Utilitarian Morality essay topics

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  • Effects Of Actions On The General Happiness
    8,882 words
    UTILITARIANISMbyJohn Stuart Mill (1863) Chapter 2 What Utilitarianism Is. A PASSING remark is all that needs be given to the ignorant blunder of supposing that those who stand up for utility as the test of right and wrong, use the term in that restricted and merely colloquial sense in which utility is opposed to pleasure. An apology is due to the philosophical opponents of utilitarianism, for even the momentary appearance of confounding them with any one capable of so absurd a misconception; whi...
  • Harris's Survival Lottery
    939 words
    It is better to give than to receive. I believe I was about nine years old when I heard that statement for the first time. It was in church. It was one of those things that I randomly chose to hear while sitting in church every Sunday. Normally anything that was said in that building never made sense to me and I never had any use for retaining it. This time however something did make sense to me. Perhaps it was because my parents had been telling me that same thing except in a more ambiguous and...
  • Moral Act
    1,197 words
    Utilitarianism and Kantian Ethics Ethics is one part of philosophy that will always be studied, and like most subjects in philosophy, will never be viewed the same by everyone. There are so many cultures that have so many different beliefs about the way a person's life should be lived out. Things like religion, poverty, and mental health all contribute to our beliefs in ethics. Some people believe that the mental state of a person or the motive for that person committing a crime should be factor...
  • Utilitarian Course Of Action
    544 words
    THEORY -- The theory of Utilitarianism states that actions should be judged as right or wrong depending on whether they cause more happiness or unhappiness. It weighs the rightness and wrongness of an action based on consequences of that action. PRINCIPLES -- (1) CONSEQUENCE PRINCIPLE: Actions are to be judged right or wrong mainly by their own consequences. Nothing else matters. Right actions are those that have the best consequences. -No act is right in and of it self. -No act is wrong in and ...
  • Mill's Utilitarian Theory
    2,805 words
    Immanuel Kant's Ethics Of Pure Duty In Comparison To John Stuart Mill's Utilitarian Ethics Of Justice Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill are philosophers who addressed the issues of morality in terms of how moral traditions are formed. Immanuel Kant has presented one viewpoint in The Grounding For The Metaphysics of Morals that is founded on his belief that the worth of man is inherent in his ability to reason. John Stuart Mill holds another opinion as presented in the book, Utilitarianism that ...
  • Utilitarian Answer
    1,260 words
    In this paper I shall explore the reasons behind why utility should be considered the "ultimate appeal on ethical questions", as stated by Mill, and in ethical situations. In life, we should look to attain the greatest overall quality of life, which is done through obtaining happiness within ourselves. However, at the same time it is important to consider the pleasure of others as they, theoretically, would be doing the same for us. If people started to try and take advantage of others living th...
  • Utilitarianism And Egoism Many Feminists
    467 words
    Feminist Objections to Kantian, Utilitarianism, and Egoism Many feminists have problems or objections to Kantian morals, utilitarian ideas, and egoism. The feminist morals are based on care and equality. Many of these ethics have a lot of problems when relating to a feminist. Feminists have a lot of objections to Kantian morals. For example, there is too much emphasis on duty. For example, a feminist might argue that because feminists emphasize care so much, duty can sometimes overshadow care. A...
  • Since The Act Utilitarian Judges Morality
    2,015 words
    PART B- IS FEMINISM A HARMFUL IDEOLOGY Describe two central moral issues. In Issue 4, "Is Feminism a Harmful Ideology" I believe that the two central moral issues to this debate are as follows: (1) Is it immoral to infringe upon individual liberty (even if some other good can come of it) (2) Is it immoral to discriminate based on sex (even if there are innate differences, which are relevant to the situation) What makes these distinctly moral issues, as opposed to legal, religious, or socio-polit...
  • Full Moral Rights
    614 words
    Right Theory: 1. Rights create obligations, type of moral discourse & involve agents, being who act & are acted upon. People are given obligations to respect your rights. There is no right to obligate other people rights. (Conventional rights: Created by group of people as law or regulation in our society. Ex: right to vote, to purchase weapon; Moral rights: Discovered from generation to generation, these are universal rights & they exist because of the nature of things) 2. Bi level approach to ...

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