Murder Stories essay topics

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  • Slaughter Mary The Murderer
    1,424 words
    Compare the murder mysteries of "A Lamb To A Slaughter" and "The Speckled Band"? Roald Dahl wrote Lamb to the slaughter in 1954, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote Speckled Band in 1892, that is around 62 yrs apart which would make the stories slightly different to each other because they were wrote in two different centuries. Roald Dahl was born in 1916 and died in 1990, Roald Dahl was most famous for writing children stories but he did also write some books for adults like the tales of the unexpecte...
  • Killings Matt Fowler Murders Richard
    853 words
    Faruk Tarek Faruk Tarek-1 Love, Murder, and Revenge Murder in A Rose for Emily and Killings History says the first crime ever committed by one person against another is murder. There are so many things that can motivate a murder such as love, hate, jealousy, and, revenge. Both Faulkner's short story A Rose for Emily and Dubus's story Killings represent ideas of murder, love, jealousy, and revenge. However, love and murder are presented in different ways in the two stories. In A Rose for Emily Mi...
  • Suspense In The Reader's Mind
    668 words
    Literary analysis of Killings by Andre Dubus Killings is an excerpt from a story called Finding a Girl in America. Killings is a story that involves elements such as sex, murder, and revenge. The title of the story, the way in which the characters are developed, and the order of events are unique to the story. The story effectively evokes suspense and emotion as the plot unfolds into its own unique sequence. Though it might be easy to overlook, the title of the story is very important. The title...
  • Marked Grace A Murderer At The Trial
    862 words
    The Truth to a Ballad "At her Redeemer's throne she " ll stand, And she " ll be cured of woe, And He her bloodied hands will wash, And she " ll be white as snow" (15). This quote concludes the beautifully written ballad located in the first chapter of Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace. By summarizing the events leading up to the murders, the murders themselves, and the ensuing trial, the poem presents the reader with what appears to be a foreshadowing of things to come. However, though the ballad re...
  • Murder As Emily And Matt
    879 words
    Why Murder? In the short story 'A Rose For Emily'; and the short story 'Killings'; people have been murdered and the motivations for the killings are understandable but never the less still murders. The reason for murder in 'A Rose For Emily'; is not as clearly shown as with 'Killings'; , that story is a classic 'eye for an eye'; type story. The main character in 'A Rose for Emily'; (Emily) and the main character in 'Killings'; (Matt) both kill out of love, but the types of love seem to be diffe...
  • One Of The Murdered Man
    1,675 words
    Where Does The Truth Lie? Rashomon is a film which allows you to come up with your own ending. You are told four stories, all completely different from one another, but about the same thing. As the viewer, you are to come up with your own truth. Also you are then forced to see why people may lie or embellish. Whether it be to keep themselves out of trouble or make themselves seem as if they are a better person then they really are. The reality is that we are no better then what people think we a...
  • Red Knot And High Fox
    802 words
    PEOPLE of the MIST From "The First North Americans Series"The First North Americans Series" provides in a series of books fictional accounts of the lives of several groups of per-European North Americans. The time period of the books in this series covers a period from approximately 13,000 years BC to approximately 1,300 years AD. The PEOPLE of the MIST is from the latter period of the time range and tells a story family groups of the Algonquin Indians of the Chesapeake Bay area of Virginia, aro...
  • Different With The Speckled Band Story
    794 words
    Murder mysteries all have a similar plot consisting of a body, a motive, a weapon, a suspect, an alibi and detectives. Viewers and readers expect this in the text, Lamb to the Slaughter and The Speckled Band are no exception. The structures of the two stories are very different, with The Speckled Band story unfolding in chronological order, finding out the murderer right at the end, however in the Lamb to the Slaughter, the murderer is known at the beginning of the story. The two stories are see...
  • Typical Setting Of A Murder Mystery
    3,863 words
    Speckled Band By Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle, And Lamb To The Slaughter By Roald Dahl, In this essay, I intend to compare and contrast the two short stories The Speckled Band by Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle, and Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl, picking out techniques used which make it exactly, or exactly the opposite of a typical detective story / murder mystery. When many people think of a murder mystery, they think of a dark and stormy night, a large forbidding house, a gunshot heard by everyone yet...
  • Formulaic Of The Murder Mystery Genre
    767 words
    English Coursework Discuss the social and historical context of each text reflected in 'The Speckled Band' by Arthur Conan Doyle and 'Lamb to the Slaughter' by Roald Dahl. In this essay, I am going to compare and contrast the two short stories "The Speckled Band" by Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle, and "Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl, picking out techniques used which make it exactly, or exactly the opposite of a typical detective story / murder mystery. Both "The Speckled Band" and "Lamb to the Sl...
  • Tell Tale Heart
    1,264 words
    "It is after eleven. I shall be gone in less than an hour. But the heat is stifling. It is enough to send a man mad". (August Heat, pg. 390) This quote is showing the suspense at the end of the story. It does not tell the readers exactly what will occur, but it implies the man is murdered. It leaves us hanging. In the "Tell Tale Heart", it also ends in a similar way". 'Villains!' I shriek, 'dissemble no more! I admit the deed! -Tear up the planks! -Here, here! -is is the beating of his hideous h...
  • Murderer In Victorian Times And Sherlock Holmes
    2,464 words
    "Lamb to the Slaughter" and "The Speckled Band" were written sixty-four years apart and therefore differ in their style and content, however there are also some similarities present. "Lamb to the Slaughter" was written by Roald Dahl and first published in 1954. He is famous for writing children's books such as "The Twits" and having a vast quantity illustrated by Quentin Blake. He also wrote an autobiography, which he called "Boy", which was aimed at adults. "The Speckled Band" was written by Si...

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