Prices For Consumers essay topics

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  • Target's Profits
    737 words
    The general issue that this article touches upon is the economic growth of the 'discounter's tore called Target. Economic growth occurs because after deflating, or subtracting the inflation from the profit, the real income is higher than that of the year before. Target offers an original blend of products in the latest fashion and low-rent prices. It is called the "Kmart for yuppies" (Naughton). Initially, the regally pronounced "Tar-jay" opened its services in the midwestern region, however, af...
  • Canadian Commodity Prices
    3,416 words
    Introduction The average Canadian has become conditioned to rising prices, however it is impossible to ignore the impending threat of a sustained decline in prices and wages. Roger Bootle, a respected British analyst, points out that the chronic inflation experienced by Western economies in recent decades is unusual, as in the past centuries prices tended to fall as often as they rose. Today, however inflation has almost disappeared, due to globalization and changes in technology that have made ...
  • Sales Of Goodyear's Tires
    571 words
    Throughout the years Goodyear has been distributing its tires only through the company-owned Goodyear Auto Service Centers and franchised Goodyear Tire dealers. The decision of Goodyear Company to broaden its distribution to Sears Auto Centers will have several advantages and disadvantages related to this action. Advantages: 1) Increase in sales in the short term, which will create an increase of market share in the long term. Goodyear's sales are declined because of multi-branding among mass me...
  • Seller From Discriminating In Price Between Two
    2,775 words
    Definition of Price Discrimination Price discrimination takes place when a seller charges competing buyers different prices for the same commodity or discriminating in the provision of allowances X compensation for advertising and other services That may be violating the Robinson-Patman Act. This kind of price discrimination may hurt competition by giving favored customers an edge in the market that has nothing to do with the superior efficiency of those customers. The Robinson-Patman Act The Ro...
  • Priceline Com Offers Consumers
    1,758 words
    Priceline. com is an Internet company that has pioneered a unique type of e-commerce known as demand collection system that enables consumers to use the Internet to save money on a wide range of products and services while enabling sellers to generate incremental revenue. Using a simple and compelling consumer proposition of name your price, the consumer is in control of the product they wish to purchase. In the form of individual customer offers guaranteed by a credit card for a particular prod...
  • Example Of First Degree Price Discrimination
    2,490 words
    Define, discuss, and account for the existence of price discrimination. Compare and exemplify the first, second, and third degrees of such discrimination. Overview Price discrimination is the practice of setting different pricing formulas in different virtual markets, while still maintaining the same product throughout. The prices are based upon the price elasticity of demand in each given market. In more practical terms, that means that during Ladies Night at M.P. OReilly's, it costs more for m...
  • Oligopoly Industry
    1,548 words
    An oligopoly describes a market situation in which there are limited or few sellers. Each seller knows that the other seller or sellers will react to its changes in prices and also quantities. This can cause a type of chain reaction in a market situation. In the world market there are oligopolies in steel production, automobiles, semi-conductor manufacturing, cigarettes, cereals, and also in telecommunications. Often times oligopolistic industries supply a similar or identical product. These com...
  • Purchase Of Auto Insurance Policies
    644 words
    Utility of Service Property and casualty insurance, more specifically auto insurance, is an intangible product and is a service purchased by consumers that they hope they never have to use. This is contrary to most any other good or service. You would not buy a car to never use or go to a doctor and pay for treatment you do not expect to receive. The consumer pays for a promise that they hope to never collect on. As a result the service is viewed rather negatively by the pubic and becomes an ite...
  • Result Of The Overcompensation Of The Cpi
    476 words
    Inaccuracies of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) The Consumer Price Index is a measure of the prices of a fixed market basket of some 300 consumer goods and services purchased by a 'typical' urban consumer. The 1982-1984 period serves as the base period so analysts can compare other year's changes with this base period. The composition of the market basket is fixed in the base period and is assumed not to change from one period to another. The reason for the assumption is because the CPI measures ...
  • Attractive Displays Post Purchase Evaluation For Consumers
    980 words
    1. The decision making process for canned tuna is as follows: (i) Problem Recognition - Consumers of canned tuna are motivated primarily by the need to satisfy their physiological need of hunger which is the most basic level of needs under Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Problem recognition can also stem from stock-outs where consumers run out of canned tuna supplies. In addition, motivation of purchase can be marketer-induced to incite new needs / wants by introducing consumers new uses of canned ...
  • Decrease In Prices For Other Heating Commodities
    582 words
    Heating Commodities Jennifer Lough ery 082970 Introductory to Micro-Economics 1011-107 Dr. Pryor November 25, 1996. Back in the middle of October, the price of natural-gas had risen because a gas company was forced to shut down a pipeline due to the need for repairs. This impending shortage led to the decrease in prices for other heating commodities, as well as larger profits. The demand for energy was becoming greater and greater because it was that time of year when consumers began storing ene...
  • Scented Sun Tan Lotion On The Market
    841 words
    The Brand / Product: 1. Attributes: The attributes are the product's primary characteristics, both physical and functional. They are what the consumer might recognize first about the product through the five senses. The physical attributes are what make the product what it is. They are scent, texture, package, contents, variety and price. The functional attributes are shown by how the products work. They include sun protection, moisture for the skin and an attractive promotion. 2. Benefits: Bene...
  • Average Total Cost
    602 words
    A Market Economy is the most efficient way of organizing economic activities. Millions of suppliers (firm) and consumers (buyers) make the markets. The suppliers and consumers sell and purchase goods that satisfy the wants of consumers and suppliers. Suppliers and consumers make rational decisions, respond to incentives and make tradeoffs. Over all trade makes everyone better off. (Mankiw) If one firm does not meet the wants of the consumer then they will lose their place in the market. Sales fo...
  • Buying Process For Purchase Of Ice Creams
    936 words
    Introduction: This assignment deals with an investigation into the buyer behaviour and buying patterns of consumers with respect to ice-creams. The fundamental issues that we start off by addressing are those of why people buy ice-creams and what they look for in an ice-cream. The realization of what needs of a consumer are addressed by an ice-cream will be crucial in not only tailoring our product to those needs but also in demarcating the various segments. Several attributes of ice-creams need...
  • Consumers To The Store
    1,468 words
    Introduction My two subjects for this paper will be known as Consumer A and Consumer B. Both consumers have just recently bought digital cameras. Consumer A bought a Hewlett-Packard Photosmart 2.1 Megapixel Digital Camera -320 for $150, while consumer B bought a Kodak 3.1 Megapixel 3 x Optical/3.3 x Digital Zoom Digital Camera for $300. A few demographics about Consumer A, is that the subject is female. She is 20 years old and is currently a student while working part-time at the Gap store in Pa...
  • Product Line Of Kodak Photo Film
    1,577 words
    Situation Analysis Although continuing its overwhelming domination of the photo film market, Kodak has suffered 6% of declines in film market share. This mainly resulted form fierce competition by Fuji Photo Film Co. and Konica Corp., selling consumer lower-priced films. Furthermore, since Kodak could not sell film on a private label basis, consumer is the only target to regain the revenue. Therefore, Kodak proposed to introduce a brand, Funtime, to fight with Fuji and Konica in economy class of...
  • Ikea Of Sweden
    387 words
    The business idea of IKEA is to put forward an extensive collection of home furnishings with good design and function at a price low enough for as many people as possible. IKEA responds to home furnishing needs from people worldwide with different styles, incomes, and requests. The business is based on a partnership with customers. IKEA offers attractive, durable furniture at low prices and the consumer chooses a product, picks it up at a self-serve warehouse, and then assembles it. By not charg...
  • Hotel Business McDonalds
    2,458 words
    Hand-in Assignment # 2 - McDonald's and The Hotel Industry 1.0 Key Issues 1 2.0 Recommendations 1 3.0 Analysis 2 3.1 The category 2 3.2 Brand Extension 3 3.2. 1 Advantages 4 3.2. 2 Disadvantages 4 3.3 Target Consumer 5 3.3. 1 Target consumer profile 6 2.4 Segments 6 2.5 Features 6 2.6 Location 7 2.7 Pricing 8 Exhibit # 1 1.0 Key Issues The most important issue is to examine the possibilities for McDonalds to extend in to the hotel business. As pointed out by the industry observer the key issues ...
  • Two Part Tariff Structure Consumers
    972 words
    The two- part tariff pricing system is related to price discrimination and is an Interesting part of business strategy. Under a two-part tariff structure consumers must pay a fee up front for the right to buy the product and then they have to pay an additional fee for each unit of the product they wish to consume. (Pindyck and Rubinfield, 2001) Examples of industries, with this kind of pricing strategy is popularly adopted, is telecommunication industries, amusement parks and public water supply...
  • Advertisements Of Alcohol's Price
    2,773 words
    I. Introduction In the United States, one of our greatest intrinsic liberties is that of free speech. Under this right, we are entitled to voice our opinion through any public media– so long as doing so does not present a ' clear and present danger' which outweighs our need for this freedom. As is the case with most liberties, decisions concerning the maintenance of free speech often come under great controversial scrutiny and government debate. With specific regard to advertisers, much le...

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