Public People essay topics

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  • A.C. Transit And Bart
    447 words
    A main source of transportation is the car. People use cars to get around instead of catching public transportation. Even though public transportation like, A.C. Transit and BART, can be very convenient and sometimes cheap. The main problem about having a car is you have to pay for your gas for your own car. Right now gas prices are tremendously high right now in the Bay Area. If gas prices are not lowered back down to $1.05 in the Bay Area, people will start taking BART and AC. Transit, and any...
  • General Publics Feeling Towards The Okies
    534 words
    UNCONTROLLABLE POVERTY Throughout history, less fortunate people have been set apart or shunned from the general public. In the Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, this statement holds true. Throughout the whole book, all of the less fortunate people are treated like they aren't even human. This is not much different than how our society is now. In the news article "Major Cities Get Tough With Homeless", by Angie Cannon, Judy Appel said, "We are saying it is your fault that we have created a str...
  • Level Of The Flavian Amphitheater
    2,451 words
    The Colosseum In the first century AD, the Roman Emperor Vespasian decided that Rome needed a stadium that would not only satisfy the crowds, but also convince the magnitude that Rome had become a power to be reckoned with. He wanted them to know that Rome now again had strong and unquestionable power in the world after the strong and bitter civil war it had recently gone through. His idea was to create an amphitheater. This theater, named the Flavian Amphitheater, earned a reputation as the gre...
  • Knowledge And Improvement Of Public
    383 words
    Public Speaking In the past, I have participated in a lot of classes and training dealing with many different topics, but unfortunately, public speaking and / or communications was not one of them. In fact, the last class that I took even relatively close to this one was in junior high school. In some sense, I guess that this could be thought of as a good thing, because now I can learn at a college level to begin with. My goals for this class are fairly numerous, but all are based on all around ...
  • Yellow Journalism
    627 words
    Yellow Journalism and Mass Media It is the news that informs us of the events that change our lives and entertains us when we are seeking something to do. Journalism has been the staple of American life for quite some time and will probably keep the same effect for years to come. Journalism has also changed many lives in American History. Furthermore, I leave you with my essay on the the hype of the hundreds; the infamous Yellow Press. Basically, Yellow Journalism was the given name to mass medi...
  • Ill With The Plague
    683 words
    "Ring around a roses, A pocket full of Poses, A tissue! A tissue! We all fall down!" Even today, children innocently chant this old nursery rhyme, bringing the old saying into reality, "Ignorance is Bliss". It's eerie, to think that this old rhyme in fact gives a perfect description of one of Europe's worst nightmares, the Great Plague. Many people forget the horrors of the Plague, and when they do remember and think about it, Public heath is rarely a factor that plays a big part when people sta...
  • Public Libraries
    295 words
    The Enlightenment in American the Ben Franklin selection reading I came upon a question on his public library beginning. Would today be different if there wasn't a public library or any library for that matter in our country? It all started back in 1730's when Mr. Franklin could not find any good books at the local stores. For those people interested in reading would have to send for their books from England. Mr. Franklin then started having people bring their books to a room where they all deci...
  • Corporations And The Other Elites
    752 words
    Journal on The Manufacture of Consent In Noam Chomsky's film I have learned quite a few things about life in a democratic society. This film has made think in a three dimensional way for whom is really right, Noam Chomsky or those who he calls 'Elites'. I have come to the conclusion that Noam Chomsky is right, for his claim is very convincing which is that the media is controlled by the elites who determine what the public should know. How exactly does Chomsky prove all this to make sense? Well,...
  • Idea Of Censorship
    377 words
    Music, movies, and books should not be censored. Authors deliberately create to express themselves through these things. In consequence of censorship, the public would not be able to receive the main idea of the product for which it was intended. However there are opinions and facts that support both sides to this controversy. In any case, music, movies, and books are written as an individual idea, or even ones dreams. These creations are personal views that are being expressed to society in a w...
  • Value Of Sports Memorabilia
    764 words
    As he stepped up to the plate, he dug his right back foot into the dirt getting a firm stance. Little did he know that the ball given to the umpire before the game which cost just nine dollars and now coming at him was going to be worth a little over 2.7 million dollars in seconds. Mark McGwire is truly a reason why a person can make money, gain notoriety and have fun while collecting memorabilia. Making money through regular jobs is one thing, making money by collecting sports memorabilia is en...
  • Major Policy Decisions
    557 words
    Government's policies must benefit not only the nation but also all its people. However, what kinds of policies are good for the country and truly profit the people? How to take balance of the experts! | opinions and public's demands? Someone may say that the nation belongs to its people and the government should service its people so that major policy decisions should made by the general public. Assuming that we count on general public to make the decisions, there will be too many different opi...

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