Psychological Effects essay topics

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  • Enemy Sniper
    607 words
    War can destroy a man both in body and mind for the rest of his life. In "The Sniper", Liam O'Flaherty suggests the horror of war not only by presenting its physical dangers, but also by showing its psychological effects. We are left to wonder which has the longer lasting effect-the visible physical scars or the ones on the inside? In this story the author shows how location plays a big part in how physically dangerous a war is. Gunshots heard throughout the city are a sign of how close the figh...
  • Cloning Of A Non Human Species
    1,419 words
    This question shakes us all to our very souls. For humans to consider the cloning of one another, forces everyone of us to question the very concepts of right and wrong that makes us all human. The cloning of any species, whether they be human or non-human, is ethically and morally wrong. Scientists and ethicist's alike have debated the dangerous implications of human and non-human cloning extensively since 1997 when scientists at the Roslin Institute in Scotland produced a cloned sheep, named D...
  • Contrast Effect
    1,112 words
    "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate" William Shakespeare. Or, shall I compare thee to an airbrushed Vogue supermodel, and completely lose interest? It's not surprising that in our modern day society we are constantly assaulted by beauty. We see it everyday in magazines, on television, on billboards, everywhere we turn we see beautiful people-almost to the point of sensory overload. In fact, according to Trend Research Institute "in the past two decade...
  • Psychology Effect Of Steroid Use
    657 words
    Psychological Effects of Steroids Many psychology along with physical effects occur do to the use, and misuse of steroids. Anabolic steroids use can cause many undesired characteristics in both males and females. However, steroids are often prescribed by doctors when the patient has an extremely irregular hormonal imbalance. In these cases, the psychological effects are not as great and often do not cause problems for the individual if the dosage is correct. The negative characteristics include ...
  • Cloning Of Non Human Species
    913 words
    The question shakes us all to our very souls. For humans to consider the cloning of one another forces them all to question the very concepts of right and wrong that make them all human. The cloning of any species, whether they be human or non-human, is ethically and morally wrong. Scientists and ethicist's alike have debated the implications of human and non-human cloning extensively since 1997 when scientists at the Roslin Institute in Scotland produced Dolly. No direct conclusions have been d...
  • Massage And Body Therapies
    2,182 words
    The gift of touch Touch is as essential to a healthy and happy life as eating right, getting proper sleep, and exercising. With the world growing more technological, the need for healthy human contact is more important than ever. Massage and body therapies are an age old healing refuge for us in this fast-paced, stressed-out world. The practice of massage therapy is rapidly growing in the United States. It has so much to offer and is becoming more widely accepted by doctors and the general publi...
  • Effects On The Victim
    722 words
    Rape Victims Outside in the rain, a young man approached the house. He knew exactly where to go, he had been watching the back door. No one knows how often he had been out there, but he knew exactly where to find the hidden key. It was hidden in a woodpile behind some bushes next to the whit picked fence. He used it to let himself in the back door. He walked through the kitchen, around a corner, up the stairs, past the kids' rooms, and into Ross's bedroom. She'd been asleep for about half an hou...
  • Essay And The Article
    953 words
    To Believe or Not to Believe The short narrative "Salvation" portrays the life of Langston Hughes at an early age confronted with the decision to "come forward" and be saved. His aunt's church", held a special meeting for children, 'to bring the young lambs to the fold' " (Hughes, 197). Throughout the story, he sits in his seat, his aunt Reed sobbing the whole time, congregation pressuring him to "come and be saved", and waiting to see Jesus. Yet nothing ever happens-no "bright light", no Jesus,...
  • Psychological Warfare And Operations
    2,288 words
    Psychological Warfare in the United States military The use of psychology in war is as old as war itself. In ancient Greece, Themistocles sent his men ashore to carve messages urging the Ionians not to fight against the Athenians (Pease 3). Known as psychological warfare, it is the attempt by one nation to gain an advantage over another by exploiting fear, mistrust, suspicion, rumor, prejudice, and uncertainty to influence international opinion and / or the frame of mind of the opposing soldiers...
  • Great Psychological Effect On The Disciplined Society
    771 words
    In "Panopticism" Michel Foucault describes the "practices of investigation" which in turn gave rise to a society that was under constant surveillance. Soon the society became a "disciplinary" society. Michel Foucault explains the study and effect of "Panopticism" which gave rise to many social sciences, which included sciences of man, or human behavior. It is evident that the effect of "Panopticism" had a great psychological effect on the disciplined society. Why would a society that encouraged ...
  • Cloning Of Non Human Species
    1,273 words
    As individual people and human beings, we are raised with family values. We are taught about the values of marriage, parenthood and respect. With today's technology and cultural diversity in America cloning will assist these values to rapidly diminish. Changes in the broader culture make it now vastly more difficult to express common and respectful understanding of procreation. Cloning is a fairly new and dangerous term that has become much more commonly used and practiced in America. Proponents...

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