Paul And Kat essay topics

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  • Last Of Paul's Friends
    608 words
    'All Quiet on the Western Front' was written in a first person style. The story was told by Paul Ba " user, a nineteen year old student, convinced to enlist with the German army by his schoolmaster, Kantor ek. Along with many of his friends from school, he is trained under Corporal Himmel stoss, a strictly disciplined commander who dislikes Paul because of his 'defiance. ' When sent to the front, Paul, along with his other friends, made new friendships that would last throughout time. His newly ...
  • Soldiers Wallet Paul
    1,111 words
    All Quiet on the Western Front by: Erich Maria Remarque All Quiet On The Western Front was set in Belgium, Germany. The novel covered about three years beginning in 1916. The setting was as important as the war itself, because it was told from a German perspective. No one knew what to expect from this war since it was the first world war. The soldiers dint know who their friends or enemies were or what devastation might occur. Paul Baume r, the main character, narrated the story. Other important...
  • Paul Leaves For The Front
    1,949 words
    All Quiet on the Western Front is narrated by Paul Baume r. He is a young man of nineteen who fights in the German army on the French front in World War I. Unlike most during that time period, Paul and several of his friends and classmates from school joined the army voluntarily. They joined after listening to nationalistic speeches told to them by their schoolmaster, Kantorek But after experiencing ten weeks of atrocious basic training at the hands of the small-minded, vindictive Corporal Himme...
  • Paul And Duval
    1,572 words
    Decline of Morality The novel All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque shows that war destroys more than just the physical level; the decline of morality has taken place through various circumstances in the novel such as: then incident where Paul Baumer is forced to kill a soldier in a shell hole, when Paul lies to his mother and the mother of his dead friend Kemmerich and when Paul and Kat must beat a recruit unconscious to stop him from leaving the trench; these incidents can be ...
  • Paul Bandages His Wounds
    11,960 words
    All Quiet on the Western Front Chapter Summary By: Jesse Cody All Quiet on the Western Front is an anti-war novel from the opening chapters. Many critics of the novel in the early days after the publication of the novel blamed Remarque for writing for shock value. They did not want to believe his novel represented the truth about World War I. In many ways, such people were like Paul's schoolmaster, Kantorek. They wanted to cling to classical, romantic notions of war. However, Remarque wrote his ...
  • Pauls Heart
    1,269 words
    In this section of the book, Paul finally understands what the war is about and why he is there. But he learned this grim reality after a traumatizing event. He begins to see the devastation and agony the war brings accompanied with its empty heart. After being reassigned to a flank that is brought in whenever the battle plans go wrong, Paul prepares for battle. But he is reassured knowing his faithful comrades, Kat and Albert, are at his side. But Kat and Albert cant assist him with his mind st...
  • Quote From Paul About Kat
    724 words
    World War I was one of the greatest military conflicts of all time. During this time of great death and destruction men came together and formed support groups. In Pauls group as in most groups there emerges a single leader, someone who can guide and protect its members. Katczinsky was the leader of Pauls intermediate group of friends. This is a quote from a literary analysis of the book Kat is such an intermediate figure; an army veteran, he stands out as the classic soldier-representative of c...
  • Kat Before Paul
    922 words
    Ben White Modern European History September 9, 1996 All Quiet on the Western Front By, Erich Maria Remarque All Quiet on the Western Front is a story of events that happened to a young man named Paul Baumer. Paul Baumer is a young man that was talked into joining the war by his teacher Kantorek, who also convinced the other boys in his class to enlist in the army and to serve their country. Kantorek said it was very noble to defend the land that gave them life, and that he beleive d it would be ...
  • Kat's Conflict With Ger
    1,466 words
    A solitary woman sits in conversation with a benign tumour that had just recently been removed from her ovary. As the woman speaks, the inanimate tumour, which she has named Hairball, looks on from its glass encased perch atop the fireplace. The scene is macabre and certainly unusual, but such is the life of Kat, the main character in Margaret Atwood's short story, Hairball. Kat's life is filled with the unusual and the shocking, a lifestyle that has been self-imposed. Throughout the years, Kat,...
  • Jude And Kat
    759 words
    After a disappointing HSC result, Carmel McCaffrey could not pursue her dream of being in the music industry. She travels from her poor farm home in Mandella to the city, despite her parents belief that she should learn a computing course at home. Carmel believes that the city will provide her with a great opportunity to follow her desire to become a musician. Meanwhile, Jude Torres travels to the city to study medicine and follow her fathers footsteps. We learn that Judes father was helping the...
  • Soldiers Like Paul
    2,798 words
    All Quiet on the Western Front All Quiet on the Western Front is a story of a German soldier involved with World War One. The soldiers' name is Paul Baume r, a nineteen-year-old student who is convinced to join the German army by his schoolmaster, Kantorek. Some of his classmates are also convinced to join by Kantorek. While in the service, Paul meets many others who play an important part in his life. The time frame of this story is from 1915-1918. Kantorek is a small man who is said to be ster...
  • Big Motivator In Paul's Life
    986 words
    Character motivation is what motivates a character to do what he / she does. In All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, Paul Baume r changes a lot due to the war and its hardships. Instead of being a na ve boy, because of what he faces, he becomes hardened and grows up a lot. Some of the more influential motivators are the death of the young recruit, Kemmerich's death, the way Corporal Himmelstoss treats him, his mothers cancer, when he kills the Frenchman, and Katczinsky's death...

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