Mr Shimerda essay topics

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  • New Country Mr Shimerda
    1,287 words
    The Inability to Provide for His Family, and Why it Drove Mr. Shimerda to Suicide My Antonia, by Willa Cather, is a novel about Jim Burden and his relationship and experiences growing up with Antonia Shimerda in Nebraska. Throughout the book Jim reflects on his memories of Nebraska and the Shimerda family, often times in a sad and depressing tone. One of the main ways Cather is able to provoke these sad emotions within the reader is through the suicide of Antonia's father, Mr. Shimerda. His deat...
  • Burden Household And The Shimerda Household
    677 words
    The Households in My Antonia Cather paints two opposite pictures when describing the Burden household and the Shimerda household. The two households reflect the two central women figures in each setting. The households show the values of the two women by the way the women keep and run the houses. Jim initially describes the Burden house as pleasant, warm and comforting. While Jim first takes a bath he comments, I sniffed a pleasant smell of gingerbread baking. (954) The comforting smell of food ...
  • Mr Shimerda
    551 words
    Why Did He Kill Himself Most people find it very hard to pull up roots in their native land and move to a strange country. Throughout history, countless millions of people have done so. People forsake their homeland and move to another country for various reasons. Some people emigrate to avoid starvation. Some seek adventure. Others wish to escape unbearable family situations. Still others desire to be reunited with loved ones. However, the main reason for immigration has long been economic oppo...
  • Events Mr Shimerda
    476 words
    One of the most interesting characters in the book My Antonia by Willa Cather is Mr. Shimerda. Although he may not have as significant a role in the story as Jim Burden or the story's namesake Antonia, he provides us with a point of view from another stranger who is struggling to fit in in a new place. Mr. Shimerda shows us that his main concern is that his family's overall well being. He tries to provide them with the best things he possibly can, but in doing so he puts a giant strain on his ow...
  • Old Mr Shimerda
    891 words
    People migrate from different parts of the world to America to start a better life. But they do not estimate the hardships that they will go through to get settled in a foreign land. In the novel My Antonia, Willa Cather portrays all the hardships the immigrant's have to go through. One of the known difficulties is the communication barrier. Willa Cather shows this particular barrier in the Shimerdas family, they do not know English very well or at all, so they have many problems communicating. ...

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