Real Reality essay topics

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  • Jose Arcadio Buendia
    697 words
    31.03. 2005 ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE There are times when surreal is so naturally expressed that it becomes real. In One Hundred Years of Solitude, Garcia Marquez perfectly combines extraordinary events with everyday life. The magic realism in Marquez's novel transforms the extraordinary into reality by the use of religion, myth and belief systems. Although these themes make the novel magical, the story is a representation of the reality of Latin America before industrialism with a Civil Wa...
  • Ideal Relationship
    861 words
    What's Ideally Real What is ideal and what is real We seem to have this idealized concept of what love is supposed to be like according to the way society has molded us. Perhaps these ideals are more about the self than they are about a relationship between two people. We want to feel loved, and when we get that love from another person we become determined to secure that feeling. By securing these feelings we lean towards controlling that relationship. However, control is merely a way of fabric...
  • Reality Television Show
    1,995 words
    A Shift of Reality The new television genre of reality shows is becoming so popular because they offer an alternate sense of reality. What is reality and is there only one interpretation or many different ones There is no one reality because reality shifts. The dictionary definition of reality is the following: Reality is the state of things as they are rather than as they are imagined to be. Realities are facts. Just like reality, facts also shift. There could be a newspaper article about an ea...
  • Matrix And Plato's The Cave
    1,001 words
    In Andrew and Larry Wachowski's 1999 film, The Matrix, and Plato's Republic, "On Shadows and Realities, ? reality and illusion are one in the same. The Wachowski brothers allows the viewer to see how reality and illusion can be mistaken for the other, using a number of contrasting ideas found in Plato's analogy of the Cave, showing that at times the dream world can be safer than real life. The matrix is a simulation that creates an imaginary world where people are prisoners from reality, much li...
  • Reality Our Perceptions Of The Real
    8,414 words
    Reality Bytes: A journey through perceptions of reality in 'The Matrix' and the technological world. The idea for this dissertation arose from the culmination of a number of thoughts that have interested me for some time. The question of 'reality' has always intrigued me. I perceived it as tangible and exact but at the same time intensely vulnerable. I saw the frailties of 'reality' exposed by the many differing ways it can be perceived. These differences of perception can be attributed to facto...
  • Abstract From Every Other Reality
    723 words
    A Contemplative Essay: What is Reality I believe we each perceive things differently, and the combination of all our perceptions creates how we view the world, creates our reality. I m not going to pretend to know what reality is, but I know what I think it is, and what I think it should be. Reality should be what each and every one of us wants it to be. There should be no duplicate realities, just like there are no two snowflakes the same. What my reality is should never be the same as what you...
  • Color Of The Desk
    617 words
    Appearance and Reality In Chapter One Bertrand Russell basically wants to know the true meaning of "reality". The truth is that "reality" can never truly be determined. I say this because there is a difference between believing and actually knowing. For example I know the desk in the front of the classroom is real. I know this because all of my senses concur. Now when I try to determine to color, the texture or even the shape of the desk I will run into a problem. Just as the example given in th...
  • Our Five Senses
    742 words
    Metaphysics can be defined as an attempt to comprehend the basic characteristics of reality. It is in fact so basic that it is all inclusive, whether something is observable or not. It answers questions of what things must be like in order to exist and how to differentiate from things that seem real but are not. A common thought is that reality is defined as what we can detect from our five senses. This type of philosophy is called empiricism, which is the idea that all knowledge comes from our ...
  • Person's Reality
    985 words
    What is REAL "For I see in a mirror dimly, but then, face to face. For I know in part and I prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away". 1 Corinthians 13: 9-10. Genuine, authentic, original, existing, actual, substantive, tangible... Such words are seen as synonyms for the word real. When I am asked to decide on a definition for the idea of reality, I tend to think of all of these words, but the one that is the best representation of what is real is the word ulti...
  • More Real World
    627 words
    The "subdiscipline known as philosophy of science has a long and respected history; many of the most eminent and influential philosophers these days are philosophers of science" (Dennett 188). The early philosophers started as the early thinkers of their time, coming up with ideas regardless of any conflicts with traditions. What does science have to do with philosophy? It is because of science that the early thinkers began to philosophize, such as the reality of objects. What is real and what i...

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