. I will also be talking about the historical context. John Boyton Prie...
  • Mr Birling And The Inspector
    1,339 words
    I am going to be analyzing what Priestleys main aim is and has he achieved it. I will be looking at the characters and how they link up with Priestleys aim and why. The main themes of the play and the Inspectors last speech and exit will also be discussed. I will also be looking at the contrast between Mr. Birling and the Inspector. At the beginning of the play the family are sitting around a table all happy and gay celebrating Shelia and Gerald's engagement. The atmosphere was carefree and joyf...
  • Mr Birling And Sheila
    2,323 words
    Compare And Contrast Two Characters From The Play eAn Inspector Calls By JB Priestley Rina Bab la Sheila and Mr. Birling have very different characteristics. Sheila, being a much younger character, is quite impressionable, whereas Mr. Birling is not. Sheilafs attitude and views change as the story goes on, whereas Mr Birling refuses to change altogether. Their characteristics are shown in their reactions to Evafs death, and to each other. Mr. Birling is the father of Sheila Birling and considers...
  • Mr Birling And Sheila
    1,543 words
    'Show how J. B Priestly creates dramatic tension in 'An Inspector Calls'? 'An Inspector Calls' written and created by J. B Priestly, the play is based on trust and responsibility, taking responsibility for your own actions. That actions people take can be wrong and lead to bad things happening. The play is written and set just before World War 1 in an upper class family. At the beginning of the play Mr Birling is having a celebration engagement party for his daughter Sheila who is to be married ...
  • Birling And Inspector Goole
    2,371 words
    ohn Boynton Priestley was a socialist. He believed that whether we acknowledged it or not, we are in a community and have a responsibility to look after others. He wrote "An Inspector Calls" to highlight these beliefs and share them. In writing this essay, I intend to show Priestley's aims in writing the play, how he showed these aims and how successful he was in conveying his ideas. You can only speculate on the aims of a playwright in writing a play. In the case of "An Inspector Calls", a vali...
  • Name Mrs Birling
    306 words
    am and Eve, representing the first and only woman, so she represents the entire female sex. Smith is a common name; therefore she belongs to the lower classes. Eva is the key of the play, the topic of conversation and the reason for the investigation. Most importantly, she is used to evoke emotion from the audience and characters. She binds everything and everyone together. Be than Hull 10.8 Sheila, for very little reason gets Eva sacked from the job she loved. Eva could spend her days, surround...
  • Mrs Birling Looks At The Young Woman
    1,526 words
    A young woman in her late 20's is seen walking towards a grey stoned building. The building has large two brown doors and eight small windows. The building is called the Brumley women's charity origination that helps women in need of help. The young woman walks up the steps to the building. She can hear her heart beating as she takes the last step she holds her breath and enters the building she says to her self Eva: (to her self) Please god let this work for me please. She takes a few steps for...
  • Purpose Of The Inspector In The Play
    1,630 words
    An inspector calls was first performed in 1945. Priestley wrote the play to express his views through the characters, this makes the play educational. Because the play is set in 1912 the play is filled with dramatic irony, because the Birlings express their views on the future but the audience already know how stupid they are being, this and the drama of the inspector help to keep the audience entertained. The play was set in 1912, life in 1912 was very different from life today. In 1912 the cla...
  • Mr Birling
    557 words
    Priestley wrote an Inspector Calls in 1945 - just before the end of WWII. However, The play itself is set in 1912 - just before the start of WWI, and in Edwardian England. Priestley was a socialist writer who had left wing political views with very strong beliefs; he enjoyed using types of theatre to get his messages across. When the platy was set, there was a lot of historical events going on at the time; Titanic, Captain Scott falling to reach S Pole, Suffragette movement campaigning for women...
  • Birlings Disrespect For The Lower Class
    1,630 words
    Assignment 2 How a key scene (Act 1) from the play might be staged and explaining the role of a chosen character (Birling) in the part of the play. As the curtains are drawn, the audience should immediately be able to see that the house belongs to a prosperous family. The furniture in the room would show this. It should be large, solid furniture of the time, as Priestley described it, substantial and comfortable looking however not welcoming and homelike. It should be more like a show room, a ch...
  • Inspector As A Metaphor
    1,407 words
    The play 'An Inspector Calls', was written in 1945 just after the Second World War but is set before World War One (in 1912). The time span between the dates used (1912-1945) is intentional and encourages the reader to reflect on the mistakes of this era. The choice of this date is significant because it was a time of complacency prior to one of great turmoil. Priestley skilfully produces a play that may be viewed at a number of different levels. The story may be just an inspector investigating ...
  • First Five Pages Arthur Birling
    922 words
    In the first five pages Arthur Birling comes across as a modest, only thinks about himself and money type of man. Mr Birling is the working type, who isn't rich through ancestors but by earning it. Priestly describes Arthur in the prologue for Act one (the first page) as a rather portentous man, in his middle-fifties, with easy manners but has a rather narrow mind. Arthur Birling's role in the play is that of a family man, who takes up the dominant male position throughout. Later on we hear that...
  • Ring For Sheila
    604 words
    An Inspector Calls A play I have read, where there is a character I disliked, us J.B. Priestley's ' An Inspector Calls. ' The character I disliked was Gerald Croft, the son of a wealthy manufacturer, as he lied, didn't take responsibility and mistreated women. The story concerns a prosperous family, the Birling, who are celebrating the engagement of their only daughter, Sheila, to the son of another affluent manufacturer, Gerald Croft. An inspector named Goole calls, much to the surprise of the ...
  • Arthur Birling And Eva Smith
    1,741 words
    Eva Smith lead a very traumatic adulthood because of the constant catastrophes she has encountered. There have been a number of people who have contributed to Eva Smiths emotionally affected life up to the point where she committed suicide. Arthur Birling was a rich man and only seemed to care about his family and how well his business was progressing, in other words how much money he was earning. He didn't care about any of his workers, and didn't know them at all, as it quotes in the book, ' I...
  • Mr Birling And Sheila Birling
    1,429 words
    TO answer this question accurately I have decided to split the answer into two halves. The Inspector tries to promote a socialist idea and to make the Birling family see things from a different view or see things in perspective I have decided to take two characters from the play describing them all the way through, showing any differences, influences and how successful the inspector is. Also, showing any change in the way they act and what they say to others around them. The two people I have ch...

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