Neurons In The Brain essay topics

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  • Impulses Between Spinal Cord And Brain
    1,060 words
    -Nervous System 3 functions of the nervous system: -Receives and relays information-Monitors and responds to internal and external changes-Controls and coordinates all body functions Sensory: become aware of stimuli: change in environmentIntegative: memory, emotions, conscience, decisions Response: muscles, what did you do? Neuron- (nerve cell) cells that carry messages throughout the nervous system Nerve impulse- electrical signals, coded method from neuron Sensory neuron: neuron that carries i...
  • Main Parts Of The Nervous System
    454 words
    Nervous System The two types of the nervous system are the Central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. They are responsible for integrating, processing, and coordinating Sensory data and motor commands the central nervous system, which interprets sensory input and carry information to maintain homeostasis. CNS can^aEURTMt be regenerate because a CNS consists of the spinal cord that mean if it^aEURTMs break the spinal cord is break also. The peripheral nervous system consists of the...
  • Brain Mind Connection
    861 words
    In the past, when people had psychological problems, neuroscientists would often wrongly jump to the conclusion that something in the persons past was to blame. Nowadays, scientists know more than ever about the growing field of neuroscience. In The Brain-Mind Connection: A Quarter Century of Neuroscience, Beth Horning discusses the future possibilities for this growing field. According to recent statistics, over 90 percent of the neuroscientists who ever lived are living now (59), and more has ...
  • Einstein's Brain Of Genius
    337 words
    Einstein's Brain "Markedly different" from norm The article that I have read is about how Albert Einstein's gray matter in his brain has differences then the average persons. They are not sure though if it has any links between his great intelligence though. Dr. Dahlia W. Zaidel of UCLA was the researcher on this project. She started out by investigating to see if the brain of a genius might show special features. She then examined two slides made from Einstein's brain after his death in 1955. T...
  • Study Of Nitric Oxide
    1,278 words
    Expansion on the Recent Discoveries Concerning Nitric Oxide as presented by Dr. Jack R. Lancaster Nitric Oxide, or NO, its chemical representation, was until recently not considered to be of any benefit to the life processes of animals, much less human beings. However, studies have proven that this simple compound had an abundance of uses in the body, ranging from the nervous system to the reproductive system. Its many uses are still being explored, and it is hoped that it can play an active rol...
  • High Level Of Dopamine In The Brain
    401 words
    Dopamine An integral component of the Central Nervous System is dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which plays a major role in carrying out two activities of the CNS. Dopamine assists in controlling movement, and it is strongly linked with behaviors based on emotion. Neurons from an area of the brain, substantia nigra, which connects to the corpora strata is the area from where dopamine is released. This pathway is involved in movement control and the musculoskeletal system. The mesocortic...

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