Vietnamese Soldiers essay topics

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  • South Vietnamese And The American Soldiers
    1,669 words
    Pow 1 The American intervention in Vietnam began in 1963 with the intent of stopping South Vietnamese from falling into Communist hands. In August of that year, Lyndon Johnson, who had taken over the American presidency after the assassination of John F. Kennedy ordered the first air strikes on North Vietnamese. Six months later, the Rolling Thunder air campaign began. In this campaign alone, more bombs were dropped than in all of World War II. The president announced plans were underway for a $...
  • American War As The Vietnamese
    441 words
    Upon reading the novel After Sorrow, written by Lady Borton, I have realized that my view of the Vietnam War was skewed. Although I didn't live through the Vietnam War unlike my parents and their peers, I thought I was close enough in age to fully understand what happened during that time in my countries history. This novel gave the account of the Vietnamese War told by the people of Vietnam who lived there during that time. The American soldiers used bombs, napalm, Agent Orange and other horrib...
  • My Lai The Soldiers
    1,873 words
    "My family was eating breakfast when the Americans came, nothing was said to us, no explanation was given", This is what a man named Do Chu c reported to Time Magazine. He claimed to have lost a daughter and a son in the incident that occured in a small village of Vietnam in 1968. The My Lai Massacre is an event that will be forever imprinted on our hearts. The stories of those who survived, and those who are gone. Many things have been written about My Lai, but not all of them are true. So many...
  • Injured Chris
    1,081 words
    Saad Bhut taU.S. History II Profess: Clark 12 May 2005 Platoon Platoon is a story of a soldier's perspective of the Vietnam War. The movie is for the most part told out of the eyes of members of one platoon of the 25th Infantry Division. It is a movie dedicated to all of the people who fought in the Vietnam War. In the movie, Chris Taylor is a young man from a wealthy family, but while in college, chooses to help his country and do his duty in the Vietnam War. He is sent to Vietnam gets put in t...
  • Killing Of The Two Vietnamese
    795 words
    Rumor Of Warn all wars, civilians always suffer, and inexcusable deliberate acts of murder and pillage always exist. America was certainly no exception, and the public was never more conscious of its own soldiers atrocities then during the long and confusing Vietnam conflict. Often the men who committed these cases were normal persons like anyone else until they became victims of war's pressures. In Vietnam the intense physical strains of the jungle and the feeling of constant futility warped th...
  • Regular Vietnamese Civilians From The Viet Kong
    1,933 words
    The Viet-Innocent Imagine yourself in a newly strange, unfamiliar tropical jungle environment. The catch is, your purpose is not to take eye-catching photographs for National Geographic magazine. Instead, you are assigned to kill people of a foreign land you have never seen before, because your government tells you it is the patriotic, honorable duty you owe your country. Everything is all right in the beginning. You arrive in Vietnam, familiarize yourself with your platoon, acquaintances and cl...

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