Othello's Wife essay topics

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  • Othello's Stature As A Tragic Hero
    1,181 words
    "Othello's stature as a tragic hero is severely compromised by the alacrity with which he turns against his wife, and by his failure to achieve any real self knowledge " To what extent do you agree? Othello's stature as a tragic hero is severely compromised by the speed and ease with which he turns against his wife, and by his failure to achieve any real self knowledge. In the Shakespearian tragedy of Othello, we witness the character of Othello fall from a position of control in Venetian societ...
  • Sins Of Othello And Medea
    2,239 words
    Throughout many great works of literature there are numerous characters whose acts are either moral or immoral. In the works Euripides 'Medea', Shakespeare's 'Othello' and Boccaccio's Decameron, 'Tenth Day, Tenth Story', the main characters all carry out actions which in today's day and age would be immoral and inexcusable. Medea takes on the most immoral act, in Euripides great tragic work. The morale of today varies greatly with that of the time periods in which these works were written. Gualt...
  • Jealousy In The Play Othello
    570 words
    jealousy In the play Othello, jealousy is shown to be very evident through the actions of the characters. Jealousy is an emotion that everyone shares, and it is ultimately responsible for the tragic ending of the play. Everyone feels jealous at certain times of their lives, and this feeling can cause people to do irrational things. This human emotion also shows people to be weak in the sense that they are never happy with what they have. Shakespeare shows through Othello, Iago, Rodrigo, and Brab...
  • Female Sexuality In Shakespeare's Othello
    1,339 words
    Shakespeare's Othello begins with a marriage between Othello and Desdemona. This marriage was the result of the strong bond of love which they felt together. During their marriage, Othello started to feel a sense of jealousy with Desdemona's behavior. This jealousy was being created by Desdemona's beauty and sexual power. With the presence of Desdemona, Othello felt belittled with her sexuality. Female sexuality is a threat to the patriarchal society, and Othello must control it. Desdemona's sex...
  • Othello's Honor
    546 words
    Shakespeare's "Othello" is a prime example of a cleverly crafted tragedy. Othello himself has all the elements of a tragic hero: the personal grievance involving a friend and loved one, the tragic flaw (gullibility), the sacrifice of suicide. Othello's strong love for his wife and the love that Desdemona shows him by betraying her father shows the bond between the two of them. As a man Othello was honorable and noted with high regard around Venice, also a strong and great leader. Every great lea...

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