Muslims essay topics

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  • Fast Of Ramadan A Muslim
    1,266 words
    The Five Pillars of Islam are the framework of Islamic life. First off, a Muslim must have faith in Allah and believe that there is only one Allah and Muhammad is His messenger. Next, a Muslim has the duty to pray five times each day, which is considered to be a direct link between him and Allah. Third, a Muslim must distribute alms and help the needy. Fourth, a Muslim is responsible to keep the Fast of Ramadan. Lastly, a Muslim is obligated to make a pilgrimage to Mecca in his lifetime. Most no...
  • Ramadan Muslim Patients
    1,582 words
    The Middle Eastern culture has many different nationalities within their population including Arabians, Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistan ians, Egyptians, Saudi Arabians, and many more. The most common religion found in the Middle East is Muslim. However not every Middle Easterner is Muslim, there are also other religions just as in any country such as Christian and Jewish. There are more than seven million Muslims living in America and over 1.5 billion worldwide. Many Middle Eastern Muslims who are co...
  • Primary Source Of Islamic Law
    667 words
    The law, defined as the body of rules and principles governing the affairs of a community and enforced by a political authority, is an important facet of any community. It provides guidelines for those in the community to follow so that they may have the most peaceful and problem- free life. Islam takes this notion of peace and obedience and applies to everyday living for the members of its community. Islam law is of great importance to the Muslim community because it provides specific courses o...
  • Aspects Of The Muslim Religion In America
    637 words
    Stereotyping the Followers of Islam The movie, Not Without My Daughter, begins when the family of Mahmoody, Mahtob, and Betty were visiting with the grandparents of Mahtob. Mahmoody, who is Muslim, decides to take his young family to Iran. He swears on the sacred Cor an that nothing bad will happen to them. As it turns out, Iran had just finished their revolution and had gone back to the old ways, when women have minimal rights. Mahmoody decides to stay in Iran with his family and Betty can't do...
  • Muslim Terrorists
    2,970 words
    MUSLIM TERRORISM Being a Muslim in today's fearful society is not all that easy. However, through a unique experience, I was able to overcome the horrors of the communities. The most common misconception about Muslims is that they are terrorists. In fact, it seems that one cannot seem to speak about Islam without giving thought to this point. However, this is not a true statement. It is nevertheless, a meeting point for hate crimes and propaganda against Islam. Each global disaster is blamed on ...
  • Mosque On Friday
    327 words
    Mosques mosque is a Muslim's house of prayer. Mosques are not only the center of religious prayer among Muslims but also the center of the Muslim community in the area. However, Muslims feel it is not necessary to pray in mosques, Mohammed taught that Prayer can be held anywhere to Allah. Muhammad also taught that whoever builds a mosque will go directly to heaven because it pleases Allah greatly. Mosques usually contain a place for washing and enriching oneself, a main hall where prayers are do...
  • American Muslim Communities
    2,981 words
    When I chose the topic of Americanization of immigrant Muslim women, I think I expected a straightforward, easy to categorize, research project. On the contrary, what I found was surprisingly different. While I think of myself as a liberal, open-minded female, this project gave me a very new perspective on myself and many of my views as well. Muslim women living in the United States are quite honestly more diverse, more complex, more structured, more contemplative, and more culturally intuitive ...
  • Arabs And Muslims
    340 words
    Study Sheet on Islam: World Religions. When we speak of Islam, God is the founder. The question really is through whom did God found Islam? What do the words 'Allah' and 'Islam' mean? Be able to trace the ancestors of Muhammad and Jesus all the way back to Adam, showing the connection between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam... Why is Muhammad called 'The Seal of the Prophets'? How do Muslims view persons like Jesus, Moses, Noah, and Isaiah? Why is Abraham so important in Islam? Know the importa...
  • Various Verses From The Qur
    323 words
    Over the last decade growing numbers of Muslims have declared the Qur " an to be a book filled with alleged scientific miracles. Numerous web sites, books and videos have been produced that proclaim Islam to be truly a religion of divine origin, citing 'scientifically accurate's tate ments in the Qur " an and Hadiths. Many of these productions introduce their claims with a statement like this: One of the most remarkable things in the Quran is how it deals with science. The Quran which was reveal...
  • Bernard Lewis And The Non Muslim
    1,208 words
    Leaps of faith The Clash of Fundamentalism: Crusades, Jihads and Modernity Tariq Ali 352 pp, Verso What Went Wrong Bernard Lewis 192 pp, Weidenfeld Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam John Esposito 192 pp, Oxford On September 11 last year, 19 young hijackers changed the world and its relations with their faith, Islam. Their terrible act created one of the greatest paradoxes of the 21st century: Islam, which sees itself as a religion of peace, is now associated with murder and mayhem. What ps...
  • Most Threatening Conflict Between Hindus And Muslims
    1,384 words
    India is the center of a very serious problem in the world today. It's a very diverse place with people from many different religious backgrounds, who speak many different languages and come from many different regions. They are also separated economically. Two of the country's religious sects, Muslims and Hindus, have been in conflict for hundreds of years. Their feelings of mistrust and hatred for each other are embedded in all those years and will not leave easily. What's most disturbing is t...
  • Main Source Of Guidance For Muslims
    540 words
    Meeting Islam's Challenge: The 5 Pillars of Islam Background The Quran is the book of guidance as revealed to the prophet Muhammad. It is the main source of guidance for Muslims. The word Quran means that which should be read. It was revealed in Arabic. It has been translated into many languages, but is still read in Arabic to retain its true meaning. The Hadith are the collection of the prophet Muhammad's sayings. These are the second source of guidance for Muslims. The word Hadith means saying...
  • One Umma Muslims Actions
    1,326 words
    ISLAM IN ERA OF GLOBALIZATION A primary question imposes itself. Do we (muslims) represent an umma in the contemporary world? What is meant by the question is not the umma as known in the political geography asa nation recognized by international law, but the umma is meant here as a concept of universal communal based on self awareness of the concerned entity about its identity on side, and the acceptance of the distinctive identity of the muslims on the other side. Muslims are supposed to be a ...
  • Muslim Women Into Contemporary Society
    2,766 words
    The role of woman, her position and status in society, and her nature have been issues of debate and discussion informed by religion, tradition and culture, misogyny, feminism and - many times - downright ignorance and bigotry. In discussing the role of women in contemporary society there are three main areas that can be addressed. The perceptions of woman within contemporary Muslim societies. The status, position and role of woman in the Qur " an and in early Islam from where we derive our aspi...
  • Trading Network Across The Muslim World
    590 words
    GOLDEN AGE OF ISLAM: The Muslim society was very flexible in the terms of social mobility through religious, education and or military achievements. Most like parts of Europe such as Rome and Greece the Muslim society did contain slaves, which were brought from conquered parts of Spain, Greece, Africa, India and even parts of Central Asia. A Muslim was not able to become a slave. When a non-Muslim converted religion they were not granted freedom but their children were and also if a slave women ...
  • Evidence Of Jinnah's Personality
    1,857 words
    "A nationalist who preferred constitutional methods, Jinnah's moderation in politics was tactical, not strategic; he recognized the need to keep inarticulate, but potentially disruptive communal passions at bay. There was nothing mendicant about his approach. Proud, with an assurance painfully constructed in difficult circumstances, he was never prepared to compromise over principles and had little liking for India's white masters with whom he never felt wholly at ease. A pragmatic politician, h...
  • Communal Violence Between Hindus And Muslims
    1,083 words
    "It was the cry of outraged womanhood that has peremptorily called me to Noakhal, My present mission is the most difficult and complicated one of my life I am prepared for any eventuality. 'Do or Die' has to be put to the test here. 'Do' here means Hindus and Mussulmans should learn to live together in peace and amity. Otherwise I should die in the attempt No one can escape death. Then why be afraid of it In fact, death is a friend who brings deliverance from suffering". Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma G...
  • Muslim And Non Muslim Relations
    1,303 words
    In An Antique Land is a good historical and modern source of the social and religious life of the Middle East. Ami tov Ghosh, a European anthropologist without a Muslim background, gives a first hand account of his relationships with Muslims during his stay in Egypt in the late twentieth century. Ghosh's accounts portray his "outsider" view of the way people in Egypt acted during the late twentieth century, while at the same time giving a historical view of the area. The relationships he describ...
  • Malcolm The Telephone Number Of His Son
    512 words
    In Chapters 17, 18, and 19 of The Autobiography of Malcolm X, the theme that marked a significant point for me is that Malcolm explains that every Muslim is expected to make a pilgrimage, to Hajj, to the holy city of Mecca, in Saudi Arabia. When Malcolm applies for a Hajj visa, he studied that his status as a Muslim must be approved by Mahmoud Youssef Shawarbi, which is a Muslim professor. Shawarbi readily composes Malcolm a letter of authorization and passes on a book about Islam sent to Malcol...
  • America And The Other Anti Muslim Powers
    1,048 words
    Out line: . The fall of Soviet Union No deterrence... The only Super Power... The New World Order... Incident of Nine Eleven (11 September)... War on IfghanistanWar against Terrorism... America's paranoia... The role of Muslim governments... The plight of the Muslim World... The real motive of the war... The role of U.N.O. Essay: Lord Acton, a famous English thinker, once said: "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely". And America has proved it literally by attacking Iraq;...

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