Neanderthals essay topics

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  • Neanderthal Fossils As Old As 100000 Years
    1,129 words
    The first Neanderthal remains, discovered in Germany in 1856, were presented to the world of science at a meeting of the Lower Rhine Medical and Natural History Society held in Bonn in February 1857 and named a species, Homo, by William King in 1864. Some Neanderthal fossils and other remains are in excellent condition, giving a good idea of Neanderthal culture. In 1887, two complete skeletons were found in a cave near Spy in Belgium, and more from sites in France in 1887, 1908 and 1911. These a...
  • Homo Erectus And Homo Erg
    1,706 words
    Crist ela Aguilar Anthropology 161 July 21, 2005 Final Exam 4. The word hominid refers to members of the family of humans. It includes all species from our human ancestors and also all living apes, such as the Hominoid ea. The hominid fossil record will not be complete for a long while, but there is enough evidence for researchers to give us good idea about the history of humans. There are a number of fossils that have been found throughout the researchers journeys. One of them is called Ardipit...
  • Modern Human With Neanderthal Traits
    1,587 words
    Were Neanderthals the same as modern humans, or were they an entirely different species? This is a major topic of debate among Anthropologists, and many people strongly argue each view, backing their opinion with evidence from physical remains and inferred ideas about behavior. The proponents of the separate species hypothesis believe that they had a common ancestor, but Neanderthals and modern humans were separate species. They argue that the Neanderthal line was a dead end, and that for some r...
  • Neanderthals And The Homo Sapiens
    1,201 words
    Neanderthals I have never really had an interest in religion and the beliefs it is made of. This all leaves me confused at times. Religion explains the creation of humankind, since I have no religious beliefs then where does this leave me in thought about where I came from Actually it left me no where. I have just recently taken an anthropology class the second semester of my freshman year at Montgomery College. I am just know gaining a belief in where and when man was created. Just think, most ...
  • Homo Sapiens And The Neanderthals
    483 words
    The Latest Neanderthal Although Neanderthals had larger brain cavities than the modern man, researchers believe that Neanderthals were not quite as intelligent as the modern man. The Neanderthals are thought to have been violent and put into extinction by their much more sophisticated cousins, Homo sapiens. Researchers believe that Homo sapiens may have even slaughtered the last of the Neanderthals, nearly 34,000 years ago. The most recent discovery concerning Neanderthals, found in a cave in Vi...
  • Modern Humans And Neanderthals
    839 words
    Homo Neanderthalensis lived from about 250,000 to 30,000 years ago, which is the last species to diverge from the human line prior to the emergence of modern humans and the last species of hominid to have gone extinct. Neanderthals lived in a cultural period during the Middle Paleolithic. Neanderthals lived mostly in cold climates, and their body proportions are similar to those of modern cold adapted peoples, which is short and stocky with solid limbs. Shorter than modern humans, males stood 1....

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