Speed Of A Computer essay topics

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  • Pentium 3 Processor
    460 words
    Matthew Thwaites Mrs. Meehan DIC 2 A 1 Processors: Which is the best? A processor is the chip inside a computer which carries out of the functions of the computer at various speeds. There are many processors on the market today. The two most well known companies that make processors are Intel and AMD. Intel produces the Pentium chip, with the most recent version of the Pentium chip being the Pentium 3. Intel also produces the Celeron processor (Intel processors). AMD produces the Athlon processo...
  • Two New Pentium Processors With Mmx Technology
    587 words
    The Central Processing Unit Microprocessors, also called central processing units (CPUs), are frequently described as the 'brains' of a computer, because they act as the central control for the processing of data in personal computers (PCs) and other computers. Chipsets perform logic functions in computers based on Intel processors. Motherboards combine Intel microprocessors and chip sets to form the basic subsystem of a PC. Because it's part of every one of your computer's functions, it takes a...
  • Ram Of A Pentium 4 Computer
    496 words
    Dolgopolov Igor English 101 Group Comparison and contrast essay Technological progress in computer industry. Computer one of the most important and necessary things in our life. There are different tasks that can be performed with computer such as: typing documents, making worksheets, sending mail, just playing with a computer and many others. But all these different tasks would be done better and faster with the Pentium 4 computer than with the Pentium 2 computer. The computer with chip is bett...
  • Multiple Player Network Simulation
    2,551 words
    Improving Network Performance Nowadays, it seems that everyone has a computer and is discovering that communication technologies are necessary. E-mail, Internet, and file transferring has become a part of the modern world. Networks allow people to connect their computers together and to share resources. They allow people to communicate and interact with each other. The days of the lone PC are diminishing. At the same time, computers are getting faster than ever. The most powerful PC five years a...
  • 1 Gb Stick Of Ram
    611 words
    My Dream PC By: Allis a Rocklitz After perusing the isles amongst isles of desktop computers at CompUSA I found myself drawn to the Sony desktops. SONY is a high quality brand name and has shown me throughout the years that anything and everything they create seems to be a winner. Eventually I decided to get one that was practical in size and powerful enough to handle the most strenuous projects. I ended up decide ding on the Sony VAIO RA 834 G Minitower. The components in this PC were more than...
  • Every Day Of Our Lives
    457 words
    Thousands of years ago, Man created (discovered?) gunpowder. Sixty years ago, he discovered the power of the atom. Twenty-five years ago, computers were primarily tools of universities, large corporations and government agencies. Now a Personal Computer is commonplace in homes; suburban kids have computers with capabilities 100 fold of their corporate ancestors. The Internet was in a similar state not 10 years ago. It has grown so fast that now the original framework is bursting at the seams, no...
  • Modem Speed On A Computer
    1,650 words
    Buying a personal computer can be as difficult as buying a new car. No matter how much time you spend looking into, how many electronic dealers you visit, and how much haggling you " ve done on the price, you still may not be really certain that you " ve gotten a good deal. You have good reasons to feel this uncertainty. Computers change at a faster rate than any other electronic equipment. An old car will most of the time get you where you need to go, but a five year old computer may possibly b...
  • Speed Advance For A Few Years
    986 words
    Technology is advancing but how does that affect you? - Levi Bucolic reports In this day and age technology is advancing at an incredible rate, so fast in fact that we are building beyond our needs, so is technology going to fast for us or is it just keeping up with the times? The ever-changing world of computers is something we all pride ourselves on. Since the 1990's computers have become faster, smaller and more apart of our every day lives. With each new advance, it is met with a greater pro...

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