Protein Molecules essay topics

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  • Creatine Monohydrate Creatine
    1,124 words
    Creatine Monohydrate Creatine is a natural substance found in highest concentration in lean red muscle tissue of animals and humans in the form of creatine phosphate. When muscles are used to lift a weight, or perform any type of work, ATP, (Adenosine Triphosphate) is rapidly broken down to ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) and energy is released. The amount of ATP stored in the muscle will only fuel a maximum effort such as weight lifting for 10 to 15 seconds. After that the muscle must rely on Creat...
  • Amino Acids To The Mrna At Ribosomes
    681 words
    Proteins are some of the most essential compounds on the planet. They perform a variety of tasks ranging from muscle contraction to fighting diseases. Over 50% of the dry weight of organisms are made of proteins; this is because things like your nails and hair are made of proteins. Proteins are also components of biological membranes, and they help regulate the passage of molecules through the membranes. This is all very important to the body, but the most important function, by far, is their us...
  • Receptor Proteins And Signal Molecules
    364 words
    Receptor Protein - Protein that binds to a specific single molecule, enabling the cell to respond to the signal molecule. i.e. - The muscles of a person exercising can not contract without receptor proteins and signal molecules that tell the muscles when to contract and when to relax. Second Messenger - Signal molecule produced in response to the binding of a chemical signal. Acts as a signal molecule in the cytoplasm. Signal Molecule - Carries information throughout the body and to other cells....
  • Most Basic Level Of Protein Structure
    1,018 words
    Proteins are the macromolecules of life. Discovered in 1838, proteins are recognized as a large number of superior organic compounds that make up living organisms and are essential to their functioning. The term protein comes from the Greek word proteins or primary. Proteins have many different properties and function in a variety of ways. They can function as a building material, in teeth, bones and muscles, and they can serve as enzymes, hormones, and neurotransmitters. Its functions are the m...
  • Gel Filtration Chromatography
    392 words
    This lab's topic was Gel Filtration Chromatography. Chromatography is a technique used to separate molecules on the basis of differences in size, shape, mass, charge, solubility and absorption properties. A specific kind of chromatography is gel filtration. This technique separates molecules on the basis of their size. This procedure is performed by passing molecules down a solution containing beads made of a polysaccharide or polyacrylamide gel with semi-uniform pores. All of the beads have the...
  • Use Of Antibodies
    544 words
    Matthew PeacheyImmunology 3/4/02 Toolbox #5-Immunoprecipitation and Use of Antibodies in Isolation of Genes One of the most useful discoveries of recent technology is the ability to isolate individual genes from an organism's entire genome and then identify that gene. There are several methods available to achieve this goal, many of which make use of antibodies to identify potions of molecules. For proteins such as cell surface proteins, it is very difficult to purify a protein solution. To make...
  • Protein Molecules
    1,176 words
    How the Molecular Structure of Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids affect their function in living things. Living cells contain many small molecules such as water and inorganic ions like nitrogen. They also contain a vast number of larger molecules, called macromolecules that are built from smaller, simple molecules. They are also known as organic molecules because they contain carbon. All living things on earth are carbon based life-forms because the element can bond with itself repeatedly to fo...
  • Protein's Structure Through X Ray Crystallography
    1,744 words
    Proteins are a basic building block of life on earth. They are the molecules that provide structure, produce energy, and allow communication, movement and reproduction within a cell. They, along with carbohydrates, amino acids, and phospholipids, are the key macromolecules that make up organisms. The body of proteins that make up an organism is referred to as its proteome. Proteomics is the study of these proteomes, including the identification of the proteins and their physiological functions. ...
  • Structure And Function Of Cell Membrane Fluid
    840 words
    Structure and function of Cell Membrane FLUID MOSAIC MODEL Contains lipids and proteins. Lipid component referred to as the phospholipid bilayer. Phospholipids form a bilayer when placed in a water environment due to the phospholipid polarity. Phospholipids move freely within their plane of the bilayer resulting in fluidity within the membrane. The 2 layers of the bilayer may have different phospholipid and cholesterol compositions. Proteins can be wholly or partially embedded in the phospholipi...
  • Dna Molecule In The Nucleus
    260 words
    Protein Protein Synthesis Protein Synthesis Protein synthesis is the process by which genetic information from the DNA stored in the nucleus is transferred to the ribosomes where it is used to arrange amino acids into proteins. The DNA molecule in the nucleus is unzipped by an enzyme called polymerase. From one of these single strands of a DNA molecule, a mRNA molecule is built. This is accomplished by an enzyme which travels along a portion of DNA between two exons and attaches the opposing bas...

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