Performance Drugs essay topics

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  • Enhancing Drug
    691 words
    Performance-Enhancing Drugs - - Artificial Entertainment At a press conference in April, representatives from various professional sports joined together to discuss the effects of performance-enhancing drugs on their particular sport. Unanimously, the representatives decided that these drugs take away from the purity and natural skill of the sport, and should therefore be declared illegal in all professional and division-one college sports. This rule may go into effect as early as April of the y...
  • Drugs And Steroids In The Athletic World
    2,827 words
    Performance-enhancing drugs are a topic in todays society which is currently under hot debate. Performance-enhancing drugs are substances which are used to stimulate certain areas of the body to make an athlete excel in a certain event. The most common form of performance-enhancing drugs are called steroids. According to Hank Nuwer in his book Steroids, steroids are... compounds that are necessary for the well-being of many living creatures, including human beings. These include sex hormones, bi...
  • Similar Drug By The Name Of Creatine
    1,166 words
    ... e testosterone, it comes to no surprise to why it mostly affects the reproductive system. For example, most male side effects include shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count, impotence, baldness, pain in urinating, development of breasts or enlarged prostate (Anabolic Steroids, A Brief History, 2). While males experience more of a feminizing affect, females will usually experience a more affects such as growth of facial air, changes in the menstrual cycle, enlargement of the clitoris...
  • Aggressive Drug Dogs
    796 words
    Drug dogs are classified into three categories - those that are aggressive, those that are compulsive, and those that are very laid back. These dogs go through very extensive training before performing their tasks. Training takes anywhere from three to twelve weeks. Dogs come out of this training with different types of personalities. The first of this category would be the aggressive dog. This dog is the one that tends to be forceful and damaging. The aggressive dog will tear things apart when ...
  • Illegal Drug Use In International Sport
    719 words
    With all the hype of payoffs to IOC members in the media today, it might sound as if that is the greatest threat to international sport. The real threat to the Olympics and international sport is the use of dangerous drugs which enhance the performance of professional and Olympic athletes around the world. Given the great number of athletes who use performance-enhancing drugs and evade detection, it might seem as if officials are turning a blind eye to the problem. Officials are in fact trying v...
  • Athletes Use Performance
    1,000 words
    Muscles Now... Problems Later? Your lifelong dream of becoming Hulk Hogan is coming along slower than planned. You decide to speed the process up by doping on some creatine. But will you just be cutting yourself short in the long run? Creatine is an amino acid produced naturally in the liver. Many athletes use this naturally occurring metabolite, found in red muscle tissue, as a way to store energy between bursts of activity. Creatine is normally obtained from foods we eat, the best sources bein...
  • Tours And Record Deals
    1,913 words
    Outline Thesis: The lifestyle of a professional musician is more difficult than glamorous. I. Introduction II. The Hardships of being a professional pop musician. A. The physical and mental rigors of being on tour. 1. Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys was stressed to the max. 2. When the Goo Goo Dolls performed on tour with Everclear, the amount of performing they did was ludicrous and very taxing. a. One night, John Reznick was forced to perform even though he had totally lost his voice the night ...
  • Non Illegal Drugs Like Creatine
    1,825 words
    Jason Dvorak Mrs. Donohue Research Methods 10 December 2000 Performance Enhancing Drugs When most people think of performance-enhancing drugs the first thought that comes to their minds is the illegal ones like steroids, but today there are more non-illegal drugs like creatine and for people today. Creatine is a chemical produced by the kidney and found in meat product. It helps muscles recover after a workout, which in turn helps athletes bulk up faster (Gregorian 5). Creatine is used by many o...
  • Drug Testing In The Olympics
    1,117 words
    Citius, Altius, Fortius: At What Cost Citius, Altius, Fortius is the motto of the Olympic games. Translated from Greek, it means "Faster, Higher, Stronger". Recently, Olympic contenders have been doing everything they can to live up to that motto. Most do it by training hour after hour, each day. Others try to do it by illegally taking performance enhancing drugs. This is why we need to test for drugs at the Olympics. Drug Testing in the Olympics began only recently in the 1968 Games held in Mex...

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