Teenage Parents essay topics

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  • Parents Teenagers
    513 words
    Parents Teenagers are under more stress than any other age of people in the world, especially those who are seniors. There are so many things to do, to think of, making major life decisions, and keeping up with the trust and responsibilities expected from our parents. I'm not sure if it is the time that have changed or if my parents do not remember what it is like to be a teenager. I am a senior in high school, which by itself is a big responsibility. Seniors are role models for all the younger ...
  • Their Teenagers With A Cell Phone
    548 words
    English Essay Honors English Pd. D October 12, 2000 When cellular phones and pagers first hit the market in the early '80's, customers were mainly businesses. Now, families are the fastest-growing segment of wireless customers, according to Cellular Ones homepage. Springing from this trend is the booming teenage market. The devices have become so popular, manufacturers are now making them in bright colors that appeal to younger customers. But besides the fact that cellular phones are fashionable...
  • Consistent Use Of Contraceptives By Teenagers
    1,390 words
    Teenage parenthood is by no means a new social phenomenon. Historically, women have tended to begin childbearing during their teens and early twenties. During the past two decades the U.S. teenage birthrate has actually declined (Polit and others, 1982). In the late 1950's, 90 out of 1000 women under 20 gave birth as compared with 52 out of 1000 in 1978. Several factors contribute to the current attention focused on teenage pregnancy and parenthood. There is currently a large number of young wom...
  • Children Of Divorced Parents
    859 words
    Divorce among Americans is rampant. Anymore, divorces are as common as marriages themselves. Couples marry and then something goes wrong in their relationship, so they divorce. Although a divorce may be hard on the adults involved, what about the children? What happens to the kids of these broken marriages? Some parents who are going through a divorce wonder what the effects of their divorce will be on their children. They worry that the divorce will cause their children emotional problems that ...
  • The Causes Of Teenage Rebellion
    1,031 words
    It is very common for teenagers to experience a period of rebellion. Normal rebellious behavior develops over time, beginning with a teen wanting to be with friends more and disagreeing with parents more frequently. Problem rebellion is sudden and drastically out of character. Society stamps a "bad teen" label on rebellious teens. These teenagers are not always bad teens. To understand why teens rebel, one has to look past society's label and into teens' backgrounds and mental thoughts. There ar...
  • Teenage Parents Respect From The Public
    377 words
    Yesterday's mistakes; today's lessons The Scarlet Letter is certainly relevant to today's teenage parents. The novel shows the hardships of being scorned by the public. In addition, it shows how one can succeed despite public attitudes and opinions. Hester Prynne goes through many trials and knows what it is like to be the outcast. As a result, teenage parents will be able to read this novel and relate with Hester. For instance, everywhere Hester went, she was mocked, scorned, rejected, and ostr...
  • Parental Guidance
    816 words
    ESSAY 1 The Opposition of Teen Curfew A teen curfew law was recently passed in the District of Columbia. This was a needed law to alleviate crime teenagers fall victim of. Minors under the age of 17 should be in their home at a very reasonable hour so they will be energetic, fresh and alert when attending school. I am convinced that the more freedom teenagers have the more opportunity they have to get into trouble. Although most parents feel that the government is taking their place in raising t...
  • Teenager And Their Feelings
    426 words
    Collier, James. The Hard Life of the Teenager. New York: Four Winds Press 1972.187 pages. This book has very real, accurate, and detailed accounts and examples of why the adolescent is usually rebellious, confused, lonely, and depressed st this period of time in their lives. Collier's book covers from the teenager's feelings of inadequacy to sex and the teenager. Mr. Collier gives examples of what he had experienced as a teenager, as well as his friends, and teenagers in other countries and thei...
  • Teenage Rebellion
    390 words
    Teenage Rebellion The term 'teenager's tarted being used in the 1940's. After the depression, young men and women were able to stay in school longer than previous generations. For the first time there were large groups of kids aged 15 to 18 that found themselves in the same place. This created the social class of the teenager. The main purpose of the teenager was to rebel. At that time rebellion was as easy as saying a bad word or wearing a skirt above your knees. The social majority saw that ki...
  • Hester Prynne Like Many Teenage Parents
    606 words
    Teenage parents Teenage parents rarely live life to its fullest and find themselves outcasts from society. Hester Prynne, in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, finds herself ostracized from the rest of society when she becomes impregnated by an anonymous man who turns out to be the beloved Reverend Dimmesdale. She lives a hard life and is forced to raise her child on her own while facing the scrutiny of others, much like today's teenage parents. Because of these similarities, The Scarlet ...
  • Novel The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne
    701 words
    Relevance of The Scarlet Letter to Teenage Parents Throughout life, people are told all about the stories of the olden days. Vastly these stories are becoming more and more unrealistic because of the changing times. In the novel The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, a married woman named Hester Prynne, has a child with a man who is not her husband. Because she commited adultery, Prynne has to wear a scarlet letter "A" on her bosom. Throughout the novel, Prynne has to go through many cruel t...
  • Today's Teenage Parents
    674 words
    What each generation or society views as good and bad seems to change with the times. Even the way people carry out their daily tasks is different from the past. That's what the advancement of mankind is all about. In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne shows a perfect example of how the past can never really be the same as the present. Because the times have changed, The Scarlet Letter is not relevant to today's teenage parents. One way the times have changed is that teenage parents are not...
  • History Of The Present Parents Of Teenagers
    747 words
    When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a teenager at the ripe old age of 16 to dissolve the bands which have connected them with their parents and to assume among the powers of the earth, a separate and equal residence to which the laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of the parents requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to move out the house. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all teenagers are ...
  • Parents Act Like Hermia's Father
    427 words
    Are parents taking over teenager's lives? Though parents may look innocent watch out. They can weave themselves into every part of what is supposed to be a teenager's life. Until teenagers are 18 parents are in control. In A Midsummer Nights Dream by William Shakespeare, parents act like Hermia's father by trying to control their teenager's every move, not listening to their children, and pushing their children to run or rebel. Parents continually try to control their teenager's lives. They thin...
  • Romeo And Juliet
    1,274 words
    Parents today have a difficult job raising teenagers and teenagers have a difficult dealing with their parents. As teenagers try to be independent, parents want to know what they are doing and whom they are with at all times. Teenagers struggle with moodiness, depression, peer pressure, and love. Things were not much different in the Shakespearian era as told in the story of Romeo and Juliet. They may have talked different than we do today, but they still struggled with the same issues. Romeo an...
  • Today's Generations Of Teenagers
    1,064 words
    Membership in a community means different things to different people, which causes conflict between members and outsiders. Members of the teenage community encounter negative prejudices daily because of the preconceived idea that all teenagers engage in behavior harmful to themselves, to others, and to society as a whole. Because the prejudice is applied to all members just the same, undeserving members are assumed to be detrimental, fitting that criterion of a teenager, regardless of one's own ...
  • Substance Abuse By Teenagers
    444 words
    Society believes that teenagers are today's corruption of the world. At the odd "teen" age, people begin to explore new substances such as alcohol and drugs which can ruin a person's life. Parents feel very strong about this issue because teenagers are the world's future and they refuse to let the future be destroyed. They demand that the government should enforce a curfew among teens to put an end to this substance abuse but, in reality, parents are the only people capable of stopping the abuse...
  • Should Teenagers Be Given All The Freedom They Want
    822 words
    Imagine a world where teenagers were given all the freedom they wanted and that there was no guidance for them nor were parented properly. There would be all sorts of consequences. Below are just a few: o Use of alcohol and drugs o Stealing or theft o Behaviour can become disrespectful or defiant o Skipping School o Demanding and selfish attitude o Disregard for rules, responsibilities and family functioning o Poor study behaviour and skills o Becoming destructive, threatening or violent behavio...
  • Teenagers Use Drugs
    709 words
    Many teenagers today use illegal drugs and substances. There are many factors that influence drug use. Whether people say it is parents that influence the most or peers that influence the most, each one has a role in it. Some surveys say drug use is going down and some say it is going up. Whichever the case may be it is still a problem to our society. The presence of a parent is no as important as people think when talking about drug use. Research shows that the "presence or absence of parents i...
  • Teenage Abortions Without Parental Consent
    495 words
    According to National statistics found on the world wide web, over 64% of teenage pregnancies in the United States are terminated by abortion every year. This is a very startling statistic especially when you think about how many unborn babies 64% is. Because of the doctor patient confidentiality law a lot of pregnant teenagers parents power is taken away. This makes teen abortions rather questionable. Because of the doctor patient confidentiality law in the United States a pregnant teenager can...

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