Music On The Radio essay topics

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  • Popular White Radio Stations
    716 words
    Alan Freed Alan Freed was born December 16, 1922 in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. He was considered the most the most famous Disc Jockey (DJ) in rock 'n roll history, however, controversy encircled the man and he relieved lots of criticism especially from white adults during his career. I think that Alan Freed greatly helped shape the sound of music today and further advanced the progression of rock music. He is the person who coined the term 'Rock & Roll' and also put up with a lot of nonsense regar...
  • Music Choice Jams With Digital Radio
    1,073 words
    Some cable television companies have been sending music across coaxial cable for years. But until recently, these were sent in an analog format using an FM frequency. Now companies are experimenting with sending CD-quality music in digital format across the same coaxial cable. In September 1991, International Cablecasting Technologies began selling a premium cable service, called Digital Music Express (DMX), to subscribers in 146 cable systems. DMX offered 30 channels of music programs, from cla...
  • Free Music On Your Favorite Radio Station
    1,991 words
    rfghBEFORE 1997, MP 3 WAS A LITTLE known technology that computer geeks used to download compressed music files free off the Internet. But Internet time moves fast-so fast that by 1998 large pockets of the general public and the mainstream media were talking about MP 3, not to mention taking advantage of it. At first the music moguls were afraid of MP 3. Protecting copyrights was hard enough without easily accessible Web files enabling any old joes to access-and copy-their favorite music. But wh...
  • Different Kinds Of Music
    1,289 words
    A lot has been said and written about the inscrutable 'Russian soul' - yet, it still keeps its mystery. Here are some of our thoughts about the common traits of the people inhabiting this multiform and contradict ive country. Certainly, the picture is only approximate, as those traits vary greatly depending on an age group, region, education, profession, belief, etc. 'Spacious soul' or 'big nature' - that will be the first thing to hear from a Russian if asked about the Russian national characte...
  • Radio Stations Across The Country Ban John
    2,833 words
    MUSIC CENSORSHIP, 1950 till now 1952 The Weavers are blacklisted due to the leftist political beliefs and associations of several members. In 1953 six counties in South Carolina pass legislation outlawing jukebox operation anytime when within hearing distance of a church. During 1954 Stephen Foster songs are edited for radio to remove words such as 'massa' and 'darky. ' For radio airplay the perceived drug reference 'I get no kick from cocaine,' is changed to 'I get perfume from Spain. ' in Cole...
  • 1922 The Radio Act Of 1912
    564 words
    Radio Radio becomes Americas second national mass medium after magazines- 99% of American's homes have radios- 95% of American's cars have radios- 40% of Americans listen to the radio between 6 am and midnight- 7% of Americas bathrooms have radios in them Radio: A technological Leap 1835 Samuel F.B. Morse demonstrates his electromagnetic telegraph system March 10, 1876 Alexander Graham Bell sent a message to his associate Thomas Watson with the aid of his new invention, the telephone Heinrich He...
  • Jim And Irene Westcotts
    679 words
    In the short story by John Cheever called 'The Enormous Radio' it begins with Jim and Irene Westcotts appearing like the perfect American family. Cheever describes them as 'the kind of people who seem to strike that satisfactory average of income, endeavor, and respectability' (Cheever 1). What is ironic about this story is the Westcotts are far from being the perfect family and the community they try to conform to is just as imperfect as the Westcotts themselves. A way the Westcotts try to live...
  • Specific Radio And High Audio Quality
    1,578 words
    Radio and its future During the increase in popularity of radio, Arthur Edwin Kennelly said (1926) 'through radio I look forward to a United States of the World. Radio is standardizing the peoples of the Earth, English will become the universal language because it is predominantly the language of the ether. The most important aspect of radio is its sociological influence. ' Kennelly was foreseeing the potential power and impact that radio would soon come to have. By the late twenties, we would s...
  • Half Of Our Radio Stations
    526 words
    12-6-2004 Problem / Solution The Radio Makes My Ears Bleed There is a major problem these days in entertainment, and that is there is such a lack of diversity in the music industry. Because of this problem, fewer bands will have the opportunity to go big, or get signed to major record label. Small, local bands will never be able to get the popularity they deserve because every band is compared to one another. The same bands are played on the radio all the time, and instead of playing a variety b...
  • Response To The Question
    832 words
    When listening to the radio, you may notice that during certain songs there will be a brief moment of silence in the middle of a verse; assuming that the station is not experiencing technical difficulties, this is because the song displayed some kind of obscene or objectionable material that is not appropriate for "public consumption". Considering that music is a form of expression, and all forms of expression are protected by the First Amendment, I decided to ask the "public" if they felt music...

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