Son Of God essay topics

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  • Balder And Hod
    474 words
    Balder: God of Light, Joy, Purity, Beauty, Innocence, and Reconciliation The god of light, joy, purity, beauty, innocence, and reconciliation. Son of Odin and Frigg. He was loved by both gods and man and was considered to be the best of the gods. He had a good character, was friendly, wise and eloquent, although he had little power. His wife is Nanna, daughter of Nep, and their son is Forseti, the god of justice. Balder's hall is Breidablik ('broad splendor'). Most of the stories about Balder co...
  • Christians View Jesus As A God
    892 words
    Christianity vs. Islam: Which one is the True Way to God? Christianity and Islam are two of the world's largest religions. The two are different in beliefs but are similar in origin. Like many religions both Islam and Christianity claim to be the one and only true way to God. Although Islam and Christianity differ in major ways, they also share some similarities. Islam teaches that in order to achieve true peace of mind and surety of heart, one must submit to God or "Allah" and live according to...
  • Weariness In The Search For God
    503 words
    Exegetical Essay on Matthew 11: 25-30 This passage opens up with the phrase, 'I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. This speaks of two kinds of people in his prayer: the 'wise' - arrogant in their own knowledge - and the 'little children' - humbly open to receive the truth of God's Word. Are we wise in our own eyes, or do we seek the truth in childlike faith, realizing that only God ho...
  • Creed In Tone Semi Arian
    4,292 words
    Arianism heresy which arose in the fourth century, and denied the Divinity of Jesus Christ. DOCTRINE First among the doctrinal disputes which troubled Christians after Constantine had recognized the Church in A.D. 313, and the parent of many more during some three centuries, Arianism occupies a large place in ecclesiastical history. Itis not a modern form of unbelief, and therefore will appear strange in moderne yes. But we shall better grasp its meaning if we term it an Eastern attempt to ratio...
  • Great Sun God Ra
    1,382 words
    Egyptian Gods The earliest tribal gods may have been fetishes connected with nomadic hunting or warrior people. Their gods became local god and were associated with agriculture. One of the commonest of the tribal fetishes was the falcon, which later became identified with the sky, maybe because the falcon was able to fly so high. Horus, was the most powerful of the falcon-deities, his people probably came from Libya and conquered large parts of Upper and Lower Egypt. At an early period many falc...
  • Ways Of God And Stephen
    1,168 words
    The use of Biblical allusions and references is evident in Alan Paton's Cry, the Beloved Country. Against the backdrop of South Africa's racial and cultural problems, massive enforced segregation, similarly enforced economic inequality, Alan Paton uses these references as way to preserve his faith for the struggling country. By incorporating Biblical references into his novel, one can see that Alan Paton is a religious man and feels that faith will give hope to his beloved country. Throughout th...
  • Cronus Children
    526 words
    The Mycenaean's of the ancient Greeks explained the origin of the universe using Greek gods. The gods were the makers of the universe and watched over mortals. The Greeks explained that in the beginning there was emptiness, and the emptiness was called Chaos. From Chaos came the first three immortals: Gaea, who was the earth mother; Tartarus, who ruled the Underworld; and Eros who was the god of love. Gaea gave birth to Uranus without a partner. Gaea then married her son and she bore him three c...
  • Abraham's Story God
    360 words
    Faith Test #3 One of the biggest tests of faith is holding on to God's promises when going through a rough time in a Christian's life. Often Christians tend to believe that the reason for their troubling times is because of a sin or simply that "God hates them", when actually it is the furthest from the truth. One can find this through the great example of Abraham in Genesis 22: 1-24, that God's promises hold true even through times where faith might run thin. The first thing one can learn from ...
  • Trinity And Eternity Of God
    5,845 words
    The doctrine of the Divine Unity is a truth of natural religion; the doctrine of the Trinity is a truth of revealed religion. The various systems of natural theism present arguments for the Divine existence, unity, and attributes, but proceed no further. They do not assert and endeavor to demonstrate that the Supreme Being is three persons in one essence. It is because this doctrine is not discoverable by human reason, that the Christian church has been somewhat shy of attempts to construct it a...
  • Outcome Of Apollo's Seduction Of Creusa
    1,209 words
    There is a deep sense of realism that lies in the play Ion. The opening of the play arouses an old wrong, the seduction of Creusa by Apollo, which slowly develops into a tangled plot of deceit. The theme of the play is unique in how it is centered on a human dilemma that many can associate with in some way. From the beginning, one can only imagine the outcome of Apollo's seduction of Creusa. To make matters worse she has a child. There is an uncanny feeling of darkness and silence as she is made...
  • Mr Malters And Reb Saunders
    765 words
    The Chosen, by Chaim Po tek, is a novel written about two Jewish boys growing up in Brookyln. Though they lived only five blocks from each other, Danny and Reuven lived very different lives, primarily because of the influence of their fathers. Reb Saunders and Mr. Malters approached raising a child, their Jewish faith, and the world in general from two very different perspectives. Despite the profound differences, both men tried very hard to do what was right for their sons. As fathers, Reb Saun...
  • Luke As Man And John As God
    600 words
    Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Theocentric Studies-Part I February 2, 1996 The four Gospels are neither histories of the life of Christ nor biographies. They are portraits of the person and work of the long promised Messiah, Israel " king and the world's Savior. As portraits they present four different poses of one unique personality. Matthew by the Holy Spirit presents Christ as King, Mark as Servant, Luke as Man, and John as God. Although featuring Christ as King, Matthew sketches His role as a...
  • Son Of Jupiter And Juno
    827 words
    Gods and Heroes The ancient Greeks knew little of any real people except those who lived in the countries to the immediate east and south of their country. Their imagination filled the rest of the land with mystical and supernatural beings. The ancient Greeks believed the earth to be a flat circular disk., with their country being in the middle of it. The disk was divided into two equal parts by the Sea (the Mediterranean). They believed the River Ocean flowed around the world from south to nort...
  • Abram Experiences Strife With His Brother's Son
    743 words
    The Family Strife and Forgiveness Themes in Genesis The book of Genesis expresses the themes of family strife and forgiveness through the stories of the characters. Starting with Adam and Eve and continuing through the story of Joseph, readers can relate that the results of all their actions consist of the Lord's displeasure ment and anger. Their punishments are similar in the sense that God makes them suffer and eventually forgives them. There are questions that arise in midst of these stories ...
  • Pertain To The God Ares
    624 words
    Ares was the Greek god of War. The Romans had a similar figure in their religion, whom they called Mars. Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera. Hebe, Hephaestus, and Epis were his siblings. Ares was hated by most of the gods for his cruel and violent manner. Being the god of war, he would ride into battle on his chariot pulled by his horses, flame and terror. Also accompanying him in battle was his sister Epis (Goddess of Discord) and Hades (Lord of the dead). There is one goddess who loved him, and...
  • Christians View Jesus As A God
    855 words
    Christianity vs. Islam Christianity and Islam are two of the world's most populous religions. Both are different in today's beliefs but similar in origin. Like every other religion or philosophy, Islam also claims to be the one and only true way to God. The religion of Islam teaches that in order to achieve true peace of mind and surety of heart, one must submit to God or "Allah" and live according to His Divinely revealed Law. Being a Muslim requires willful submission and active obedience to G...
  • God's Indifference Some People
    752 words
    God's Indifference Some people believe that God was indifferent toward the Jews during the Holocaust. It is hard for us to imagine what God was actually thinking during this horrible event in our history, maybe we are not meant to understand his reasons why he allowed the Holocaust to take place. I do not believe that God was indifferent toward the Jews, he loved them too much to ever forget about them or turn his back on them. God was not indifferent because he loves and cares about all of his ...

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