Turtle essay topics

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  • Green Sea Turtle
    1,950 words
    Green Turtle Introduction The Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) is one of the many species of turtles that inhabits the vast oceans. The green turtle is named for the greenish color of its fat found under its shell. It is a large, heavy reptile, usually about 0.7-1.0 m in shell length and about 90-140 kg in weight. The maximum length and weight are about 1.2 m and 375 kg respectively. (1) The green turtles upper shell is smooth and wide, the animal is brown, but when the light from the sun hits it, ...
  • Painted Turtle Species
    1,726 words
    The turtle, he is an elusive creature. Hidden well in the water. He is also hidden well in his shell. The shell alone provokes our childlike curiosity to see whats inside, to explore. The more we learn about them the more questions we have. How do they live, how do the reproduce, how do they as cold blooded reptiles survive the winter, and many other mysteries. Science has begun to solve some of these problems, but new problems appear every day. Turtles are very interesting animals. One of the m...
  • Sea Turtle Populations
    1,220 words
    Lauren McGrory Sea turtles have existed since their giant land turtle ancestors returned to the sea sometime during the Age of Dinosaurs. Although there were many species of sea turtles back then, only eight species have managed to survive modern times. The green, black, loggerhead, Kemp's Ridley, olive ridley, hawksbill, flat back, and leatherback turtles are in existence on our planet today. All eight species of sea turtles are listed as threatened or d angered on the U.S. Endangered and Threa...
  • Three General Constraints For Reproduction With Sea
    276 words
    Sea Turtle Reproduction In this seminar the reproduction of sea turtles was discussed. Many facets of the sea turtle's reproduction were discussed including: three general constraints for reproduction, reproductive behavior, periodicity, and the nesting process. There are three general constraints for reproduction with sea turtles. The first is that nesting must occur during conditions which are conducive to adult activity. Second, that nesting must occur during conditions which facilitate embry...
  • One Specie Of Sea Turtle
    1,580 words
    Bethany Maynard Mrs. Myer English 10 A May 28, 1996 Sea Turtles: Why they are Endangered and Conservation Due to development, hunting, and human indifference, all eight species of sea turtles have been pushed toward extinction. There are, however, many organizations, institutions, and groups out to try to save these creatures. The adult sea turtle faces no natural predators except that of man. Over the last century man has nearly killed off all eight species of sea turtle. Without the help of th...

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