One King essay topics

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  • Thirty One Kings
    2,030 words
    Joshua Moses said to Joshua, "Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekite's. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands". Exodus 17: 9 This is the first passage of scripture where you find Joshua. There is a law called the law of first mention. The law of first mention is a principle that requires one to take a fraction of Scriptures where a principle, expression, or act is mentioned for the first time, in the Bible, and to study the first occurrence ...
  • Elijah As A Prophet Of Yahweh
    1,304 words
    Introduction In 1 Kings 18-19 we are introduced to one of the most magical men in the Bible, and to one of the greatest miracles. Along with Moses and Jesus, Elijah is among the great miracle workers of the world. Elijah used miracles to bring Israel up out of shambles, if just for a moment. He also showed extreme faith and perseverance in the face of great odds. But the true character of Elijah lies in his name, which literally means, Yahweh is my God (Anderson 246). Prelude to The Contest In o...
  • Story Of The Holy Grail
    2,250 words
    What is the Holy Grail A chalice A philosophers's tone The bloodline of Christ In Arthurian romances the quest for the ever-elusive Holy Grail and the secrets therein was the highest spiritual pursuit one could embark on. In today's times it is a mental, rather than a physical, journey, and while not fraught with the danger it once was, it is still, for all practical purposes, an exciting and adventurous journey. To discover the truth of the identity of the Holy Grail, one must first look to see...
  • Princess Penelope
    475 words
    Fairy Tale Of A Princess Who Would Not Sleep Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a princess who could not go to sleep. Her parents, the King and Queen spent the whole day from morning until night coaxing, pleading with begging and crying for her to take a nap or just lie down, but she refused. For some odd reason, Princess Penelope would not go to sleep. The King and Queen got so desperate that one day the King made an announcement to the people of the town from his castle hig...
  • Horrible Werewolf
    477 words
    Mike Moreno Daughter: Mommy i know you have told me that no noses is common in our family but im old enough know to figure that's a bunch of b. 's. So stop feeding me all this sheet and tell me the truth. Mrs. NoNose: Well honey its a long story actually. your father wasnt the only guy that i was married to. There was somebody before your father. He was the horrible werewolf. He used to treat me Like i was his bitch and that's all. i was to afraid to break it off for fear of a de-nosing. When i ...
  • Rufus King
    640 words
    The Life and Accomplishments of Rufus King When most people think about the founding fathers of the U.S. Constitution, they think of people such as George Washington, James Monroe, etc. However, there is one man whose name represents a man who had the ability to influence anyone. A man from the state of Massachusetts; a man named Rufus King. Rufus King was born in Sacaboro, MA in 1755. He was the oldest son of a farmer- merchant. After attending school and receiving his education, King went on t...

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