Telling Of The Story essay topics

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  • Children A Story
    625 words
    Many parents with children know how hard it is to travel on long trips with them. In the short story "The Story Teller" by Saki, an aunt was traveling with 3 little children. When the tries to get the children's attention, the children don't respond to her and continue to disobey her. When a bachelor that was traveling in the same carriage as them starts to tell the offspring's a story, the children, with hesitation at first, start to listen to him with excitement. The bachelor seemed to know wh...
  • Sutpen's Story To Quentin
    4,711 words
    Who says what - and how and when - may be the most compelling way William Faulkner constructs his characters in Absalom, Absalom! Storytelling is not just an act in which the saga of the Sutpens is recounted, revised, and even recreated; it is a gesture of self-disclosure. Each revelation about the past provides a glimpse into the present state of the narrating character's mind. The rhetoric, the digressions, the strange (and often obsessive) fixations of each character's account are the product...
  • Responsibility For One's Own Story
    1,080 words
    Historical Obliviousness in Michael Ondaatje's In the Skin of a Lion Graciela Moreira Sepoy, Postgraduate Student, Laval University, Canada This web essay is based upon a paper the author wrote for Professor Neil Bissoondath's "Postcolonial Literature II" [ANG-64699 A], Laval University. Michael Ondaatje's In the Skin of a Lion narrates the forgotten stories of those who contributed to the building of the city Toronto, particularly immigrants and marginal individuals. In the very first page of t...
  • Important For Stories
    1,149 words
    Storytelling is as old as speech. Once upon a time, everyone was a storyteller. To fight boredom and keep themselves company, these early storytellers chanted as they worked, telling the story of what they were doing. Then "I" stories became narratives involving other people and the elements, and storytellers told tales of heros, myths, and legends. The art of storytelling evolved naturally because some people preferred telling tales and other preferred listening to them. As society developed, p...
  • Mark Sway And Reggie Love
    1,068 words
    The Client by John Grisham The story starts when Mark and his little brother are secretly smoking in the woods near their home. Suddenly they hear a car. The car stops and the driver gets out, fastens a hose to the exhaust pipe and gets back in his car: he wants to commit suicide. Mark removes the hose twice, but the third time the man notices him and grabs him into his car. The Man is named Jerome Clifford, but all his friends called him 'Romey'. Romey says that now Mark is in the car, they hav...
  • Alatiel And Antioco's Friend
    904 words
    The Decameron, by Boccaccio, is a frame story written in the mid fourteenth century. There are a hundred stories told over a span of ten days. On the second day, a man tells a story about a princess, Alatiel, who was sent away to marry a king. Before Alatiel reaches her destination, she has sexual experiences with a lot of different men. Alatiel is treated like an object and allows this objectification to happen because she is so fickle and does nothing to stop the men. The fickleness of Alatiel...
  • African American Race
    653 words
    Sweat Steven Wood Jerry Erath Essay #47th March 1997 It is easy to see why a person would find 'Sweat' an offensive story. Many who read this story will find that the style in which it is written to be degrading to the African American race. However, this assumption has little backing. Zora Hurston is clearly relaying a story that tells of her time. Today 'Sweat' is stereotypical is to deny the fact that this is the way things were at one time. For a person to acknowledge the way things were is ...
  • Story Julian
    734 words
    The Conjure Woman The first half of Charles W. Chestnutt's The Conjure Woman begins with the interaction between a Northern white male and the conventional portrayal of a slave. In the novel an old ex-plantation slave, Julius, recounts stories that he says he heard as a child. The audience of the stories is the white Northern male, who is the narrator of the story, and his sickly wife, Annie. The stories are told for many purposes but my favorite reason behind the telling of the tales is Julius'...
  • Lulu About The History Of Fleur
    1,186 words
    Fleur's Tracks In Louise Erdrich's 'Tracks'; , the readers discovers by the second chapter that there are two narrators, Nanapush and Pauline Puy at. This method of having two narrators telling their stories alternately could be at first confusing, especially if the readers hasn't been briefed about it or hasn't read a synopsis of it. Traditionally, there is one narrator in the story, but Erdrich does an effective and spectacular job in combining Nanapush and Pauline's stories. It is so well wri...
  • Woman Warrior Maxine Hong Kingston
    595 words
    Storytelling has helped humankind evolve into a wiser species by allowing those with enough attentiveness and intelligence to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors. The Chinese culture, like many others worldwide, base their beliefs largely on stories passed down from generation to generation. Because stories are told and retold, alterations and even new versions appear. Such is the case in ' Fa Mu Lan,' for more than one version is known to exist to this day. Many times the changes in a...
  • Story Telling Painting Story
    779 words
    Story Telling & Painting Story telling has been around for ages. At one time or another everyone has listened to a story or read a story to someone else. Story telling is something that instructs and entertains. For many people it is a simple way of passing time, but this is not the only art form that is used to instruct, entertain, or just pass time. There are many others like painting, basket making, music, drama, and so forth that also instruct. Painting is an art form that can be just as ins...
  • Narrator's Manner
    512 words
    "A Little Princess" by Frances Hodgson Burnett Individual Prose Performance Introduction: "A Little Princess" by Frances Hodgson Burnett, is about a little girl, named Sara Crewe, who attends a boarding school in London away from her loving father. She wears beautiful clothes, has gracious manners, and tells the most wonderful stories. Then one day, Sara becomes penniless and must wear rags, sleep in the school's dreary attic and work for a living. She is all alone, but keeps telling herself tha...
  • Charles Chesnutt
    835 words
    Tiffany Ramirez English 1302 Mrs. Jan dura February 12, 2002 The Mystery Of a Loved One Charles Waddell Chesnutt was one of the greatest African American short-story writer and novelist during the late 19th century. "His works describe the complex social relations created in the United States by slavery" (Chesnutt). Charles Chesnutt was the first African American writer to receive a widespread of attention during his lifetime. Chesnutt lived in Cleveland, Ohio; however was raised in Fayetteville...
  • Rat And Curt Lemon
    387 words
    In "How to tell a True War Story", Tim O'Brien creates a narrator that tells a war story over and over with little bits and pieces added on every time he tells it. He can never quit finish telling his whole story because he thinks about it too much and doesn't want to remember what he saw that day. The war story took place in Vietnam up in the foggy and moist mountains deep in the jungle. There were two main people involved in the story; Bob Kiley, who everyone called him by the nickname of "Rat...
  • Similarity Between Connie In Oates Story
    1,965 words
    Similar Meanings When looking at two stories, ? A Good Man is Hard to Find? by Flannery O? Connor and? Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?? by Joyce Carol Oates, many similarities are seen. A possible reason for many of the similarities between the two stories is due to the fact that Oates was? inspired by O? Connor and a sophisticate reader of her fiction? (Gentry 44). O? Connor's works were not exactly original ideas either because she uses several specific elements from C hauser's works...
  • Story Of The Kiowa Culture
    1,606 words
    N. Scott Momaday's The Way To Rainy Mountain provides a link into the Kiowa culture that otherwise would have been lost. His emphasis throughout the piece is concentrated mainly on his grand mother who had just passed away. Her death represents the death of the Kowa culture. She was the last to dance the Sun Dance, a kiowan dance ritual. He speaks of the advances of the U.S. Cavalry who forced the Kiowas of their land. ' they never understood the grim, unrelenting advance of the U.S. Cavalry. ' ...
  • Finish Of Menenhetets Tale
    1,585 words
    "9 out of 10 book critics rate this novel 100% fat free' which is nine more than Monica's Story received. Ancient Evenings book cover by Will Hackett Ancient Evenings is a long and arduous book that tells the tale of a man in ancient Egypt. The setting is a far cry from any other book that I have read because it is a historical fiction that is entwined with the scenery that includes the Great Pyramids, Tyre, Syria, and references to other locations from antiquity. The novel starts off with the n...
  • Feeling Of The Novel
    337 words
    Reading a number one best-selling novel, then seeing a screenplay based on the same story can be somewhat disappointing. Angela's Ashes is no exception. The story is told in two versions, the author's point of view, and how the screenplay writer tells the story. The author, Frank McCourt, takes you on a vivid journey of his youth in Limerick, Ireland. He is so detailed about the scenery, that you can actually feel the dampness of the Shannon River. McCourt's ability to tell his story puts you in...

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