Part Of The Story essay topics

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  • Jewish Prisoners
    817 words
    If they would have only listened to Beetle! That was my only thought after reading Elie Wiesel's Night. This graphic story of a fifteen year old boy's life in concentration camps made me realize just how bad Jewish citizens had it during the reign of Adolph Hitler. Women, children, and men of all ages were killed for not being able to work for the Germans. The way Elie describes everything was amazing. I read the book in one sitting if that tells you anything. Since I have really never heard the...
  • Grenville's Spirited Joans
    1,467 words
    What we " re after, of course, is stories, and we know that history is bulging with beauties. Having found them, we then proceed to fiddle with them to make them the way we want them to be, rather than the way they really were. We get it wrong, willfully and knowingly. But perhaps you could say that the very flagrancy of our 'getting it wrong' points to the fact that all stories even the history 'story' are made. They have an agenda, even if it's an unconscious one. Perhaps there are many ways t...
  • Peyton's Escape Home
    1,171 words
    Out of all the stories I have read in class so far, An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce, has touched me most. When I first began reading the story I felt as though I was not interested, because my assumptions of what the story was going to be about were completely different than the stories actual content. As I set aside my judgment and let myself try to enjoy the story, I found myself anxiously reading to the bitter end. This story was not only interesting and unique, but also h...
  • First Part Of The Story
    560 words
    The film, El Norte, is a believable portrayal of a Guatemalan family's struggles in the 1980's. The story is divided into three parts. The first part of the story takes place in a village in Guatemala. The Xuncax family is in danger when the father, an activist leader, helps organize the local workers. Because of the father's activism and his attempt to preserve what rightfully belongs to them, he is murdered. The mother is then taken away by the army, never to be seen again. The brother, Enriqu...
  • Confusing Part Of The Story
    506 words
    I found the book Les Miserables, written by Victor Hugo, to be an all around enjoyable story. The way Hugo arranged and worded his sentences were very clever. Because of these sentences, during the slow or boring parts, I remained interested. However, many parts of the book I found to be confusing. Hugo did not seem to give much information or background about why the characters did what they did. One of the most puzzling parts in Les Miserables was Javert's stubbornness to capture Jean Valjean ...
  • Important Theme In Potiki
    997 words
    This is an explorative essay on the theme in Patricia Graces novel Potiki that telling and retelling stories is an important and valuable part of being human. An important theme in Potiki is the enduring idea that creating and sharing stories as a central part of being human is important. It is a significant theme because the novel is heavily imbued with Maori culture, in which the stories and spoken teachings are given prominence, and also because it is a popular belief that people need narrati...
  • Duality Among Christabel And Geraldine
    1,174 words
    Christabel by Samuel Taylor Coleridge is a poem that precious itself of being ambiguous. This is because, apparently, its author had conceived it as a larger poem and said to have the complete plot in mind. However at some point he gave up his idea of writing it complete and published the first two parts. The highlights of these two parts is what I pretend to comment on inthe following text. The thing that called my attention the most about the poem is its vivid, if somewhat dark, imagery. At th...
  • Sedaris Dialogue
    694 words
    Me Talk Pretty One Day By David Sedaris David Sedaris' Me Talk Pretty One Day contains a variety of cynical, witty, and unconventional essays that hold the tone and the reader's interest throughout the book. While describing his timeless scars from the "girlish pitch and excited tone" of his own voice in middle school, to his addictions to pathetic art and methamphetamine's, Sedaris offers a view and a voice like none other. Each story is unique and short, each written in different styles while ...
  • Story Of The Kiowa Culture
    1,606 words
    N. Scott Momaday's The Way To Rainy Mountain provides a link into the Kiowa culture that otherwise would have been lost. His emphasis throughout the piece is concentrated mainly on his grand mother who had just passed away. Her death represents the death of the Kowa culture. She was the last to dance the Sun Dance, a kiowan dance ritual. He speaks of the advances of the U.S. Cavalry who forced the Kiowas of their land. ' they never understood the grim, unrelenting advance of the U.S. Cavalry. ' ...
  • Last Time Salzman And Leo
    5,373 words
    I. Bernard Malamud Bernard Malamud (1914-1986) was born in Brooklyn, New York. From 1932 to 1936 he studied at the City College of New York, where he received his bachelor's degree. From 1937 to 1938 he was a student at the Columbia University. In 1942 he received his Master's degree. From 1940 to 1948 he taught evening classes at the Erasmus High School, the same High School he went to from 1928 to 1932. In 1943 his first two short stories were published in Threshold and American Preface. He be...

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