Patriotism essay topics

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  • Definition Patriotism
    1,585 words
    Many people believe that they are patriotic people. But, what truly makes one patriotic? In "Saying Goodbye to Patriotism" Robert Jensen critiques the effects of patriotism on today's modern society, the United States, and globalization after the attacks on 9/11. Jensen defines patriotism in his talk delivered to the Peace Action National Congress as "love and loyal or zealous support of one's own country". (Jensen 741) But, that is not the only definition of patriotism. One may love living in t...
  • Patriotism
    576 words
    What Patriotism Means to MeIn the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States we are seeing many forms of Patriotism. I was surprised to find when I researched this word that it had a negative feeling associated with it. I believe that patriotism is actively showing your support for your country, standing up for what you believe in, and fighting for our individual free will and independence. I am proud of my country and I am not ashamed to fly the American Flag. Ma...
  • Movie Goers Feeling Of Patriotism
    991 words
    The portrayal of the feelings of the general public is constantly used in film to stir the audience. If the filmmaker can rouse their feelings, people will be more engrossed in the movie than they would be otherwise. What is arguably the strongest emotion in many people is the feeling of patriotism. As George Bernard Shaw said, "Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it". Though this feeling is not necessarily based on logic, i...
  • Flags Representation Of Patriotism
    1,053 words
    There is much controversy surrounding the idea of patriotism and the iconography of the American flag in today's society. Some believe patriotism is simply the act of supporting the decisions of the leaders of the country. Others say, to be patriotic, people should be outspoken and voice their oppositions to what is going on in the government. Opinions also differ on the idea of what the American flag represents. One opinion of the flags representation is that the flag represents our history, an...
  • Path To Patriotic Preservation
    433 words
    The path to patriotic preservation is better ender stood be defining two key words. Volunteerism is the policy or prtaice of volunteering one's own time or services, as for charitable or community work. Patri osm is of or like a patriot, or a person who loves, supports ans defends his o her country and its intrest. There is definitely a link between volunteerism and patriotism in that both take conviction of heart, intellect and caring for a particular cause or idea and it is done mostly without...
  • Doob The Definition Of Patriotism
    646 words
    Patriotism I believe that patriotism is a belief or feeling of pride in one's own country. That is what I believed the definition of patriotism to be before I researched anything on the topic. People can argue all day long about the subject of patriotism, since it can sometimes be such a vague subject and they probably do not quite know what the definition of patriotism to be. When I first started to research patriotism I figured no better place to look up a definition then in the Webster Dictio...

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