Music Lyrics essay topics

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  • Rap And Rock Music
    1,118 words
    Music has been around for thousands of years. Music appeals to everyone. When was the last time you have heard someone say, "I hate all music". Lately though music has been criticized for corrupting teen's minds. Rap is being blamed for all the crimes and murders in cities all over America and heavy metal is being blamed for giving teens only dark images and thoughts in their minds. Although the media and public criticize rap and rock music and blame the music for influencing teens negatively, t...
  • Lyrical Violence Music
    1,205 words
    Lyrical Violence Music is a prominent force in adolescent lives; according to the American Medical Association, American adolescents spend a total of four and a half hours a day listening to music and watching music videos. Parents are increasingly weary of suggestive, violent, lyrical content in popular music. A University of California study recently showed that 48% of Americans, including the younger generation, say that violence in popular music should be regulated. In Paducah, the affect of...
  • Own Social Responsibility
    1,004 words
    Social Responsibility & Freedom of Speech In the case of Time Warner versus rap critics, the issue being debating is the allowance of violent, racial, and discriminatory lyrics on rap albums. "These critics called Time Warner irresponsible for distributing violent, degrading, and sexist lyrics and for making money by undermining community values". After hearing these remarks, Time Warner responded by saying that rap lyrics express ideas, and are protected by the First Amendment. The critics alle...
  • Violence And Obscene Words In Music
    1,218 words
    "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech". (United States Constitution) However, it seems almost everywhere; many forms of art are being unfairly censored. One such form that is often overlooked as art is music. "Music is probably the most censored of all art forms" (The Economist; p 73) There are hundreds of artists who have been unfairly censored, ranging from popular music from artists such as Eminem, 2 Live Crew, and NWA, to classical music, such as Mozart's Figaro. How...
  • Lyrics In Modern Rock Music
    1,400 words
    Music is an outlet to all aspects of life and has a significant way of forming people and the way they live. Although not always seen directly, culture has an overbearing influence on the music that is produced and made popular. The political climate of the early seventies was full of fire with issues such as Vietnam and constant protest throughout the Unites States. Social issues also played a major role in the developing culture of the seventies. Bands often used their popularity to spread the...
  • Peoples Moods And Music With Explicit Lyrics
    797 words
    Music Censorship Since the being of time people have been making and listening to music. Music has been considered the best way to express ourselves. The Bible even talks about how music was used to praise God. Music has been used for all type of things ranging from to getting a girl to notice guy, trying to get over a broken heart, or maybe losing a love one. Now society says that music has become too violent and sexually oriented. Many people have different point of view on this topic some peo...
  • Actual Music Of A Song
    416 words
    You see a girl sobbing so hard you can't hear her actually crying, and she's looking up with her wet eyes and holding her arms up in the air. You can only imagine what is wrong with her. I can tell you what's wrong with her, Music. This is what music does to people and I love it for that. Music makes people feel good inside so much that it might even hurt. In this essay I will talk about music; how it makes you feel, why, and why I love music in all forms. Music can make you feel great. The lyri...
  • Forms Of Music Censorship
    741 words
    What are some advantages and disadvantages of music censorship Many bills have been passed to stop explicit messages in music from getting out. Censorship limits the amount of lyrics that get out to the community about violence. (History of Music Censorship) It may also limit anything in music that a community might find offensive to its values or beliefs. The lyrics presented in some songs are not appropriate for young adults. Some say music censorship goes against the First Amendment. It stops...
  • Music Written With Words
    583 words
    Music Censorship We ve all heard music. We ve all heard curse words. Yet, when the two are put together they cause controversy. Both music and curse words are forms of human expression. Music written with words that convey feelings and situations, and explicit words are words that essentially reinforce a statement or idea. True, some words are just tossed around (the infamous four-letter words) for no reason whatsoever and are really useless. But society knows this and continues to use the words...
  • Content Of Their Music And Lyrics
    4,090 words
    Music Censorship During the Doors concert in Miami, in 1969, lead singer Jim Morrison,' did lewdly and lasciviously expose his penis and shake it... ' (Rosen et al. 90). Today, Billy Joe Armstrong, lead singer of Green Day, bares all at his concert in Philadelphia (Bernstein 95). The eccentric Courtney Love will ripoff her bra for the audience to marvel and glorify at her action (Bernstein 95). She acts in such a fashion because she is insane and wants to prove it to the world, where as Billy Jo...
  • Need To Censor
    1,066 words
    Censoring the Music That Corrupts Today's Youth One of the liberties that Americans take for granted is the freedom to say what we like. This freedom was given to us in the first amendment, which states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or the press; or the right of the people to peacefully assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Artists such as Eminem and...
  • First Amendment Rights Of Artists
    1,049 words
    Music censorship has been a major problem plaguing America for over fifty years. In 1957, Elvis Pressley was only allowed to be filmed from the waist up on the Ed Sullivan show (Nuzum 1). Plenty of controversy has taken places between then and now, but more recently it has become much more prominent in the media, and people and organizations are beginning to actually take a stand. For example, Island Records (owned by Disney) dropped the Insane Clown Posse just after their release of The Great M...
  • Ages Their Opinion On The Way Music
    991 words
    I am trying to find out whether music influences a persons mood or behaviour. I will be searching the Internet for information of events due to music and peoples opinions. I will also be designing a questionnaire for people of different ages to share their views on this question. Without a doubt this project will be almost 100% opinion based as there is no scientific evidence to prove anything I am trying to find out. There has been one, big recent event to show that metropolitan police do blame...
  • Music Lyrics
    1,416 words
    Music has always been associated with adolescents in one way or another. Whether it's a parent telling their children to turn the stereo down or a group of kids gathered around a boom box in the street, music is something that seems to unite most young people today. The problem that concerns many parents, however, is the ideas that are portrayed in some lyrics and music videos. Most people don't stop to think about what effects the music they listen to might have on them. They don't think about ...
  • Pink Floyd's Music
    793 words
    Three Quarters of the way through typing my first essay, which was just going to be about music in general, my word-processor program decided it would be fun to crash and lose all of my unsaved information. After the volley of profanity and screaming, I started out on another essay, and while I sit here and listen to Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here, I think I could write a more complete and on-topic paper about this one particular band that I like, instead of trying to outline all the different ...
  • Violent Lyrics Of Modern Music
    970 words
    Dance, poetry, and music seem inseparably associated in the early history of music in ancient Greece. The Greeks considered music a very important aspect of their culture having mathematical and cosmic significance. Music was described as an art exerting great power over human beings, meaning that the sound and influence of music often controlled and assisted in forming the human soul. There were many great philosophers of the time whom believed this theory to be true especially Plato. Plato tho...
  • Example Of Violence In Classical Music
    2,202 words
    As stated in the first amendment of the constitution of the United States, the amendment that deals with freedom of speech, "Congress shall make no law representing an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and petition the Government for a redress of grievances" (1st Amendment). With regards to music and musicians, this amendment gives any artist the right to s...
  • Explicit Music Censorship
    1,592 words
    Not only has music censorship been used as's religious or political vehicle to deny knowledge, but it has also been a means of protecting the public from potentially harmful material. It began in the mid-fifties with Elvis Presley; the Ed Sullivan show only filmed the musician from the waist up in order to block out his hip movements. During this time the American society was relatively conservative, with the emergence of the nuclear family. However, it was at this time that teenagers began to p...
  • Genre Of Contemporary Christian Music
    1,165 words
    In much the same way that African American novelists have entered "into the literate public sphere" through slave narratives, Christian musicians have broken into the popular music scene through Contemporary Christian music. According to Madhu Dubey in "The Politics of Genre in Beloved", African-American writers must relate traditions of their own culture through a form of literary writing that is not their own (Dubey 3). Similarly Contemporary Christian artists proclaim their message through se...
  • Kind Of Music And Lyrical Content
    747 words
    There are various ethical issues in the production of songs with explicit lyrics. Music is believed to have an effect on a person's sense of self. Do people become violent because they listen to violence in music? It's a fact that explicit lyrical content in black music for example, does have a negative impact, particularly on young listeners and that explicit imagery in music videos devalues black music and black people by reinforcing racist stereotypes. Whatever is "cool" and in the playground...

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