Sexual Love essay topics

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  • Donne Ridicules The Platonists
    989 words
    In 'Love's Alchemy,' ; John Donne sets up an analogy between the Platonists, who try, endlessly, to discover spiritual love, and the alchemists, who in Donne's time, tried to extract gold from baser metals. This analogy allows Donne to express his beliefs that such spiritual love does not exist and those who are searching for it are only wasting their time. Donne cleverly uses language that both allows the reader to see the connections between the alchemists and the Platonists and that allows fo...
  • Love With Elfride
    3,513 words
    The Victorian period was one of dramatic social and technological change where the City and industrialisation rapidly engulfed the space that was once occupied by countryside and beautiful scenery. Yet, it was common among Victorian writers to associate love and romance with nature and the countryside, such as Thomas Hardy's A Pair of Blue Eyes, Elizabeth Gaskell's Cousin Phillis, Robert Browning's love poetry in Men and Women, and in some of Tennyson's poetry also. "Much of Browning's verse in ...
  • Traditional Sexuality To Many Changes
    1,066 words
    The Transformation of Intimacy How does 'sexuality' come into being, and what connections does it have with the changes that have affected personal life on a more general plane In answering these questions, Anthony Giddens disputes many of the interpretations of the role of sexuality in our culture. The emergence of what he calls plastic sexuality, which is sexuality freed from its original relation of reproduction, is analyzed in terms of the long-term development of the modern social order and...
  • Love Without Sexual Contact
    1,234 words
    Love as a Higher Form Love has always been a sensation that has both mystified and captured humanity. It is a unique emotion and, while it means something different to everybody, it remains to all a force that is, at its purest form, always one step above mankind. In love's ability to exist differently from person to person, one can find love to be a conglomeration of different branches. It can be said that there are six such categories: Agape, a love which sets store on physical attraction in o...
  • Sexual Themes
    904 words
    The novel Song of Solomon has several recurring themes, including that of sexuality. Morrison effectively demonstrates these sexual themes relating to both sexes. Unlike in her other novels, both the men and women are " searching for love, for valid sexual encounters, and above all, for a sense that they are worthy". (Baker man 318) While Song of Solomon gives men a more prominent place, Morrison also shows the desires of women to break away from established society and to create an individualis...
  • Only Real And True Love
    732 words
    Some people believe that there is no such thing as "true love" they believe that love is nothing but an illusion designed by social expectations. These people believe that love ultimately turns into pain and despair. This idea in some ways is true. Love is not eternal it will come to an end one way or another, but the aspect that separates true love from illusion, is the way love ends. "True Love" is much too powerful to be destroyed by Human imperfection; it may only be destroyed by a force equ...
  • Different Forms Of Love
    848 words
    Love (l v) n. deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness. A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance. (Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, (c) 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc). There are many different definitions of love. To each person it is different, but most agree it is o...
  • Erec's Love For Enite
    5,314 words
    The theme of love develops through several different levels in Arthurian Literature. Geoffrey of Monmouth and Wace equate love with sexual desire, and little else. The concept becomes less one-dimensional in Hartmann von Aue's romances. In Erec and Iwein, Hartmann's definition of love includes emotional attachment and a degree of commitment. He also discusses the importance of love in proper measure. Sex still plays an important part in Hartmann's discussion of love, but "love" in his works conn...
  • New Sexual Experiences And Partners
    2,045 words
    How sexy is your name According to studies, the first letter of your first name reveals your sexual identity... What do you think -A- You are not particularly romantic, but you are interested in action. You mean business. With you, what you see is what you get. You have no patience for flirting and can't be bothered with someone who is trying to be coy, cute, demure, and subtly enticing. You are an up front person. When it comes to sex, it's action that counts not obscure hints. Your mate's phys...

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