Musical Tradition essay topics

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  • Edwards Interest In Celtic Music
    1,204 words
    The Celtic Voice in Walter Scott's 'Waverley' One aspect of this novel which may not have received its due attention is Scott's emphasis on the strength and vitality of traditional Scottish culture, especially folk poetry and music. The presence of such an element is hardly surprising, in as much as Scott's first important literary work was an edition of Scottish folk ballads ('Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border', 1803). The Celtic cultural aspect of 'Waverley' is scarcely mentioned by the author...
  • Traditional Portuguese Music
    1,940 words
    Portugal has a rich musical culture, with roots that go back to Provencal troubadours, followed by ballads and the fado, and as of late, incorporating the rhythms of Portugal's former West African colonies. Each of these elements are still alive in current Portuguese music like the French Provencal influence in the folk music played at festivals in the northern part of the country, as well as the rock and jazz most prevalent in the larger cities. An additional element is added by a wealth of sin...
  • Identifiable As The Traditional Rajasthani Folk Music
    1,572 words
    The Musical world of Rajasthan " Rajasthan exhibits the sole example in the history of mankind of a people withstanding every outrage barbarity can inflict or human nature sustain, and bent to the earth, yet rising buoyant from the pressure and making calamity a whetstone to courage " Of the immensely beautiful states of India, each unique in its ethnicity and traditions, Rajasthan is probably the most mystically intriguing of all. The dullness of the desert, in contrast to the rich and colorful...
  • Performers Of Traditional Irish Music
    553 words
    In ancient Ireland, music was an important part of life. It was played for Kings, Chiefs, and also for entertainment of the people. The first Irish tunes were played primarily on the harp. Professional harpers were honored above all other musicians and earned a high reputation for their music. After a horrific war in Ireland in 1607, there was a heavy blow to the Gaelic order. Many towns were destroyed, and several of the music schools were shut down. Because most of the tunes were transmitted o...
  • Type Of Music
    986 words
    Schoenberg is regarded as the rebel of 20th century harmony. He completely abandoned the traditional methods of musical expression (tonal centers, key signatures, and traditional applications of harmony) in favor of one in which all the notes of the chromatic scale were assigned equal importance. It was the most radical departure from tradition in the history of Western music, and still today there are many people who cannot stomach an entire performance of his compositions. The Pierrot Lunaire ...

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