Muslim Religion essay topics

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  • Mohammed Ali
    722 words
    "Fly like a butterfly, Sting like a bee". This is what the man did, and what he was good at. Mohammed Ali was the first man to ever win the heavyweight title three times, and had a very impressing boxing career. But Mohammed Ali was not only an impressive boxer, but he brought about social change in his own way as well. First, he has contributed extensively to the Muslim religion, for one by joining it, along with other contributions. Secondly, with his speaking out against the war in Vietnam an...
  • Reasons To Other Religions
    423 words
    Islam is known as one of the fastest-expanding religions in history. Only contained in Arabia in 632, its conquests led to its expansion to Persia and Egypt by 656, and to Africa, Spain, and other parts of Persia by 750. Many methods were used in order to spread to such an extensive empire. Muslims were very reasonable people. They were tolerant, and offered many alternatives to the other religions of conquered lands. Mohammed once stated that another religion can either believe in Islam, or pay...
  • Muslim Faith In Many Ways
    380 words
    Muslim Doctrines The Islamic belief is one of the the largest in the world. The other two religions are Christianity and Judaism. All three of these religions are monotheistic, which means they all believe in one God. And they all also believe in the same God. While the other two religions may call God, God, the Muslims do not. They refer to God as Allah. The word Islam means to surrender. It emphasizes the oneness, uniqueness, transcendence and utter otherness of God. There are many interesting...
  • Indonesia's Muslim Population
    2,224 words
    ISLAM IN INDONESIA Indonesia is a archipelago situated in South-East Asia and comprises of 13 600 islands which stretch for approximately 5000 km. Islam was introduced to Indonesia in the 14th century by Gujarati merchants from India. In 1478 a coalition of Muslim princes attack the remains of the Hinduism Empire expunging Hindu from the Indonesian empire. Islam has now become the dominant religion with 87% of the population adhering to Islam, 7% are Christians while the remainder are Buddhist, ...
  • Classical Period Of Islam The Muslim Community
    6,434 words
    Jihad. It was once a word unfamiliar to American ears. But in recent years it has become all too familiar. The actions of Muslim militants and terrorists have seared the word into American consciousness. Yet even with thousands of innocent civilians killed on American soil by Islamic terrorists, the full significance of the Muslim concept of jihad has not been grasped by the American public. In the days after September 11, 2001, American leaders rushed to portray Islam as a peaceful religion tha...
  • People Of The Islamic Religion As Terrorists
    1,271 words
    In the world today we have all sorts of violence; it is like a wild fire when terrorism is the issue. World terrorism is very violent because there are different groups trying to express their own point of view. Many terrorist groups have been associated with religious ideologies. This is because some religions will not adapt different views or different beliefs. It is safe to say that world terrorism is the key in the ancient and on going religious conflicts. Since the sixteenth century the con...
  • Islam And Muslims
    4,958 words
    In The Name Of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful FUNDAMENTALISM By Maulana Muhammad Masood Azhar We are under threat from the Fundamentalists! The Fundamentalists are a threat to the worldwide peace mission! We should unite in our efforts against eh Fundamentalists! There is no existence of such a thing in Islam called Fundamentalism! If the wave of Fundamentalism is not stopped, nobody will be saved from becoming it's next target. These are some of the headlines which appear regularly...
  • Al Aqsa Mosque
    2,438 words
    The Noble Sanctuary is a significant site with a sacred mosque and a sacred shrine within its walls, held in Jerusalem, for the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religions. The Noble Sanctuary, which includes the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque, represents the sacrifices and hardships many people have faced throughout the decades that formed our world in to what it is today. The Jews and the Christians have a special place in their heart for The Noble Sanctuary, but the magnitude and relevance ...
  • Muslims Call God
    471 words
    Islam began when Muhammad went away and saw the angel Gabriel. He told Muhammad that he was Allah's; it is how Muslims call god, Prophet. At first people didn't believe he was the Prophet of Allah. It was until after Muhammad died did Islam start to truly spread. Islam also teaches that there is only one God. Muhammad calls all people to worship Allah, because He is merciful and fair. On Judgment day, he will come and judge everyone according to his or her actions. It is pretty much like the Cat...
  • Big Part In The Future Of Islam
    636 words
    The Future of Islam When first approached with the question "what the future of Islam is?" my mind raced around many places and had lots of different thoughts. I had no clue what the future of this religion would be I thought there are people for the American Gov. who are being payed a lot of money to figure this out and I don't think they even know. So I decided to do research to figure out what my opinion on this matter was. I found that there could be different futures for different places, l...
  • Muslims From Different Countries
    761 words
    Islam is a monotheistic faith that means "submission to the will of God". The person who practices this faith is known as a Muslim. As someone who has grown up in India, which has more than 100 million more Muslims on its subcontinent alone as compared to all the Arab countries combined, I have had several interactions with Muslims, both positive and negative. However, I now realize that those interactions were limited and that there is a lot more that I did not know about Muslims from different...
  • Crucial Difference Between Christians And Muslims
    3,025 words
    Since September 11, the Muslim communities have been under siege by the media and the entire world. We have seen how the miss conceptions of Muslims have spread all over the media. As a Christian I begin to think that they should be treated as normal people. "When a radical fundamentalist, start a sect with ideas that differ from what the Muslim religion stands for, we begin to stereotype all the Muslims as the same. But when a Christian begins a killing spree a cross the nation, know one stereo...
  • Handful Of Muslim And Arab Extremists
    1,548 words
    the Islamic Congress's president, Mohamed Elmasry. Mr. Elmasry said there are bad Muslims just as there are bad Christians and Jews. "We treat them as such and so should you. But Islam is a religion of peace. Muslims have a religious duty to be tolerant of other faiths and other ideologies". Mr. Elmasry said journalists need to differentiate between the peaceful teachings of Islam and the claims of some Muslim extremists that their actions are justified by their interpretations of Islam. He like...
  • Jews And Muslims
    1,042 words
    email: title: Media Representations of Judaism and Islamic this century there have been countless conflicts involving the people of Judaism and those of Islam. The Holocaust in World War II, the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the hostilities of the Palestinians towards the Israelites are all examples of such conflict. The media is especially involved in the portrayal of these two nations, as the events that go on in the Near-East have many sympathizers. The media, especially the local Toront...
  • Violence Between The Christians And The Muslims
    668 words
    This was for an Anthropology Class The Spice Islands are home to Indonesians divided by religion. In January 1999 a civil war began between Christians and Muslims. Although more than 80 percent of the population is Muslim, the war began when a letter announcing Christian uprising was circulated amongst the Muslims. Although Indonesia's former corrupt President Suharto is no longer in office, the country is not benefiting as thought. The same ruler that was resented because of his strict policies...
  • Five Pillars Of Islam
    607 words
    What are the Five Pillars of Islam and why are they the basis for the Muslim religion The Five Pillars are the frameworks of a Muslims life. Revealed to the prophet Muhammad by Allah, the Five Pillars are the basis of Islamic religion. On another occasion, when the prophet (Muhammad) was asked to give a definition of Islam, he named those five pillars. (web) The Five Pillars are: bearing witness to Allah, establishing prayers, giving alms, fasting during Ramadan, and making a pilgrimage to Mecca...
  • Islamic Religion
    1,587 words
    Ever since Islam bloomed from the deserts of Arabia, it had received massive amounts of scrutiny in regards to its teachings, and especially its spread throughout the world. Even more than fourteen hundred years later, the religion of Islam continues to receive this scrutiny by those who oppose it. One of the chief arguments posed by those who oppose the Islamic faith is that Islam was "spread by the sword in Africa". According to African history, this is very far from the truth. Almost every re...
  • Muslim And Non Muslim Relations
    1,303 words
    In An Antique Land is a good historical and modern source of the social and religious life of the Middle East. Ami tov Ghosh, a European anthropologist without a Muslim background, gives a first hand account of his relationships with Muslims during his stay in Egypt in the late twentieth century. Ghosh's accounts portray his "outsider" view of the way people in Egypt acted during the late twentieth century, while at the same time giving a historical view of the area. The relationships he describ...
  • Needs Of People With Different Religions
    1,500 words
    In the last century, it is well recognized that Australia in the post-war period has received an impressive diversity of immigrants from a multitude of nations. People from all over the globe have settled onto Australian shores bringing with them, their life experiences. Due to these facts, Australia is known to be a multicultural society; very diverse in ethnicity, culture, age, gender, race and class. Religion has been one important variety which immigrants have brought with them; however it h...
  • Muslim Religion
    1,027 words
    Ever since the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, the Western Religions have been the target of criticism. The Taliban has created a bad name for the Muslims that live in Afghanistan, because of the terrorist attacks they have committed. In the United States we view all Muslims as terrorists when we shouldn't. Actually, it is against their religion to commit suicide. Some articles that are in the nation's newspapers the nation show how peaceful Muslims are, and how they do not wan...

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