Victims Of Violence essay topics

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  • Just Victims
    867 words
    Domestic violence is a topic that many of us will not feel affected by, but as a matter of fact this kind of violence is skyrocketing in our society. In the U.S., as many as 1.5 million women and 850,000 men were physically assaulted by their intimate partner last year, and numerous children abused by their parents. These sad criminal acts will continue to grow in our society, unless our community takes action to stop these crimes. First of all the most important tool we have available against t...
  • Protective Orders
    338 words
    Currently, protective orders are only provided during regular court hours to victims of domestic abuse. However, the occurrence of violence has no time frame - it does not only take place or transpire on a nine to five time clock. Therefore, I propose that legislation should be pushed forward which allows District commissioners the authority to put temporary restraining orders on people accused of domestic violence. It is important to note that victims may not receive full protection until the e...
  • Subject Of Military Violence
    3,034 words
    As I am heading off this summer to be trained as a Chaplain in the U.S. Navy, and I consider myself to be just shy of a pacifist, I am highly interested in questions of military ethics. I deal very often with both inward and outward doubts about the possible hypocrisies involved in becoming a piece of the infrastructure of a machine whose actions I may often disagree with. In the end I have my reasons as to why I'm still going through with it and I will have to deal with the specific dilemmas as...
  • Seventy Percent Of Domestic Violence Victims
    2,914 words
    Why Do Women Stay? Domestic violence is a serious and complex plague of society that affects all, but women make up the largest number of victims in most case studies. In the United States alone, "1.5 million women are raped or physically assaulted by an intimate partner each year. More than 500,000 women victims require medical treatment, and 324,000 victims are pregnant at the time of assault" (Berlinger, "Taking" 42). Numbers like these show how intense the situation of domestic violence trul...
  • Domestic Violence As A Political Issue
    972 words
    ... cion by those who see domestic violence as a political issue to be exploited rather than a social problem to be solved. Studies of women who murderCoramae Mann, a criminologist at Indiana University, studied the case records of all murders committed by women between 1979 and 1983 in six major U.S. cities. Her findings contradicted commonly-held ideas about women who murder, and she was criticized by some people for this. 'They would raise the question, 'Well you have these poor battered wome...
  • Fall Victim To Violence And Sexual Attacks
    868 words
    Pornography Can Lead To Violence toward Women Domestic violence and sexual assaults on women continue to plague American culture. According to Ms. Magazine, a woman has a seven times greater chance of experiencing a sexual attack in the present time than in 1933. This statistic indicates major changes in male attitudes about sexual aggressiveness toward women. It seems that men have an increasingly lower esteem of women. Why do women experience abuse now more than ever One may look to American c...
  • Womens Autonomy And Male Violence
    3,824 words
    Male domination and patriarchy have been under challenge by feminists and the women's movement in recent decades. The economic, social and political subjection of women around the world, the violence brought against them and their confinement to the domestic sphere have been analyzed and denounced in academic studies. Most people want to build a new society where gender is not the central factor discriminating between individuals, who should be free to choose the life styles that suit them. Men ...
  • Relationship Of Alcohol To Intimate Partner Violence
    954 words
    I chose this particular topic because I have a friend that was in an abusive relationship. I didn't really understand why she stayed with him for so long. I first started suspecting that she was being abused was when I was on the phone with her and heard him screaming at her in the background. She yelled back and played it off like nothing was wrong. She said usually he was a good guy, but merely had a bad day. I kept asking her why she stayed with him and she always replied that she loved him. ...

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