Music On The Internet essay topics

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  • Free Music From The Internet
    732 words
    The Napster Revolution Have you ever listened to your favorite song on the radio and recorded it I remember when I would sit next to the radio and listen to it for hours at-a-time, just so that I could record my favorite songs off the radio. Now with computers and the Internet, I would go all over the Internet to look for songs, but only some of the time I was successful. Then I ran into a program called Napster, which made my music search much easier. Have you ever download free music off the I...
  • Unreasonable Cd Prices Internet File
    3,532 words
    Sean Fanning had no idea of the amount of turmoil that the creation of Napster would cause. Full-length songs were being exchanged in a matter of minutes, and neither the artists nor the record companies were seeing a cent of it. With the widespread popularity of Internet file sharing the music population was divided. People either saw the program as a Godsend that would save them from wallet gouging CD prices or a new-aged form of robbery. From the money-hungry record company executive to the e...
  • Music Therapy Program
    1,773 words
    Music Therapy During the past thirty years, concepts in the mental health profession have undergone continuous and dramatic changes. A relatively new type of therapy is musical therapy, which incorporates music into the healing process. Music therapy also is changing, and its concepts, procedures, and practices need constant reevaluation in order to meet new concepts of psychiatric treatment. The idea of music as a healing influence which could affect health and behavior is as least as old as th...
  • Illegal Transfer Of Music
    1,357 words
    At the dawn of the internet, many things such as books and text became obsolete, due to insufficient monitoring of internet activity and sites. Individuals were able to gain free access to books and publications that normally needed to be bought, or required a fee. This is something that has caused problems for booksellers and publishers. Now, as technology advances, it also begins the decline of music, software, and television industries-but something can be done before it's too late. Illegal d...
  • Time Tejano Music
    1,157 words
    I. What I knew about Tejano music For me it all started out with Selena. I remember a boy in my middle school class dedicating me "Como La Flor" at one of our school dances in seventh grade. After that Tejano just sort of stuck in my head and all I ever thought of the song was that I had rejected that boy. Selena was quite a Tejano star at the time, and I was shocked with her murder two years later. She was a five star role model for Mexican-Americans to relate to and appreciate. Her songs live ...
  • Internet Into The Music Industry
    2,354 words
    "Music on the Internet: Transformation of the Industry" 1. Competitive Forces Analysis Today a growing number of consumers are using the Internet to access music. The Internet has changed the distribution systems as well as raised many legal and ethical issues in the music industry. With the Internet making a presence in nearly every business, it is not surprising that the Internet is bringing about some changes in the $38 billion music industry. The onset of the Internet will demand change in t...
  • Future For Music On The Internet
    1,398 words
    The evolution of music in the 21st Century has set a precedence for the future music, as we know it. Inspired by a fire and passion that revs up the soul; music is the soundtrack to our lives. When we are happy we listen to music, when we are sad we listen to music. Music satisfies and spawns a plethora of emotions that are held bottled up with in us; some use music as a vehicle to express deep thoughts and emotions, others use it to just let off steam that is built from the stress that life bri...
  • Popular And Common As Media
    453 words
    Media is mass communication, a connection all over the world, which informs, entertains, and influences us. There are so many examples of media such as television, radio, Internet, newspaper and so on. An individual can control what he / she sees, feels and thinks. To an extent this is true but can something so popular and common as media have an effect on the average person without their even knowing it? To answer this question some common types of media can be evaluated. Television, the Intern...
  • Influence Of Music And The People
    773 words
    The Impact of Media Media is mass communication, a connection all over the world that informs, entertains, and influences people. Examples of media are things such as TV, Internet, periodicals, music, and radio. A common assumption is that an individual can control what he sees, thinks, or feels. To an extent this is true. However, can something so popular and prevalent as media have an effect on the average person without their even knowing it? To answer this question some common types of media...
  • Debates Over Music Copyright And The Internet
    5,432 words
    NAPSTER PAPER -- Right or Wrong NAPSTER - RIGHT OR WRONG? Synopsis Recent controversy revolving the music industry and the distribution and "sharing" of music over the Internet has music executives, artists, consumers, Internet users / advocates, and politicians / judicial courts with conflicting arguments. After several court room battles, such as the March 5, 2001 Music Industry vs. Napster case in which Napster was ordered to "catalog the copyrighted songs it wants removed from the system", a...
  • Useful Learning Concoctions Like Music Notation Software
    1,702 words
    A LOOK INTO MUSIC TECHNOLOGIES: HOW HAS THE INFORMATIONAL AGE INFLUENCE MUSIC? INTRODUCTION As we enter a new millennia, so will our music. The entire field of music has experienced dramatic changes due to the post- industrial / informational age. This paper will focus primarily on the expansion of musical research and the development of new tools to aid in learning. The overall reaction details innovations that enhance and expand the depths of music. RESEARCH In the 1970's, the US government un...

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