Smoke Marijuana essay topics

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  • Adolescent Marijuana Use
    1,473 words
    Marijuana is a mixture of leaves and the flowering tops of the Indian hemp plant Cannabis Sativa, smoked or eaten for its hallucinogenic and pleasure-giving effects. The psychoactive ingredient of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is concentrated in the flowering tops of the hemp plant; hashish, a drug prepared from the plant resin, has about eight times more THC than marijuana. Hemp grows throughout temperate regions, with the more potent varieties produced in dry, hot, upland climates. Ex...
  • Short Term Effect Of Marijuana
    1,269 words
    Marijuana is a mood altering and psychoactive drug that has many nicknames, such as pot, weed, ganja, and herb. In South America the drug is referred to as dog ga, in Turkey it is ka bak, in Morocco it is called kif, and in Brazil it is popularly known as (Americana 287). It is an ancient drug that dates back for hundreds of years to China. In fact, it comes from Chinese herbal dating back from 2700 B.C. (Americana 286). Many cultures have used it during meditation, religious worship, and for in...
  • Marijuana As Medicine States
    1,039 words
    Marijuana Marijuana is the most profitable and versatile plant in the world, yet it is illegal. Tobacco and alcohol have no medicinal values, but they are legal. Where as marijuana has thousands of positive uses and it is illegal. Marijuana should be made legal for its many positive therapeutic, environmental, and economic effects. Marijuana can ease the symptoms of many different diseases and disorders. Smoking marijuana can improve symptoms associated with cancer and AIDS. According to Steven ...
  • Effect Of Marijuana On Teens 3
    605 words
    Detailed Outline and Working Bibliography I. Introduction A. Main Ideas 1. History of marijuana 2. Effects of marijuana 3. Why teens use marijuana 4. What marijuana looks like 5. What if someone wants to stop using it 6. Statistics B. Thesis statement: Marijuana will effect the way high school students act and learn in school. II. History of Marijuana A. First known in Central Asia and China 3000 B.C. 1. Known as Cannabis Sativa 2. Came from tropical and temperate climates B. Seen in Americas se...
  • Deviance Of Marijuana Smokers Marijuana Smokers
    915 words
    The Deviance of Marijuana Smokers Marijuana smokers were once considered regular members of society. In 1937 all that changed when marijuana was banned and made illegal. The smokers were labeled as deviants from then on. I studied marijuana smokers and discussed their deviance. I would like to see whether they are ordinary members of society or deviants. I want to answer the question, "is marijuana smoking a deviant behavior" I answered my research question through the data I collected. The meth...
  • Long Term Effects Of Tobacco
    561 words
    There have been lots of views and opinions surrounding the arguments whether marijuana should be legalized and if tobacco should be made illegal. The reasons for marijuana not being legalized are similar to the reasons people want tobacco to become illegal. Only the danger that tobacco provides is more intense than the danger marijuana. Marijuana short-term effects include temporary problem with memory and problems with learning. It also causes temporary distorted perception (sounds, time, touch...
  • Marijuana Smoke
    811 words
    Marijuana Marijuana, weed, grass, pot, reefer, the sweet, bud, skunk, the chronic, the sticky icky, , ganja, mary jane and such other names for the drug, Marijuana. This drug is used to give feelings of relaxation, in peace with ones surroundings, and of course to get cranked up. Although all that is illegal in the united states, because uncle sam doesn't want anybody to have fun. Marijuana is illegal when either it is bought, sold, or in possession. Engaging in any of those acts would result in...
  • People Smoke Marijuana
    993 words
    Legalization of Marijuana One of the biggest issues argued about all over congress, the media, and in public resides in our country's War on Drugs. One of the primary focuses of the War on Drugs targets the controversial drug marijuana. Marijuana remains the most widely used illegal drug and stirs up constant debate everywhere. The. Starting in the early 1900's, marijuana was labeled the drug that transformed people into criminals while causing women to lose all control of themselves in a state ...
  • Medical Use Of Marijuana
    1,784 words
    The Question over Medical In Nov. 1996 the people of the State of California approved proposition 215, the initiative that could make marijuana legally available as a medicine in the U.S. for the first time in 60 years. Under this initiative the government will not prosecute patients or their caregivers who possess cultivate marijuana for medical treatment. The medical recommendation may be either written or oral and doctors cannot be penalized by the state of Arizona at the same time. However a...
  • Frequent Use Of Marijuana
    388 words
    The intended use of marijuana was as a drug for pain relief, to stop nausea, vomiting and a loss of appetite. It is the most commonly used illicit drug in the U.S. It is a dry brown and green mixture of flowers, seeds, steams and leaves of the cannabis plant. The mixture is smoked or mixed in baked goods and eaten to achieve a high feeling. The active chemical is THC (the psychoactive ingredient) which causes the high feeling user's experience. This feeling persist in the body for up to three ho...
  • Affects Of The Marijuana
    694 words
    Having successfully completely the last of his final exams, Joe Smith, a college student decided to celebrate by spending his friday night at a party. Smith knew well that the atmosphere of the party would not be complete without alchohol and marijuana. He did not smoke or go to campus parties often and he had only a little champaign once at a friend's wedding. What Smith did not know was that after this night he would never have the chance to take an exam, go to a party or even see his family m...
  • Marijuana Smokers A Subculture
    1,446 words
    A subculture is a group of people who share a distinctive set of cultural beliefs and behaviors that differ in some significant way from that of larger society. Marijuana smokers can be considered a subculture for many reasons. Marijuana is used by millions of people around the world, either for recreational, spiritual, or therapeutic reasons. Some call themselves the cannabis connoisseurs; people who respect cannabis and use it responsibly. Few drugs have been so politicized recently as marijua...
  • T.L.O. In Marijuana
    376 words
    Christopher D. Monroe II New Jersey vs. T.L.O. Facts of the Case On March 7, 1985 T.L.O. and another student were found smoking in the womans bathroom. They were then taken to see the Assistant Principal, Mr. Choplick, and were questioned about smoking in the bathroom. Upon further questioning the second student told Mr. Choplick she was smoking T.L.O. denied she was smoking and also claimed I dont smoke at all. Mr. Choplick then asked if he could search the purse and T.L.O. complied. Upon first...
  • Smoke Marijuana
    695 words
    Roll it up, light it up, smoke it up, inhale, exhale, is a process of consuming marijuana. Marijuana is known as a gateway drug because it seems to be the first illegal drug teenagers use. It is a theory of drug abuse that there are stages of progression, from tobacco and alcohol to marijuana to other illicit drugs. Marijuana is gaining renewed recognition for medicinal use. It is a medicinal herb that has hundreds of proven, valuable therapeutic uses, from stress reduction to glaucoma to asthma...
  • Legal Marijuana
    805 words
    We all hear about freedom of choice right! Freedom of choice applies to all decisions made by that person! Which includes the choice to smoke marijuana. I believe that the government should have No say in what you choose to do with your body! Marijuana is now illegal but I believe that it should be made Legal! And under No circumstances should the government tell you how to treat your body. They can give you their opinions on how the human body should be treated but I think that the government c...
  • Smoke Marijuana
    279 words
    A study of 450 individuals found that people who smoke marijuana frequently but do not smoke tobacco have more health problems and miss more days of work than nonsmokers (9). Many of the extra sick days among the marijuana smokers in the study were for respiratory illnesses. Even infrequent use can cause burning and stinging of the mouth and throat, often accompanied by a heavy cough. Someone who smokes marijuana regularly may have many of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers do, s...
  • Smoke Marijuana
    626 words
    Marijuana Marijuana is a big topic these days. Many people want to make sure that marijuana stays illegal. Yet they do not know all the facts about marijuana. They just think that marijuana is bad. I believe that marijuana should be made legal. First of all, marijuana refers to the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant, which contain the narcotic chemical THC at various potencies. It is smoked or eaten to produce the feeling of being 'high'. Marijuana has been used for thousands of year...
  • Medical Studies On Marijuana
    1,288 words
    One of the most controversial issues in the United States is over medical marijuana. Many experiments test the validity of the drug as a medicine, and results of these experiments receive much praise but also some critique. The DEA and the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) are battling over the issue. The underlying matter that cannot be ignored is that marijuana proves to be a useful medication for many patients, especially those with wasting diseases such as AIDS a...
  • Marijuana Use
    1,035 words
    Introduction. a. How many people here have smoked marijuana? Ok, of those people, how many people think they know the true effects, both short and long-term, of marijuana? I researched this topic after finding most people have different ideas on the effects of marijuana. b. Marijuana is a mixture of green and brown leaves, stems and flowers of the Indian hemp plant called cannabis sativa. After using the drug, you may experience short-term and long-term effects. There are also many medical uses ...
  • Negative Effects Of Marijuana
    1,485 words
    A drug is described by Webster's New World Dictionary as, "any chemical agent that effects body processes". Is marijuana good or bad? Does it have more positive short-term effects than bad? What about the long-term effects? Is there really something that smokers have to be in fear of? By examining both sides of this controversy, we can decide if marijuana has more positive or negative effects. Marijuana is a green, brown, or gray mixture of dried shredded flowers and leaves of "cannabis sativa",...

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