My Guy Friends essay topics

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  • Reactor With Sephiroth Zack
    707 words
    SELPHIE: phew This one will take a while to type. Cloud grew up in a town called 'Nibelheim'. He was a loner; he had no friends. Even if Tifa was in the same hometown as his, they like never really hung out with each other as kids. She'd just always hang out with these 3 guys. One day, she like went to Mt. Nibel (that big scary mountain behind Nibelheim) because she wanted to find her dead mother's soul (has to do with some superstitious belief). Her 3 friends went with her, but soon got scared ...
  • 2 Days
    736 words
    Well where do i start? i started going out with this guy named Derek on April 3rd 2001. I din't even like him but he seemed like a nice guy so i thought i would give him a try. well we started going out and hanging out a lot. I've always been shy around guys and i was with him at first. Then after a few months i started feeling totally comfortable. We hung out like everyday and did everything together! I totally ditched all of my friends for him and he did the same to his friends to me. Well eve...
  • Guy A Bad Boyfriend
    1,195 words
    These days it is hard to find a good boyfriend. Guys are like parking spaces. The good ones are taken and the rest are handicapped. I have never really had any luck with finding an all around good guy. I guess maybe it was because of the way I went about finding a boyfriend. I tend to look for the good-looking guys, but I never really get to know them before I decide to date them. My past experiences with some of my ex-boyfriends has inspired me to go about a whole different approach while looki...
  • My Friend's Boyfriend Thought
    547 words
    What Is Up With Him? This weekend i went to my friend's hose because we were going out to get some coffee. As i sat on her bed and waited for her in her room. The room is small, but it is the coolest room ever. She has pictures of her favorite bands up on the wall. the style of her room is a mixture of modern with a rock star twist to it. The phone rang and she started to get nerves. From that moment on i knew her boyfriend was gonna come over to her house. Everytime she get es nerves she starts...
  • Nice Guy
    919 words
    this is a tribute to the nice guys. The nice guys that finish last, that never become more than friends, that endure hours of whining and bitching about what assholes guys are, while disproving the very point. This is dedicated to those guys who always provide a shoulder to lean on but restrain themselves to tentative hugs, those guys who hold open doors and give reassuring pats on the back and sit patiently outside the changing room at department stores. This is in honor of the guys that obligi...
  • Chris And Desmond
    655 words
    Opposites Attract On November 17, 1998, I walked into the halls of Towers High School for the very first time. Nervous and afraid, I was introduced to the eight grade class president, John Hamilton. John was both charismatic and charming. He was the type of guy everyone wanted to be around because he gave off a feeling of security and warmth. When I first met Him, John made me feel welcomed. He opened his heart to me and from that day on, I looked for friends willing to do the same. As I grew ol...
  • England As Guy Fawkes Day
    1,076 words
    Fawkes Guy, was one of the greatest conspirator in the Gunpowder Plot. Fawkes, pronounced fawkes Guy, English conspirator, born in York. A protestant by birth, he became a Roman Catholic after the marriage of his widowed mother to a man of Catholic background and sympathies (Miller 578). In 1593 he enlisted in the Spanish Army in Flanders and in 1596 participated in the capture of the city of Calais by the Spanish in their war with Henry IV of France. He became implicated with Thomas Winter and ...
  • Oral Sex
    601 words
    Going down Surprise! Women like receiving oral sex (almost) as much as men do. By Virginia VitzthumMay 30, 2000 | A few weeks ago in this space, "Dylan Edwards" extolled the virtues of "snacking". His message to my gender: We love eating you out, so lie back and let us. Not fighting words, no, but nevertheless only one side of the oral issue. For balance, I asked a small sample of women to weigh in, to provide the vox snap. As usual, it's not as easy for women to get there. Oral-sex questions go...
  • Friends
    382 words
    I am still friends with her. Weird for me because I usually can't stand being friends with someone that long! I aint even gonna say shes a best friend cuz she aint shes my damn long lost sister even though i shud a kept her dumb ass lost!! I can call her about in tears over some guy and she will just say the dumbest and when I say dumbest I mean DUMBEST thing someone could ever say and you can't help but laugh. She can make me smile when nobody else can and that's rare to find a friend like that...

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