Suicide Bombers essay topics

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  • Palestinian Uprising Against Israeli Occupation
    727 words
    By Jeffrey Heller JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An attacker police suspected was a Palestinian woman detonated explosives in Jerusalem's main shopping street on Sunday, killing herself and an elderly Israeli and wounding dozens, Israeli police said. The blast on Jaffa Road was the third attack on an Israeli city center in less than a week and raised the specter of fresh Israeli retaliation. It was also likely to increase Israeli and U.S. pressure on Palestinian President Yasser Arafat (news - web sites)...
  • Palestinian Female Suicide Bombers
    1,871 words
    Female Suicide Bombers Suicide bombers have become today's weapon of choice. Middle Eastern terrorists are using suicide bombers because they are low cost, low technology, and a low risk weapon. Suicide bombers have also become readily available, requiring little training, leaving no trace behind, and strike fear into the general population. The success of suicide bombers depends upon an element of surprise, as well as acceptability to targeted area or populations. Both of these required fundame...
  • Anti Freedom Fighters
    286 words
    In the letter to the editor appearing in the Herald Sun on 2-02-2005, Judith Rona argued that the suicide bombers and the insurgents are anti-freedom fighters. Rona's tone of voice was frustrated and condescending. Her audience would appear to be anyone that thinks the insurgents in Iraq are freedom fighters. Rona does not show any background but is, giving us the content of her letter, obviously biased against the insurgents. Rona opens her letter by using an assumption question when she states...
  • Suicide Bombing As A Strategic Choice
    1,847 words
    Suicide bombing is the crack cocaine of warfare. It does not just inflict death and terror on its victims, it intoxicates the people who sponsor it. It unleashes the deepest and most addictive human passions the thirst for revenge, the desire for religious purity, the longing for earthly glory and eternal salvation. Suicide bombing is not just a tactic in a larger war: it overwhelms the political goals it is meant to serve. It creates its own logic and transforms the culture of those who employ ...
  • Similarities Between Malli And The Article
    806 words
    Suicide Bombers are known as Martyrs. They are all over the world and they all have their similarities and differences. In the New York Times article, "All Suicide Bombers Are Not Alike" by Joseph Lely veld has a lot of similarities and several differences with the main character Malli the suicide bomber in the movie "The Terrorist". The NY Times article was written from place in Gaza, and Cairo. The movie was taken place in Sri Lanka. There are many similarities between Malli and the article. B...

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