My Last Duchess essay topics

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  • My Last Duchess
    1,355 words
    Robert Browning (1812-1889); "My Last Duchess" Many poems must be read more than once to be fully understood. It is often that one may notice something that wasn't noticed the first time around. It is also possible for a poem to be read once, and have received the full meaning. Sometimes poems leave one thinking because the poem doesn't provide enough information for an affirmative conclusion. "My Last Duchess" provides examples of leaving readers unclear of the full meaning, and unclear of affi...
  • Photographs Of Anastasia And Anna Anderson
    3,213 words
    The dynasty of Romanov started in February 1613 and lasted precisely 304 years. Nicholas II ascended the throne of Russia with his new wife Alexandra Feodorovna in 1894; the new Czar and Czarina were 26 and 22. Most European nations had developed their technology slowly; and consequently, the people had time to adjust to it. Russia enjoyed no such breathing space. A backward and ignorant people were faced with twentieth century opportunities and problems without the means to cope with them. A wo...
  • Picture Of His Last Duchess
    767 words
    My last Duchess " That's my last Duchess painted on the wall, looking as if she were alive". The duck of Ferrara starts his monologue with a sight of regret that raises the sympathy of the readers and makes them feel that he had lost his beloved wife and is very upset about that. However, in the next few sentences he reveals the dark side of his character and brings the readers to a realization that the Duck of Ferrara is not a noble gentle man. In fact, he is a hysteric murderer who has killed ...
  • Duke Of Ferrara And His Duchess
    624 words
    In Robert Browning's dramatic monologue 'My Last Duchess'; there are two characters that many people can be compared to in the world today. The two characters are Alfonso II, Duke of Ferrara and his Duchess. Throughout the monologue the duke is described as being conceited, arrogant and perhaps maybe even psychotic. While his Duchess is the opposite of him, a person who enjoys life and everything it has to offer. The Duke is somewhat of a conceited person because of the comments he makes. In one...
  • Count's Agent About His Last Wife
    760 words
    Susan Ferrell July 29, 1998 Portrait of a Murderer An Analysis of the Duke in Robert Browning's, My Last Duchess Robert Browning's poem, My Last Duchess is probably his most famous dramatic monologue and is an excellent example of this form of poetry (Landow). Dramatic monologue is a one-sided literary composition in which the speaker gradually reveals his character (Browning). The speaker in this poem is the duke of Ferrara, who is addressing a second character, an agent of a count whose daught...
  • Bodies Of Anastasia And Alexis
    1,339 words
    Anastasia Anastasia, Grand Duchess of Russia, was a very mischievous little girl with a sharp sense of humor (McGuire 18). She was always described as having long fine fingers and baby blue eyes. As she grew older, her personality changed drastically because of her dramatic childhood. Her eyes and fingers remained the same but her wonderful personality had disappeared (Klier and Mingay 193). The daughter of Czar Nicholas II, Anastasia, may have survived the Russian Revolution, but what became of...
  • My Last Duchess
    569 words
    In his poem, My Last Duchess, Robert Browning uses the description of a painting as the premise through which he paints his own subtle portrait of the speaker. Through his self-absorbed rambling monologue concerning his former wife, the Duke inadvertently reveals much more about himself than he does (as the title would suggest) his last Duchess. With his opening line, That's my last Duchess painted on the wall, / Looking as if she were alive, the Duke of Ferrara begins a long speech that ultimat...
  • My Last Duchess
    281 words
    The similarity between "My Last Duchess" and "An artist'd studio" is that they are both about art and paintings. Both poem's are real, but not real, these people are fantasizing. A difference between both of these poems is that one of them does not really have a name. In "My Last Duchess", the woman is not perfect for a second. She is beautiful, but the artist does not like that she smiles at other people. He thinks that she is unfaithful. The story is called "My Last Duchess" because he killed ...

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