Ms Patients essay topics

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  • Secondary Progressive Ms
    766 words
    Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is a disease of the central nervous system. The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord. Both have nerve fibers that are wrapped in a myelin sheath. In MS, the myelin sheath becomes inflamed and gradually is destroyed. With the destruction of the myelin sheath comes an array of symptoms that may include numbness or tingling, balance problems, weakness, muscle spasms, and blurred vision. Anyone can develop MS, but many patients share the following...
  • Of The Symptoms Of Ms
    1,702 words
    3/25/03 Anatomy Period 1 Multiple Sclerosis My aunt has had Multiple Sclerosis for about 11 years now. She started showing symptoms when she was 27. I remember the day that I walked into my parent's room to find my mom on the phone crying. I stayed to listen to the conversation and when she was off the phone she told me what was going on. All I could do at that point was remember all of the times we went on bike rides and had a lot of fun. It was a really bad feeling knowing that we would never ...
  • Discrimination Against People With Ms
    1,406 words
    Do Americans Discriminate Against People with Multiple Sclerosis? Kevin is a quiet man who has known he has multiple sclerosis (MS) for six years. He hasn't told anyone. [Kevin explains] "I went to a doctor because I had a serious fall. He decided to run some tests and a week later he told me that I have MS. No one can tell when they look at me. I've learned how to cover losing my balance. I'm only thirty-two. I'm not going to tell anyone because they might think I can't do my job. I'm sure not ...
  • Ms The Disease
    1,675 words
    Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis is a disease that bewilders us all... The reason why I chose this diseases was because my mother has been diagnosed for two years already. She's slowly but surely recovering but they still haven't found the right medicine to get herself back on her feet. Scientist today still have no known cause for it yet. They do know that MS (multiple sclerosis) is a disease where the myelin breaks down and is replaced by scar tissue. The demyelination can slow down or bl...
  • Ms Susceptibility Genes
    4,509 words
    MultipleDiseses Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, often disabling disease that randomly attacks the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). The progress, severity and specific symptoms of the disease can not be predicted; symptoms may range from tingling and numbness to paralysis and blindness. MS is a devastating disease because people live with its unpredictable physical and emotional effects for the rest of their lives. MS is a well-known disease, but poorly und...

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