River Flood essay topics

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  • Flood Plain
    1,081 words
    The Dangers Of Flooding Floods are extremely dangerous, mainly because they can occur in almost all terrains and climates, but the immense power of water is greatly unpredictable. People are not particularly afraid of floods because, It is just water. Proof of this is found in the fact that 15% of America's homes are built on flood plains including the cities of New Orleans and Cincinnati. More and more, people are finding their way to the flood plains because of their flat, construction and fri...
  • Big Thompson Canyon
    396 words
    On July 31, 1976, a violent rainstorm hit the area where the Big Thompson Canyon is located. According to reports the rainfall was falling at an alarming rate of 2" per hour which caused the Big Thompson river to rise and return to its primordial state. This all began when winds from the east pushed very humid air up the mountains. The unstable air continued rising as its water vapor condensed. The winds were less than 20 mph above 10,000 feet that was too weak to move the storm away. Humid high...
  • Colorado River Below The Dam
    675 words
    Things occur in nature, that we as humans sometimes prevent from occurring naturally. For example - a dam on a river. Once put into use on a river, a dam simply stops or slows down the natural flow of the water. Sometimes this is for the better, however - sometimes, it is for the worse. This is the case in the Grand Canyon. Some rivers go through natural, periods of flooding and receding, at certain times of the year, or in occurrence with other geographical events. For the first time in thirty ...
  • My Research Paper On Floods And Hurricanes
    1,549 words
    Dangers and Destructions of Floods and Hurricanes Floods and hurricanes have been effecting the lives of people around the world for years. This research paper is going to state some of the worst floods and hurricanes, and how future ones can be controlled. A flood is an overflow of water on dry land. The two types of floods are coastal and river floods. Coastal floods are the first topic in this research paper. A coastal flood is the flooding of beaches and surrounding areas; including bar spit...
  • Mississippi River Flood In Louisiana
    2,407 words
    Flooding in Louisiana Introduction Louisiana has problems with flooding. The Mississippi River borders the East Side of the state and often floods due to precipitation. Other for reasons flooding includes dam failure or land problems. The flooding has a major affect on the people in the state since they must. deal with the water and all of its damage. The scope of the problem is precipitation. Hurricanes can hit Louisiana and cause flooding in the lower Mississippi. Also heavy rains often hit th...
  • Flood Waters From The Mississippi River
    872 words
    "When flood waters from the Mississippi River and it's tributaries surge down the river the volume of water is physically impossible to contain. In general, there is just to much Water!! "The "pools" behind the navigation dams have no effect in preventing or causing floods. Like a bathtub it doesn't matter if the pools are empty or full when the floodwaters come. Within a very short time the excess water can create an over flow (Army Corps of Engineers)". What is a Flood? A flood occurs when wat...
  • Long Profile Of The San Gabriel River
    458 words
    In 1938, the San Gabriel Mountains (Los Angeles, USA) experienced heavy amounts of rain. This then led to mass movement, such as mudslides, and flash flooding, which flushed through downtown LA, damaging buildings, homes and vehicles. After these events, a flood committee was formed, and networks of hard defences were set up along the long profile of the San Gabriel River. The aim: decrease the hydrograph, and reduce the risk of flooding. In the upper course of the San Gabriel River, the San Gab...
  • Water From The River
    284 words
    In ancient times there were many ancient civilizations. But they all had one thing in common. This one thing was access to water. Whether it is a river or an ocean. The water did many things for these ancient civilizations. Some ancient civilizations that relied on a water source are, the Egyptians and the people of Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia means "Land between two rivers". These rivers are the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers. The Egyptians had a very unique way of farming. They relied on the Nil...
  • River Floods
    751 words
    floods Thousands of years ago before people built towns and planted crops, rivers cut deep canyons and molded the continents. Often these rivers overflowed their banks and flooded the surrounding areas, depositing mineral rich silt and soil in the surrounding plains and valleys. Because of the way floods enrich soil some of the first cities were built along rivers. The most important ones grew along the Indus River in Pakistan; the Nile in Egypt; the Yellow River in China; and the Tigris and Eup...
  • 1997 Red River Flood In Grand Forks
    579 words
    Many people throughout the world deal with environmental destruction. Whether it is natural or man created, both end in sudden calamities. An example of a natural catastrophe is the 1997 Red River Flood in Grand Forks, North Dakota. One of the unique aspects of the Red River is that it flows North and empties into the lake Winnipeg in Canada. However, since temperature tends to get colder the farther north you get, ice-jamming is often a concern of the Red River during the spring season. The Nat...
  • Main Cause Of The Boxer Uprising
    1,924 words
    The decade before the end of the nineteen-century has been described by many historians as a period of great discontent for Chinese population as a result of frequent natural disasters, such as river floods and droughts. Historically, these events had severe repercussions on both economy and social life of the entire country, as they created a state of imbalance between man and nature at all levels. At the lowest levels, creating instability among the masses and leading them to rebel, and at the...
  • Noah's Flood Story Fiction
    6,366 words
    Skeptical view of the flood myth As skeptics have long been aware, there was no global flood in the last 5000 years, a boatload of animals did not ground on so-called Mount Ararat or on any mountain, and the world's animals are not descended from two or seven pairs of each species that lived during the third millennium BC. Nor is there any archaeological proof that a man survived a flood by being on a boat loaded with animals, food, and drinking water. The Noah's Ark book summarized here does no...

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