Short Story essay topics

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  • Small Town Of Dolguard
    597 words
    Sun Angel by Chris Fisher is a collection of short stories, each one portraying a different character that grew up in the small town of Dolguard. Each story is written from someone elses point of view, therefore giving us a closer look into the town. We get to see the full picture, and see how the characters shape the way we view life in a small town. The characters in these short stories were all very unique. They ranged from children, young kids just out of college, drunks, and farmers trying ...
  • Three Short Stories
    1,131 words
    The Comparison of Three Short Stories by Kate Chopin In the three short works, "Ripe Figs,"The Story of an Hour", and "The Storm", Kate Chopin has woven into each an element of nature over which no one has control. She uses short time spans to heighten impact and bring her stories to quick conclusions. She displays attitudes in her characters in two of her stories which may have been very controversial at the time they were written. "Ripe Figs" is the shorter of the three, covering a summer in a...
  • Film The Birds Attack At Different Times
    630 words
    The Birds The Birds, the movie was directed by Alfred Hitchcock and was based on the short story "The Birds" written by Daphne du Merrier. If you would have read the book and then watched the movie, you would see that very few things are the same. In both the short story and the movie flocks of gulls, robins, crows, and sparrows join each other. This is really weird because different species of birds never work together. The story and the film both have the same climate. It is cold and chilly; "...
  • Story The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
    1,407 words
    What Elements Makes Up A Short Story What is a short story What are the criteria necessary for a short story What makes a good short story After lengthy debates between many groups weve decided that it can not be decided by consensus, but by what we feel a short story must contain; different people may have different perspectives of this. This essay is devoted to portraying my groups conclusion to what a short story is. With reference to our critical criteria: plot, suspense, object and timeline...
  • Theme Of A Short Story
    648 words
    The short story is a concise form of narrative prose that is usually simpler and more direct compared to longer works of fiction such as novels. Therefore, because of their short length, short stories rely on many forms of literary devices to convey the idea of a uniform theme seen throughout the script. This theme is illustrated by using characteristics that are developed throughout the story such as, plot, setting and characters. The three main components are developed throughout the story in ...
  • Short Story Baxter
    1,117 words
    Charles Baxter Authors often write differently in novels then in short stories. This isn't always the case but most times it is. Charles Baxter writes pretty much the same way in his novel's as he does in his short stories. In all of Baxter's stories, there is always an element of realistic features. There's always something you think could happen to you. Baxter takes real life events but always adds a little twist to plot to intrigue the reader. He is known across America for doing this. His st...
  • Dunning Analysis Of Two Short Stories
    626 words
    Santiago Ms. V. Troi lo / BCC/T&R 11-12: 15 ENC 1102/Pines Center Short Stories And Taste Essay What literary elements make one short story superior to another Steven Dunning believes that the superior story should combine a good narrative structure with a deep psychological reality. It is quite obvious that he values psychological reality over a well-written narrative. In this paper I will be summarizing Dunning analysis of two short stories, "Appointment with Love" and "The Chaser" the article...
  • Symbolism In A Short Story
    617 words
    "The Red Dress" and "The Day of The Butterfly" are two very interesting stories, written by an exceptional Canadian author, Alice Munro. Both of these stories are well written and can be associated with what goes on in today's society. The principal characters, human relationships, and the importance of symbolism exist, in both of these stories, strongly. There are many similarities, and also differences between the two short stories, that compare and contrast what can be viewed upon in our dail...
  • Short Story An Albanian Virgin
    1,475 words
    ALICE MUNRO'S THE ALBANIAN VIRGIN IN OPEN SECRETS EXEMPLIES HER CHARACTERISTIC APPROACH To try to trace Alice Munro's narrative techniques to any particular development in the short story The Albanian Virgin would be difficult. This could be because it is simply written from careful observations as are many of her other short stories. In her short stories, it is as though she tries to transform a common, ordinary world into something that is unsettling and mysterious as was seen in Vandals. Most...
  • Rea Award For The Short Story
    1,116 words
    Eudora Welty was born in 1909, in Jackson, Mississippi, grew up in a prosperous home with her two younger brothers. Her parent was an Ohio-born insurance man and a strong-minded West Virginian schoolteacher, who settled in Jackson in 1904 after their marriage. Eudora's school life began attending a white-only school. As born and brought up under strict supervision and influence, at the age of sixteen she somehow convinced her parents to attend college far enough from home, to Columbus, Mississip...
  • Works With Mosley
    396 words
    Walter Mosley was born in Los Angeles in 1952. He currently lives in New York City. He has been at various times in his life a potter, a computer programmer, a poet, and a short story writer; he studied writing in the graduate program of City College of New York. The first title in his Easy Rawlins mystery series, DEVIL IN A BLUE DRESS was released in September 1990 to great critical acclaim. His first non-mystery, a novel about the blues, R.L.'s DREAM, was published by W.W. Norton in August 199...
  • Short Stories And Novels
    1,657 words
    IntertextualityThe difference between short stories and novels extends far beyond the obvious, Short stories are often read in a single sitting and can be defined as a brief version of logical events usually revolving about a singular plot. Whilst a novel may retain many of the characteristics of a short story the format builds upon these basic ideas and concepts, expanding on themes and extending the plot and shaping the story through complicated interaction between characters. The process of c...
  • Particular Short Story
    531 words
    The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin is more on humanities sense of liberation for social forces that holds him / her down. The short story, particularly, focuses on the feminine genders side of such struggle. Caged in a patriarchal society, women have been rightfully fighting for a life worth living. Born in such a society, women are often aware of their right to happiness. In this story, it takes an accident, particularly her husbands death, for Mrs. Mallard to realize her self worth. The story...
  • Short Story
    691 words
    Anton Chekhovs Misery relates his readers to the awful reality of death. Iona, the main character in the story, is a cabdriver who desperately tries to find someone to talk to about his sons death. He is able to meet and talk to different people of different background because of his job but he is not able to communicate about his suffering, so in the end he tells his mare about his sons death instead. Misery is told in the first persons point of view. Iona, being the central character, has flat...
  • Protagonist Of A Short Story
    776 words
    I believe that before this statement can be explored one should define the terms used in it. The term short story has often been a question like how long is a piece of string, but in this now we have been able to define it, if not precisely. The short story 'differs from the novel in the dimension which Aristotle calls 'magnitude, and this limitation imposes differences both in the effects that can be achieved and in the choice and managements of the elements to achieve these effects. The idea o...
  • Due Date Of The Final Draft
    440 words
    KISHWAUKEE COLLEGE ENGLISH 104 FALL 2003 ASSIGNMENT: Paper One / Short Story Assignment DUE DATE: First Draft Due Friday 26th September (15) Final Draft Due Friday October 3rd (75) Peer Review (10) due Friday October 10th PURPOSE: To demonstrate your knowledge of the narrative fiction you have read so far this semester. To better yourself as a reader, writer, and thinker. To write an analytical paper based on literature. TOPIC: Choose one of the following topics and write an analytical paper abo...
  • Characteristics Of Porter's Short Stories
    1,211 words
    The Master of Twisted Endings Writings of William Sydney Porter: one-third irony and allusions, one-third humor, and bit of a twisted ending, will create one of Porters best short stories he has ever written. The short story, "The Ransom of Red Chief" is by far one of the most hilarious stories he has written (Voss 193). In writing this short story, Porter portrays his life through his character's actions while using his patented "short story formula"; which consists of using irony, literary all...
  • Short Story
    343 words
    The Japanese Quince is a short story written by John Galsworthy, who is a famous author. He also wrote Quality, also a short story. He has also written a lot of fiction stories and other novels. I don't know much about him. It was my first time to hear his name and I'm curious about him. I know that this story would catch my whole attention as I would start reading it. It is our homework to make a re saerch about this and there are questions needed to be answered. I really want to have a copy of...
  • Short Story A School Visit
    271 words
    A School Visit Are you interested in motorcycles? How about a woman who is not only a policewoman, but knows how to ride and use a motorcycle that goes up to 100 miles per hour? This short story, A School Visit, tells of the dedication of officer Alice the main woman on the Oklahoma's police force. The officer is not only interested in solving crimes, but is dedicated to share the joys of her police work with the young people of Oklahoma. This story my seem unrealistic but it is very interesting...
  • Novelist And Short Story Writer
    1,165 words
    Literature Of The 1970'S Literature Of The 1970'S Essay, Research Paper The literature of the 1970's contains a divergent amount of writers and genres. Poems, novels, and short stories are the main forms of expression, and these were produced by writers from around the world. "Many of the books in the 1970's revolve around a general theme of man's alienation from his spiritual roots' (Gillis). One author of the seventies is John Updike. He portrayed his characters "trying to find the meaning in ...

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