Muscles essay topics

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  • Voluntary And Involuntary Muscles
    321 words
    Diffusion is the process of particles (particularly cells) moving from one area of lesser concentration to an area of higher concentration. A good example of diffusion would be dropping a drop of blood into water, the effect would result with the water all turning a reddish color and therefore the blood cells moved to an area of lesser concentration until equilibrium was reached. Another good example would be when somebody sprays a fragrance; it eventually travels to one side of the room from wh...
  • Heart And Type II Muscle Fibers
    1,353 words
    Blood and ExceriseType II muscle fibers oxidize lactate at a very fast rates. When muscle contraction produces a significant amount of lactate, it is then released intothe central circulation of the blood, and within seconds it is made available to that muscle for energy. Therefore, 75% of the lactate produced from high intensity exercise is made available for energy production in type II muscle fibers. The remaining 25% of lactic acid is used for energy in the heart, the make up of liver glycog...
  • Breakdown Of The Running Gait Cycle
    1,455 words
    Introduction: A Qualitative Analysis of Running In the 1970's, thousands of people took to the road with a new trend of exercise -- -- running. It was fairly easy; just put one foot in front of the other as fast as you can and go as far as you can. Feel the burn in your chest? The sweat trickling down your face? The throb in your knees as your foot pounds into the ground with every step? Well then, you " re exercising! You " re running! Since then, running has become a dominant factor in sports ...
  • I.E. By Muscle Memory
    672 words
    What does it mean to learn a new skill and go from 'novice' to 'expert'? In the world of heavy equipment, part of that learning means memorizing how to use levers, joysticks, and even pedals in a coordinated way to control the attachment at the end of the boom. But how does this memorizing take place? At first, you need to concentrate in order to make your fingers, hands, arms (and feet) move in just the right way, based on what you see. What you " re learning is precision, i.e. how to make the ...
  • Due To Weak Expiratory Muscles
    477 words
    Myasthenia Gravis is an autoimmune neuromuscular disorder. The term "myasthenia" is Latin for muscle weakness, and "gravis" for grave or serious. It is characterized by random weakness of voluntary muscle groups. Muscle groups most commonly affected include the eye muscles, facial, chewing and swallowing muscles, and shoulder and hip muscles. It is typical for a myasthenic patient to have a flattened smile, droopy eyes and an ineffective cough due to weak expiratory muscles, are all also associa...
  • Ideal Body Type For Muscle Growth
    2,617 words
    Muscle Growth Introduction With the introduction of such modern conveniences such as the automobile, remote control, and even the electric toothbrush people are relying on technology to do everything for them. With a generation growing up in todays society physical tasks have almost become obsolete. Tasks such as even going shopping and going out to visit a friend can be done from the comfort of your own computer. With this sedentary lifestyle, muscular size will almost be unnecessary, except fo...
  • Treatment For Some Types Of Muscular Dystrophy
    840 words
    Muscular dystrophy is a rare inherited muscle disease in which the muscle fibers are unusually susceptible to damage. The muscles, primarily the voluntary muscles, become progressively weaker. In the late stages of muscular dystrophy, muscle fibers often are replaced by fat and connective tissue. There are several types of muscular dystrophy. The various types of the disease affect more than 50,000 Americans. Many are associated with specific genetic abnormalities. The most common muscular dystr...
  • Atp Production By Electron Transport Phosphorylation
    2,046 words
    Introduction Once the energy that was in sunlight is transformed into chemical energy, the organism has to now convert the chemical energy into a usable form. It may seem a bit odd for they " re still to be more steps. After all, when we eat a candy bar isn't the sugar in the candy bar "burnt" by the body to provide energy? Well the answer is yes and no. First of all when we burn something normally in the air we combine that substance with oxygen releasing energy from the substance. Indeed, an a...
  • 10 20 Minutes Of Sport
    4,118 words
    My assignment is to create a 6 week training program to improve physical fitness. The aspect of my personal fitness I am about to improve is going to be strength. Personal details Name: Date of Birth: Height: Weight: BMI: School sports: Outside school sports: Somatotype: I have noticed I do have a lot of strength but I would like to have more strength and also build up my triceps and biceps. I have not yet tried any form of weight lifting because I think that if you start to early there could be...
  • Good Flexibility For A Dancer
    448 words
    Fitness Components Health Related components Strength: this is the force generated by a muscle or a group of muscles during one maximal contraction. This is very important to my sport, as strength is needed all the time in holding positions, lifts and posture. Strong abdominal muscles are a must as they are used all the time in dance as the dancers source of strength. Strong-arm muscles are useful for lifts and holding positions such as handstands. Strong hamstrings and quadriceps are necessary ...
  • Explosive Power Movements An Athlete Needs
    659 words
    Power is one of many important components of physical fitness. It plays a vital factor in the ability to produce force quickly. When it comes to sports, athletes need to be able to exert force quickly and produce explosive power on demand in order to be successful. Jumping, sprinting and throwing are a few examples of this. The best way to go about performing explosive power movements an athlete needs to lift weights, and do specific explosive exercises pertaining to their sport. Muscle power is...

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