Sinking Of The Titanic essay topics

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  • Ship Titanic
    1,772 words
    Outline In retrospect, blame for the sinking of the Titanic can be placed on the inferior materials used by the ship builder, the misled motivation of Captain Smith and the White Star Line, and the poor emergency provisions and procedures. I. Situations surrounding the sinking of Titanic A. Who operated the Titanic B. Events of April C. Extent of loss II. Titanic sets sail A. Description of ship 1. Ship builder 2. Materials used 3. Outfitting the ship B. The maiden voyage. The iceberg A. False s...
  • Titanic To Sideswipe The Iceberg
    697 words
    Introduction The R.M.S. Titanic sideswiped an iceberg at 11: 40 p.m. on April 14, 1912. Estimated to be able to stay afloat for 2 days under the worst scenario, the ship sank in less than 3 hours [Gannon, 1995]. Main Cause for Sinking The iceberg created a 300-foot gash in the Titanic's hull above and below the waterline. Structural Errors That Accelerated the Sinking Steel brittleness Tests on Titanic's steel showed that the steel had high sulfur content, which increases the brittleness of stee...
  • Sinking B Titanic
    401 words
    I. The sinking of the Titanic was a horrible tragedy that killed many people II. The making of the Titanic A. Built in Ireland B. Built by Harland & Wolff Shipbuilding. About the ship A. 882 feet long B. Weighed 45,000 tons C. Owned by White Star Line D. Had first, second, or third class tickets E. 860 crew members aboard F. Captain was E.J. Smith G. 2,200 passengers aboard H. Only had enough lifeboats for about half the people IV. Setting sail A. Took off from England B. Headed for United State...
  • Ship A Lot Closer To The Titanic
    726 words
    It was the largest ship in its day. It was labeled unsinkable. But on April 14 and 15, 1912, many people all around the wold found out that it wasn't. The sinking of the Titanic was most likely the worst disaster ever to occur on the Atlantic Ocean. It sank because of many mistakes made by the builders, designer, and crew. A little over 1,500 people died because of many mistakes made by the crew and designer. In the following paragraphs are a few of the reasons why. Many mistakes were made in th...
  • Social Class In The Victorian Web
    957 words
    The RMS Titanic; A Tragedy Based on Class. In April, 1912, the so called "unsinkable" Titanic set sail to New York. The great ship was as big as five city blocks, and weighed thousands and thousands of tons. Everyone who was everyone grabbed a room on the luxurious ship for the trip of a lifetime. On April 14, 1912, the RMS Titanic struck an iceberg an sank into the icy depths of the North Atlantic. People were shocked at the news of the "unsinkable" Titanic sinking and this disbelief was due to...
  • Titanic By Katha Pollitt
    651 words
    The Literature about the Titanic The Titanic sunk April 14, 1912 after crashing into an iceberg. More than 1,500 lives were lost. The sinking of the Titanic made a great impact in history. It was thought to be the fastest ship and to be unsinkable. Although the sinking of the Titanic was so long ago, lots of literature has been written about the ship. Three pieces of literature are a poem by David R. Slavitt entitled "Titanic", a folk song published by Carl Sandburg in a book named The America S...
  • Three Classes Of People Aboard The Titanic
    1,903 words
    TITANIC This paper will be about the sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic. Some people call this sinking the greatest maritime disaster. It wasn't just the fact that the ship sank, but also all the different circumstances that caused this ship to sink and take so many lives. In the time period of 1900's-1915's many things happened. One major disaster was the sinking of the Titanic. The information will be gathered from the library, a documentary film, the Internet and personal books. From these resourc...
  • Great New White Star Liner Titanic
    1,437 words
    Just 20 minutes short of midnight, April 14, 1912, the great new White Star Liner Titanic, making her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York, had a rendezvous with ice in the calm, dark waters of the North Atlantic. She brushed the berg so gently that nearly all of the passengers slept through it (Tribute to the RMS Titanic). A look at the Titanic's catastrophic disaster at sea some 85 years ago, the world has been captivated by the "unsinkable" ship's history, from the birth of the idea to ...
  • Titanic Many Hundreds Of Lives
    458 words
    The Titanic was and still is considered one of the biggest disasters of the century. The ship that was proclaimed to be "unsinkable" proved that wrong. The if-only start to come in when you get to see all of the reasons why the Titanic shouldn't have sank even after it hit the iceberg, that is what is so ironic. The boat was supposed to have enough lifeboats for all of the passengers on board but only had enough for 700 of the 2,200 passengers on board. If only the Titanic had enough lifeboats, ...
  • Amount Of Lifeboats Within The Titanic
    1,926 words
    Leaping over the side of the boat, passengers splash into the icy waters below. With one lifeboat left, proper are fighting to get on. All of a sudden, a thunderous crack is heard, and a crewman screams out, "The boat has cracked in two!" Now the frightened travelers are moving frantically toward the stern. (This might have been the scene 86 years ago.) The unsinkable Titanic went down catastrophically and the safety on the liner as well as the prevention of the incident became issues after the ...

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