Mr Know All essay topics

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  • Henry James Piece
    1,267 words
    Henry James writings, particularly 'The Portrait of a Lady' I read this book out of interest for another Henry James piece, liking Daisy Miller so much. I found that this book, as in Daisy Miller, has a female point of interest throughout. Isabel Archer is a young American girl brought to Europe after her father has died in America. Isabel is an independent girl, easily noticed by many others in her circle. I felt that Isabel was a woman in her time, in that she took notice of things that she wo...
  • Respectable Girl And Mrs Warren
    2,844 words
    MRS. WARREN'S PROFESSION MRS. WARREN is engaged in a profession which has existed through all the ages. It was at home in Egypt, played an important role in Greece and Rome, formed one of the influential guilds in the Middle Ages, and has been one of the main sources of income for the Christian Church. But it was left to modern times to make of Mrs. Warren's profession a tremendous social factor, ministering to the needs of man in every station of life, from the brownstone mansion to the hovel, ...
  • Mr Ravelli Look Joel
    1,602 words
    Creative Story: Joel's Dream Joel was sitting in the airport lounge, sipping his mineral water, when theta noy came on,' BA flight two-six-one to Milan is now boarding. Please make your way to departure gate three, Thank you. ' ' That's me! See you later S haz, I'll phone you when I get there!' 's ee you Joel, hope everything goes okay!' After exchanging kisses, Joel picked up his bags and heads off through the Departures corridor and to the plane. Joel was possibly the best talent to come out o...
  • Gina And Mrs Etterick
    585 words
    Meaning of the title: A junction is a place where roads come together or such as in this story break up in different directions. This re gers to the end, where Mrs. Etterick asks for 'one single and one return to Sunbury, please'. Mrs. Etterick is going to drop her retarded daughter, Gina, at a special institution in Sunbury for Christmas. She doesn't want her daughter around: their ways are separated in the station (although Mrs. Etterick travels with Gina to Sunbury). ' Clapham' is a word that...
  • Chandler's Eyes
    1,520 words
    A Taste for Murder " It's my belief that the sausage is one of the noblest inventions of mankind", Henry Chandler said. "And presented in the form of a sandwich, it is not only nourishing, but also so practical. One can conduct the process of eating without undue preoccupation. One may read, watch, or hold a gun". On the wall, the electric clock read fifteen minutes after twelve noon, and except for Chandler and me the offices were empty. He bit into the sandwich, he chewed, and he swallowed. Th...
  • Mr Tomlinson
    1,055 words
    Stephen Leasock's 'Arcadian Adventures With the Idle Rich': Satire Jonathan Swift has suggested that 'Satire is a sort of Glass, wherein Beholders do generally discover every body's Face their own; which is the chief reason... that so few are offended with it. ' Richard Garnett suggests that,' Without humour, satire is invective; without literary form, [and] it is mere clownish jeering. ' (Encyclopaedia Britannica 14th ed. vol. 20 p. 5). Whereas Swift's statement suggests that people are not off...
  • Same As God's Vision And Mr Brocklehurst
    830 words
    In the story of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, Mr. Broklehurst becomes a very controversial character that Jane encounters early in the story. Mr. Broklehurst, a rather annoying clergyman, feels that he has a specific goal. His goal, at least in his eyes, is to save the otherwise lost souls of his girls in the institution, but in reality he is trying to mold the girls to his own vision rather than God's. For starters, he thinks that his depiction of what is good and evil is the same as God's. He...
  • Remark From The County Attorney About Minnie
    879 words
    The Treatment of Women in Trifles 'Trifles,' a one-act play written by Susan Glaspell, is a cleverly written story about a murder and more importantly, it effectively describes the treatment of women during the early 1900's. In the opening scene, we learn a great deal of information about the people of the play and of their opinions. We know that there are five main characters, three men and two women. The weather outside is frighteningly cold, and yet the men enter the warm farmhouse first. The...
  • Chapter Conroy
    322 words
    Pat Conroy and the children are all learning. In this chapter we see a more thoughtful and compassionate Conroy. We see more intelligent and well rounded student. The children are more knowledgeable of the world around them. They once didn't know the name of the country in which they lived but know they even know the name of the president the leads their country. They enjoy listening to the news being broadcasted on the radio. They are gradually becoming more inquisitive also. In this chapter we...
  • Old Mr Shimerda
    891 words
    People migrate from different parts of the world to America to start a better life. But they do not estimate the hardships that they will go through to get settled in a foreign land. In the novel My Antonia, Willa Cather portrays all the hardships the immigrant's have to go through. One of the known difficulties is the communication barrier. Willa Cather shows this particular barrier in the Shimerdas family, they do not know English very well or at all, so they have many problems communicating. ...
  • Mr Kelada With A Reputation
    354 words
    An important scene in 'Mr. Know-It-All' by Somerset Maugham is the returning of the hundred dollar bill. Mr. Kelada with a reputation of being a 'know all' gets not a heated argument on whether the pearl necklace worn by Mrs. Ramsay, another passenger on the ship, is real of fake. Being an expert in the field, he bets a hundred dollars that the necklace is infact genuine and very expensive. With the words "they " ll never be able to get a culture pearl that an expert like me can't tell with half...

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