Penguins essay topics

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  • Three Of The Modern Penguins
    482 words
    Evolution of penguins For this evolution project, I choose to research Penguins. The classification for this animal is as follows: K Neornithes, P Palaeognathae, C Neognathae, O Pelecaniformes, F Procellariformes, G Graviidae, S Spheniscidae. The first fossil penguin that was found, is today being held in the British Museum of Natural History. It was reportedly found by an anonymous Maori in New Zealand in 1859 and was named Palaeeudyptes Antarctic us despite the fact that the species was locate...
  • Managing Director Of Penguin Books Limited
    1,236 words
    Penguin Books: Introduction to Modern Business The aim of this essay is to comment on how, over the last six years Penguin Books Limited has grown and managed external and internal changes. Sixty one years ago, Allen Lane, the managing director of the BodleyHead, a British publishing company, revolutionized reading with the introduction of the first ten Penguin paperbacks. Today, over 600 million paperbacks are sold yearly. At a time when there was still little of entertainment, paperback books ...
  • Ross Sea Emperor Penguins And Weddell Seals
    474 words
    Surviving in the Ross Sea Emperor penguins and Weddell seals are the only marine predators that breath air and live year round in Antarctica Ross Sea. How these two animals are able to live among each other when there diets, hunting depths and area distribution are shared is the question. Ross Sea is called home by six emperor penguin colonies, approximately 180,000 birds, and about 50,000 Weddell seals. It is important, when considering competition between these two species to know that each sh...
  • Generation X Males
    716 words
    Fight Club Reader Response The movie Fight Club is based around a concept articulated by Tyler Durden to a 'lost generation' of men as, "You are not your job. You are not how much you have in the bank. You are not the contents of your wallet. You are not your khakis. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake". This ideology represents a counter-culture to the typical American pop culture and creed. As demonstrated throughout the movie, this 'revolution' is a fight against the widely accepted ...
  • Male Emperor Penguin
    1,214 words
    The penguin (Sphenisciformes) has been a fascination to numerous people including scientists and researchers alike. They have distinctive characteristics and an interesting classification system. Their eating habits, unique way of breeding and predators are just a way of everyday life that fascinates scientists and researchers. The species status still remains in danger and can hopefully be helped. This unusual bird stands on short legs and walks with a clumsy waddle. These birds cannot fly whic...
  • Emperor And Little Penguins
    633 words
    I They are small white and black bird like creatures that live in cold regions. Penguins are the most fascinating creature around. II Explanation 1 Physical characteristics A Most penguins have a white breast and a black back and head. Many species exhibit red, orange, or yellow patches on the head and neck. Because their short legs are placed far back on their bodies, penguins assume an upright posture. B Penguins are grouped into 18 species and 6 genera, most of which are found in Antarctica a...
  • Species Of Penguins
    3,196 words
    The signature Species of the Southern Hemisphere (Antarctica) - the mascot if you will - is the penguin. There are not one and no fewer than seventeen species of penguins. Penguins are flightless birds in which several factors are contributing to the reduction of the penguin population. These contributing factors are both man-made and naturally occurring. The origin of the word penguin has been the subject of debate for a long period of time. Researchers and historians theories range from refere...
  • Picture Of 2 Emperor Penguins
    481 words
    web did you find / choose this site? -I simply did some browsing, which led me to this exceptional site. 1. Summarize what you found at this site and how the info relates? -This site included two types of penguins. The Adelie and the Emperor Penguins. The Emperor which, is mentioned in our book, can weigh as much as 20 to 45 kg. These animals are graceful swimmers and show great agility under the water. They are found in the Southern Hemisphere. Their diets consist of squid and fish. (below is a...
  • Emperor Penguin
    391 words
    Mark Sandoval Informative Speech Emperor penguins are the most populated bird in the Antarctic. They are Birds without flight. You See Penguins spend most of their time in the ocean feeding on squid, krill, and fish. So they are excellent swimmers and with the use of their feet and stubby tail formed as a rudder, Along With the aid of flippers on either side acting as propellers they dart off as quickly as they come. Penguins have adapted to the cold and cold waters by developing an extremely de...
  • Reasons For Penguins Being In Danger
    1,701 words
    On our Earth, we are graced with many fantastic life forms. From those gliding through the heavenly skies, to those at the deepest depths of the oceans, there is a plethora of various species. A group of these, though, is like a diamond in the rough. While many people admire its beauty, they have yet to realize that it's the love for them that is dwindling its population. Who are these magnificent creatures... none other then the penguins. Just about everyone's seen a penguin, whether it be on T...
  • Jackass Penguin
    518 words
    Future. When one hears that word, one thinks of towering skyscrapers piercing the clouds, swift hovercrafts emitting beeping noises, and servile robots on wheels. But a thought that is not popular amongst human minds is what the future holds in store for animals, much less jackass penguins. The purpose of this paper is to inform you of the possible adaptations that the jackass penguin could evolve in the future. As you will see, the environment is a major component in evolution. Let us take a jo...
  • Names For The Fairy Penguin
    337 words
    The scientific name for the Fairy Penguin is Eudyptula Minor. Eudyptula means "good little diver". Some other names for the Fairy Penguin are; "Northern Blue Penguin,"Southern Blue Penguin", and "Little Blue Penguin". The name "Blue" refers to the bluish color in the wings. The Fairy Penguin is the smallest kind of penguin in the world. It can reach up to 15-16 inches long (or 41 cm. ). That is almost as long as two new pencils! They can weigh 2.2 pounds or one kilogram. Fairy Penguins eat fish,...

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