Their Body Looks essay topics

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  • 30 A.M. And Jonathan
    1,275 words
    i see a pretty face smashed against the bathroom floor... "Jonathan sat on the floor next to the window in his dark bedroom alone. He watched the cascade of rain drip down his window from off the roof. Lighting stroke across the morbid night sky. His body, which was curled up in a ball, was leaning against the wall. His sad brown eyes were filled with salty tears while listening to his father and stepmother fight in the kitchen. His stepmother was very contemptible. His father wasn't. He was a g...
  • Ad On The Perfume Obsession
    1,152 words
    Looking at the ad many obvious observations can be made. You see a female bent over a toilet. Then you notice the writing on the ad. Then you realize that it is an ad for the widely marketed perfume Obsession. Hey wait a minute. When did obsession start making ads where women were bent over on the toilet? Oh, I see. That's when it clicks. Its not really an ad on the perfume obsession but really a joke or parody on the perfume name. It has become an Obsession for women to have the ideal body type...
  • Subject Being Of Women's Body Parts
    428 words
    Something that is so unexplainable to the human eye may portray cubism. You can look at over and over again, but each time you look at it there is something new that is discovered in the painting. However in some of Picasso's work it may be just a bunch of geometric indefinite lines and shapes, but it is the work of pure abstraction. Observing Picasso's work of the "Nude Woman" is obviously unforeseen along with many of his other works, but this captures the eyes of many. The definite shapes, li...
  • Cultural Diversity With Body Image
    2,560 words
    Melissa Will yard November 29, 1999 English 1201 Body Obsession in the Media In a world where image seems to be everything, it's hard not to pay attention to the way you look. Body Image is a quickly growing fad all over the world today. Everyone wants to be that "Victoria Secret" model or the buff guy on the cover of GQ magazine. The problem is some people go the wrong way about obtaining that image and even go to the extent of hurting themselves to reach that ideal look. Many of us catch ourse...
  • Get Ready Said Tim
    608 words
    No one ever imagined that an innocent prank would result in the flashing squad cars now rushing to the scene. Thinking bout it all now, wishing that it never happened! It was just a joke to be funny not harmful. As we walked to the train railroads we looked at each other. This was all due to a intimation to our club. We had all done it before! But this was different. I looked at Tim, he gave me a assured look. Billy looked scared, and for some reason i did to but i also had a bad feeling. I only...
  • Beautiful And A Form Of Art
    489 words
    Women throughout history, from the 1500's till now have been looked at as objects. In the 1500's during the time of the Renaissance woman were often portrayed in art in the nude. Curves at that time showed women as being goddess like. The more curvy and voluptuous you were the more beautiful men saw you. Artists who painted the female body were often commissioned by rich men to paint these paintings to hang in their houses. Women in this age are still portrayed in art in the nude. Mostly in nude...
  • My Whole Body
    1,386 words
    The blinding sun light spilled onto my exhausted underside from the window across the room as the un laundered shirt was whisked away. The sight of the dank pullover was replaced with an anxious peering face. I knew that look in his face well. He had grown imaginative last night and was staring at my strained body, almost seemingly considering if what he had in mind might be too much for my experienced frame. Then as if he had made his decision a smile broke his expression and with the tip of hi...
  • New Challenges And Places
    599 words
    A creek is no place for shoes. I think its unreasonable to ask such children to keep their shoes on in such a place. My bare feet were always covered with calluses from walking down the rough pavement of Pine Street and around the corner, past the tall oaks, but not as far as the Lindsay's squeaky old swing-set. It was hard to see from the road, and as far as I could tell, nobody ever went there, except for me. Large pines nearby stood tall and erect, looking down at the ripples and currents tha...
  • Health Body
    772 words
    Body Image Millions of Americans women and men have a secret obsession. They " re obsessed with how they look, who wouldnt like a flatter stomach They worry that their thighs are too flabby, their breasts are too small, their arms are too scrawny, their face is too chubby, their body build is too small any body part can become the focus of this obsession. Quite obviously, most people care about how they look. I have found that most of these insecurities are a prodigy of media: television, magazi...
  • Bass Looks
    467 words
    Description paper You can describe an object a few ways. Depending on what that object is, you have to decide on the best manner of analyzing it. If you were describing a musical instrument like a bass or guitar, the physical description might be sufficient. However, to a musician there's a lot more to it. Sitting in a music stand in the corner of a room right now is a bass. This bass looks very simple to the eye, but actually has a lot more detail than you think. To the normal eye, someone sees...
  • Effect Of Obesity On One's Mental Health
    932 words
    COMPLETELY IN MLA FORMAT! JUST ADJUST MARGINS! Grant WadeS. ChesneEng. 101329 March 2005 Obesity and Self-Esteem Today obesity is talked about as a major physical health problem. It can cause diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, immobilization, and many other problems. However many articles fail to mention what is one of the most important and most destructive problems. This is the effect of obesity on one's mental health and wellbeing. Being excessively overweight usually instills in i...
  • Rest Of Lee's Body
    1,094 words
    The Amber Spyglass The polar bear king, Iorek Byrnison, has entered another world to seek out his friend Lee Scoresby... And some time later, Iorek Byrnison stepped through the blackened undergrowth and the heat-split rocks at the edge of a burnt forest. The sun was glaring through the smoky haze, but he ignored the heat as he ignored the charcoal dust that blackened his white fur and the midges that searched in vain for skin to bite. He had come a long way, and at one point in his journey, he h...
  • Girl Looks
    1,561 words
    Lory n Fox K.E. Jones English 110 14 March 2000 Beauty Within Everything around us in society seems to contain hidden messages. The media is a main proponent of this, including television shows, magazines, billboard signs, and commercials among others. All of these variations of media have something in common; they depict all woman having thin bodies. Many girls and women are left thinking, "What's wrong with me, my body doesn't look like that" Unfortunately today we are exposed to the media con...
  • Huangs Arms Into The Judges Head
    1,886 words
    english-creative writing DO YOU HAVE CARTOON MUSIC PLAYING IN YOUR HEAD TOO Her tattoo was of a skull with wings. Doug reflected on the idea that a skull with angelic wings was a bit of an oxymoron. She had her hair pulled up in pigtails; a faux-cute self mockery that made her look the part of the raver she was trying so hard to be. Her black tank top was offset by the white vinyl pants that she was wearing. Her whole outfit couldnt have been cheap. This was strange, because obviously she was go...
  • Way Her Body Looks
    1,046 words
    In today's society, there are women being controlled by expectations of being slim and having that "perfect body". Women have to face the publicity of magazines, talk shows concerning weight, weight-loss programs, and so on, all influencing them to lose weight and be thin, or society won't accept them. Katherine Haines says just this in her article, "Whose Body Is This". She argues against and blames society for the insecurities and the dissatisfaction of women and their bodies. The "look" that ...
  • The Morning After A Party Descriptive
    449 words
    My head is pounding as if someone is shaking it furiously. I slowly look around and see an all too familiar setting. I gradually rise off the disgusting floor, which is soaking in beer, and glance around the basement. Moving through the crowd of intoxicated people, I see my older brother unconsciously lying under a herd of unruly people. The mysterious thought of why I am laying on the floor instead of my own comfortable bed incessantly crosses my mind. All of the sudden, the painstaking sound o...
  • Looks
    570 words
    Looking in the mirror I now see how warped my views of my own body's appearance must have been. My body now looks healthier and I do not look so weak that I could fall apart if someone were to gently touch me. I have more color in my face and my eyes look brighter. I feel better about the decisions I am now making for my life. As I stand here I also remember the times where it was more difficult for me to feel as positive about myself. "Why do your knees look like doorknobs?" someone in my seven...
  • O Girls And Women
    921 words
    You and the Media... Did you ever stop and think about how much the Media (television, movies, magazines and newspapers) can affect our own body image and our own self-esteem? It can have a big play on how we perceive ourselves, without us even realizing. What is Media? Media, according to Webster's Dictionary, is "the medium of cultivation, conveyance, or expression", and is most readily referred to in the agencies of mass communication". We are constantly influenced, whether we know it or not,...
  • 2 The Illness
    742 words
    In Anorexia Anorexia Nervosa In today's society, we often hear of people who suffer daily from illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, tuberculosis, downs syndrome and many other types of illness both communicable and non-communicable. What about the illness that consumes the life of over eight million Americans, 90% being women? "Anorexia nervosa, in medicine a condition characterized by intense fear of gaining weight or becoming obese, as well as a distorted bod...

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